codewei 发表于 2011-10-18 09:05


本帖最后由 codewei 于 2011-10-18 09:06 编辑


Special Report: Anita Perry - small-town nurse to power player
8:33pm EDT
AUSTIN, Texas Inside the Texas governor's big, black SUV rides a small-town girl who never expected to be first lady of the state. Anita Perry, the wife of Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry, is still a nurse at heart, reaching out to friends and strangers with warmth and health advice. But the quiet blonde who first dated Perry in high school has blossomed over the years into a formidable partner in his political career
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查看完整版本: 【路透社111018】总统候选人之妻——小城护士到权力博弈者