lilyma06 发表于 2011-10-21 10:27



There would be no Arab spring if it wasn't for the Tea Party. Right?

Gat0rpav :

Captured in a drainage pipe like a sewer rat. Man, when some people fall, they fall hard.


Yeah right. They had video of him in their possession parading him around alive and then they have footage of him dead. They assassinated him, not that I really care, but his is a lie. What I do care about is the fact that we co opted the rebels and overthrew Gadaffi, if not for our weapons and operations, this would have never happened. We have now empowered and militarized a group of mercenaries basically, many of whom most likely travel country to country, some shooting and killing our troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan or wherever else we are officially or unofficially at war. We overthrew Gadaffi as a strategy to eventually rule the middle east through military support and cooperative dictatorships. This is why we turn a blind eye to dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and have in the past propped up Gadaffi, Saddam, Mubarak...when it pays off to support dictatorships. In the end, regimes that do not cooperate with the US and the west will fall. This is done as an afront towards China and Russia, the more countries we control militarily, the more we are able to stunt China and Russia's rise. Why do you think Russia and China this year agreed to always be allied in the event of any conflict? Why do you think they've agreed to trade in their own respective currencies rather than dollars, the world currency reserve? Why do you think China is buying gold up as quickly as they can? Because they know Europe and USA's economies are failing and falling rapidly because of our corrupt monetary policies. Now if Obama thinks he can attack Yemen like we did Iraq and Libya, true, no consequences. But if he dares attack Syria like a fool, hello WW3. No doubt we will attack Syria, as soon as Israel attacks Iran. Thats why our government releases bull chit stories like the one last week about the Iranian American used car salesmen assassin. Get ready for more war, lots of it, as our economy is continuously downgraded, as austerity sets in, as our nation and civil unrest begins. One man will end the wars, end the spending on wars and foreign occupation and has a sensible realistic economic plan to save our nation and begin to reel in our debt. That man is Ron Paul


Canadaruls :

Wall street fat cats takenote.


Jcat16: Was this the work of NATO or Obama

Jcat16 :
Just saying 'cause all the spoils are going to France and Britain


News flash Dictator assassinated. Instant democracy established. Mission accomplished.


Criticize all you want but the truth is, people are fighting and willing to die to gain freedom from dictators.During the history of the U.S., we have done the same whether that be the Revolution, the Civil War, or the Civil Rights.If any people should understand ... it should be us.
你们一直在批评 ,但事实是,人们愿意抗争,并且不惧死亡,好从独裁者那边获得自由,在美国的历史上,我也做了同样的事,比如说十月革命,内战,或者人权,如果有人能够理解,那他和我们一样。

oldload :

Lecture all you want. Follow up in the months to come and tell us how free these people actually are. Who will fill the void?

Get your facts correct CNN.He did not die in a crossfire, he was wounded hiding in a hole and the rebels captured him and put a bullet in his head.

Ricke1949 Great. : Now can we finally bring our troops back from the 130 countries the empire has stationed them in?


happynotmise :I do not wish death on anyone, no matter how evil:Hitler, bin Laden, Gaddhafi, Kim Jung-Il.   The reason is because that is exactly what these evil people do, wish for death on others.   I do believe people like this should be captured alive, though, given a trial, and thrown into prison for the rest of their lives


ManBearP1g :Snarks isnt white trash!!! He's caucasian garbage.


shoopdawhoop: In other news, a fleet of predator drones took out obama and his banking buddies. Americans celebrated in the streets while supports of obama left on ships to china. 其他方面的消息,捕食者无人机带走了奥巴马和他的银行财团幕僚。美国人民在大街上欢庆的时候,奥巴马的支持力量驶向了中国。

Union31: How do you spell Quafdafiqi?你怎么拼写Quafdafiqi?Packo9: I find this explanation hard to beleive. They probably executed him after loading him on the back of the truck. 我认为这个解释很难让人相信,他们很可能把卡扎菲带到卡车上就进行了处决。


HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 20th, 2011
8:58 am
A year ago who would have imagined? Congratulations to the Libyan people. Vindication for Obama and NATO. Leading from behind? More like real, intelligent leadership.
RecommendRecommended by 220 Readers
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Darth Maciek
October 20th, 2011
9:00 am
Gadhafi dead! At that moment my thoughts go to:- people dead in bombings of planes, which he ordered (Lockerbie and Tenere)- Yvonne Joyce Fletcher, British policewoman, murdered by thugs from Libyan embassy in London in 1984- sergeants Ford and Goins from US Army, as well as Ms Nermin Hannay, a Turkish girl, killed in the bombing of "La Belle" club in West Berlin by Libyan agents- all people who died in IRA and INLA bombings with explosives offered by Gadhafi- all people who died in Tchad wars from 1970 to 1990, due to permanent meddling of Libya and even a regular Libyan invasion and occupation- all victims of internal terror in LibyaMay their families find some closure and comfort in the fact that the mad tyrant who murdered their beloved ones has finally fallen!
人民在他命令下的飞机轰炸中死亡(洛克比);一名英国女警察Yvonne Joyce Fletcher在1984年在驻伦敦利比亚使馆被杀;福特中士和美军Goins,以及一名土耳其女孩Nermin Hannay都被利比亚特工在西柏林的"La Belle"俱乐部被害;所有死于卡扎菲支持的爱尔兰共和军和解放军爆炸中的人;从1970到1990年由于利比亚干预入侵乍得,所有死于乍得战争的人们;所有在利比亚的内部恐怖主义遇难者。
RecommendRecommended by 131 Readers
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Dr. Brownstein
October 20th, 2011
9:18 am
Khadify could have been captured and tried - we are supposed to support the rule of law in this country. Instead we have this shocking thuggish murder for profit.I dearly hope NYT will do their own serious investigation of this stain on America's moral authority and stop repeating simple minded Obama propaganda.This is a defining moment for the new editor and her seriousness about wanting to do quality reporting - it's also a chance to redeem the NYT for blinding going along with the illegal invasion of Iraq. I submit to you that our violent take over of Libya for pure profit and stupid cover story that if we didn't Khadify might hurt someone in the future is an event which by far outweighs anything Bush/Cheney did. When people have time to digest this scope of this I think all will come to regret this unprecedented deadly misconduct. Obama should be arrested for first degree murder. Motive? Profit.
RecommendRecommended by 48 Readers
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Brooklyn, NY
October 20th, 2011
10:52 am
as much as I am loathe to say it, this may be the beginning of a new model for international policing by the US and other global military powers. NATO was able to extend it's military influence without putting it's soldiers at risk, and were (at least ostensibly) able to directly support an indigenous insurgency against a man who was clearly unfit for (and uninterested in) democratic governance. I am glad to see Qaddafi go, but also wish that his life had been spared and he had been put on trial.不得不说,这可能是美国和其他全球军事力量下国家政策模式的新开端。北约能把自身的影响不用牺牲任何士兵就扩展到任何地方,(至少在表面上)反对一个明显不适合民主管理的人来支持本土骚乱。我很高兴看到卡扎菲离去了,但更愿意看到他能被宽恕,得到审判。
But then again...I am not Libyan. As much as I would like to extend my own principles and morality, I know that a country must be run by it's people. If this is what this Libyan people wanted, who am I, a smug American, to say otherwise? I would not wish death on anyone--I believe justice is achieved only in more merciful ways--but this is their country.然而我不是利比亚人。我只能表达自己的原则和道德感,我知道一个国家必须由他的人民管理。如果这是利比亚人民想要的,我作为一个自以为是的美国人又能说什么呢?我部希望任何人死,我觉得只有通过更宽容的方式才能得到公平正义——然而这就是他们的国家,
Qaddafi padded his pockets with the natural resources of Libya, brutally silenced dissent, sponsored murder the world over, and was, frankly, a complete and utter lunatic. If you disagree, first study some history, then read his "Green Book." The man was crazy, plain and simple, and Libya (and the world) are better off without him in power.
RecommendRecommended by 71 Readers
HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
October 20th, 2011
10:54 am
Obama is a smart leader with sensible policies that are achieving tangible foreign policy results. The war in Afghanistan is his albatross, but nobody can question his strength as Commander in Chief. He has been strong, decisive and has delivered results in the nuanced way expected of a 21st Century leader.Zero US casualties, lasting friendship from the Libyan people (who feel they own their revolution) and a $1.1 billion price tag (that's less than 3 days of Iraq operations at its peak run rate). By the end of the week, Republicans will have found a way to make this UNITED AMERICAN and NATO success turn into a negative against Obama.
RecommendRecommended by 187 Readers

Columbus, OH
October 20th, 2011
12:31 pm
Nice work by the Obama administration. Saving people from massacre at the hands of a dictator, but without taking the brunt of the military or financial burden. Libya's dictator was removed from power and killed, but not by American soldiers, so we are not morally obligated to rebuild Libyan society or infrastructure. People in the Middle East can have another positive example of government change without feeling like victims of "American imperialism." A textbook example of what "limited intervention" and "fostering democracy" should look like. Brilliant job.

bwb 发表于 2011-10-21 10:46


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-10-21 13:41




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