diver18 发表于 2011-10-17 18:47


Romney: China must respect the free-trade system
By Mitt Romney, Published: October 14

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The feckless economic policies of the Obama administration have resulted in a 10 percent decline in our median income, persistent unemployment above 8 percent and collapsing home and asset values.

Understandably, some ask whether we should abandon the economic principles behind our historic prosperity. Should government redistribute wealth? Is free enterprise a flawed system? Should we abandon free trade? No, no and no. Redistribution is what once impoverished China and the Soviet Union. Free enterprise is the only permanent cure for poverty. Free trade has the demonstrated ability to make the people of both trading nations more prosperous.

But for free enterprise and free trade to work their magic, laws and rules that guide the participants are essential to prevent distortions and abuses. If the rules are modern and dynamic, enterprise can thrive. If they are burdensome and antiquated, enterprise will stall. For rules to be effective, of course, all players must abide by them. The incentive to cheat can be enormous. So is the harm that cheating can cause.

China is a case in point. Having embraced free enterprise to some degree, the Chinese government and Chinese companies have quickly divined the benefits of ignoring the rules followed by others. China seeks advantage through systematic exploitation of other economies. It misappropriates intellectual property by coercing “technology transfers” as a condition of market access; enables theft of intellectual property, including patents, designs and know-how; hacks into foreign commercial and government computers; favors and subsidizes domestic producers over foreign competitors; and manipulates its currency to artificially reduce the price of its goods and services abroad.

The result is that China sells high-quality products to the United States at low prices. But too often the source of that high quality is American innovations stolen by Chinese companies. And the source of those low prices is too often subsidies from the Chinese government or manipulation of the Chinese currency.

Some argue that access to quality goods at low prices are good for our consumers. But like the predatory pricing prohibited under our antitrust laws, China’s underpriced products lead to an undesirable and inefficient elimination of competing businesses, with serious long-term consequences. And in this case, the businesses killed are often our own. Meanwhile, American companies do not even get the supposed benefit of the free-trade bargain: When they try to do business in the Chinese market, they find policies designed to shut them out.

Candidate Obama talked tough about China’s trade policies; President Obama has whispered about them. China smiles, diverts attention by criticizing the United States and merrily continues to eat our economic lunch. Who can blame the Chinese for ignoring our timid complaints when the status quo has served them so well?

Actually doing something about China’s cheating makes some people nervous. Not doing something makes me nervous. We are warned that we might precipitate a trade war. Really? China is selling us $273 billion per year more than America is selling China — why would it possibly want a trade war?


于2011-10-14 15:19:22翻译
译者注:总统候选人 罗姆尼的竞选表态,看他怎么说咋中国的吧!



          作弊的刺激是巨大的,作弊带来的危害也是巨大的。  中国就是一个案例。自由企业之路已经走到一定阶段,中国政府和公司已经迅速地从忽视他国遵守的规则中获得极大的利益。他们在系统开发其他的经济体中占优势。它通过挪用“技术”侵占知识产权作为一个条件转移的市场准入;使得盗取知识产权成为可能,这其中包括专利,设计和方法;暗中进入国外商业和政府的计算机中;相比于国外竞争者更偏向于民族产业;操纵汇率来人工干预降低产品价格,减少海外服务。结果就是中国廉价地向美国出售高质量产品,但经常那些高质量商品都是中国公司盗用的美国创新技术生产的。而往往这些低价的货物都会受到中国政府的补助或者操控着中国的货币市场。







dqccs2049 发表于 2011-10-17 20:42


插队在德国 发表于 2011-10-18 01:02


无可就要 发表于 2011-10-18 03:33

本帖最后由 无可就要 于 2011-10-18 03:34 编辑


lyycc 发表于 2011-10-18 08:46


richardwang 发表于 2011-10-18 11:15


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-10-18 14:03



diver18 发表于 2011-10-18 17:33

当然,之后能不能扳回来 和 怎样 扳回来,那是后话。

hhang58 发表于 2011-10-19 11:34

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