lilyma06 发表于 2011-10-14 09:51

【彭博社111013】温州危机蔓延 中国帮小企业渡难关


【原文标题】China Offers Help to Small Companies as Wenzhou Collapse Risks Spreading



【译    者】sophie1125


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10月12日(彭博)香港联昌国际证券有限公司的高级副总裁兼政治分析员龙宝莲在彭博电视台“亚洲在行动”节目中与Rishaad Salamat讨论了美国参议院通过关于惩罚中国人民币汇率低估的法案以及中国的经济前景。(资料来源:彭博)
10月12日(彭博)汇丰银行的中国股票分析主管Steven Sun在彭博电视台“亚洲在行动”节目中与Rishaad Salamat 谈论了关于国家股票、经济、中央银行的货币政策以及中国的银行业状况。持有在全国最大的银行的政府股份的中央汇金投资有限公司表示本周开始将入股中国工商银行、建设银行、农业银行还有中国银行。
媒体借温州工厂业主未能偿债务给那些还不安的投资者而逃逸的事件炒作关于中国银行的资产质量及增长放缓的中国楼市,瑞士银行(UBS AG)在10月11日的报告中说。其经纪人说温州是一座以活跃的私营企业,非银行借贷及投机性投资而闻名的城市。
Wen Jiabao, China's premier. Photographer: Michele Tantussi/Bloomberg
Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Pauline Loong, senior vice president and political analyst at CIMB Securities (HK) Ltd., talks about the U.S. Senate's passage of legislation punishing China for its undervalued currency. Loong also discusses China's economic outlook. She speaks with Rishaad Salamat on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move Asia." (Source: Bloomberg)
Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Steven Sun, head of China equity strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc, talks about the nation's stocks, economy, and central bank monetary policy. Sun also discusses China's banking industry. Central Huijin Investment Co., which holds the government’s stakes in the nation’s largest banks, said this week it began buying shares in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., China Construction Bank Corp., Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. and Bank of China Ltd. Sun speaks with Rishaad Salamat on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move Asia." (Source: Bloomberg)
China announced a package of measures to help small companies, including tax breaks and easier access to bank loans, after the collapse of manufacturers in Wenzhou city highlighted growing risks to the economy.
The government will provide financial support and preferential tax policies for small companies, the State Council said in a statement yesterday, after a meeting at which Premier Wen Jiabao presided. The government will be more tolerant of bad loan ratios for small-company loans, the Cabinet said.
Small companies play an “irreplaceable” role in job creation, technical innovation and social stability, and the funding difficulties and tax burdens facing some of them “deserve high attention,” according to the statement. The support comes after Wen visited Wenzhou in Zhejiang province during a public holiday this month, urging greater support for small- and medium-sized companies.
“These measures are not likely to revamp the entire system for SME financing, but they are long-awaited measures in the right direction to help China’s small business cope with the current monetary tightening and rising uncertainties of external demand,” Lu Ting, a Hong Kong-based economist at Bank of America Corp. who is currently in Wenzhou, wrote in a research report today. “The private lending woes in Wenzhou could potentially worsen if the local government and Beijing do not take steps to intervene.”
Media “hype” surrounding reports of Wenzhou factory owners fleeing after failing to pay debts unnerved investors concerned about Chinese banks’ asset quality and a slowdown in the property market, UBS AG said in an Oct. 11 report. The city is known for a “vibrant private sector,” non-bank lending, and speculative investment in property, the brokerage said.
Informal Lending
Tighter credit policies have forced smaller manufacturers to seek loans through informal channels. Excessively high lending rates prompted Wenzhou to set an upper limit on the interest rates that private non-bank lenders can charge, in an effort to control risk in the banking industry.
China’s economic growth slowed to 9.2 percent in the third quarter from 9.5 percent in the second, while gains in consumer prices, exports and imports slowed in September, according to Bloomberg surveys ahead of data to be released this month.
The government will extend income-tax breaks for small businesses until the end of 2015 and encourage bank lending by lowering requirements on bad loans and risk weightings, yesterday’s statement said.
Low Ratios
China will maintain “relatively low” reserve ratios for small financial institutions, and the growth in lending to small companies should not be slower than banks’ overall credit expansion, according to the statement.
Regulators will be “appropriately” more tolerant of bad- loan ratios for small company loans, the statement said without being specific. The government also seeks to expand bond sales by small businesses and “strictly restrict” advisory fees banks charge them.
There hasn’t been waves of closures among small and medium- sized companies in China, although some face difficulties operating and obtaining funding partly because of rising raw material and labor costs and lending curbs aimed at fighting inflation, the People’s Bank of China said in its second-quarter report released in August.
China has raised interest rates three times this year and ordered lenders to set aside a bigger portion of their deposits to curb inflation, running near a three-year high.
Monetary tightening and smaller loan quotas have led to a 50 percent surge in informal lending this year as small businesses and developers turned to state-owned companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals for loans at interest rates of 6 percent to 8 percent, according to Credit Suisse.
China plans to implement new rules on bank liquidity on Jan. 1, 2012, to help lenders cope with potential shocks caused by funding difficulties, the nation’s banking regulator said yesterday.

小彬儿 发表于 2011-10-14 22:36


chorus209 发表于 2011-10-16 15:54

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