yusuf1124 发表于 2011-10-23 13:09

【福布斯 111021】重新考虑占领华尔街

【原文标题】Rethinking Occupy Wall Street
【来源地址】http://www.forbes.com/sites/dovseidman/2011/10/21/rethinking-occupy-wall-street/【译者】 yusuf1124
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】   本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。" U" |1 {1 X3 v0 I+ P3 J! J# K
“There are times I wonder, ‘Will I be the next Mubarak?’”
This question was posed to me not by a despotic ruler in the Middle East but by the highly-respected CEO of a multinational company who was worried about the prospect of his employees or consumers organizing against him, thereby rendering him powerless.
It echoes in my mind every time I try to make sense of the questions so far directed at the Occupy Wall Street protesters: What is their purpose? What do they stand for? How long can they keep this up?
At best, these inquiries miss their mark. At worst, they display a dangerous lack of imagination that all but ensures that this protest movement will continue longer than necessary.
The problem is that the questions ask too much of the protesters – and too little of the rest of us.Like most protest movements, OWS demonstrators are demanding freedom from the current system. Many employees joining the movement want freedom from command and control bosses and task-based jobs and freedom to contribute their character and creativity and collaborative spirit at work in pursuit of a values-based mission worthy of their dedication.
The ultimate impact of the this movement, like all others, hinges upon how all of us involved and we are all involved – work together to create the freedom to enable all of our employees and citizens to pursue a meaningful career and life.

这项运动最终的影响,和所有其他运动一样,取决于我们所有人是怎样卷入的--我们所有人都加入这项运动--齐心协力创造自由,使得我们所有的工人和市民有能力追求有意义的事业和生活。 What’s more, the protesters deserve credit for inspiring us to have the long overdue, truthful, no-holds-barred discussion that business and political leaders have failed to engage in for far too long. As leaders, we should be asking ourselves soul-searching questions about the underlying nature of our economic system and our business environment.
The CEO who used the Arab Spring as an opportunity to rethink his own leadership and the nature – and genuine quality – of his multinational company’s stakeholder relationships would understand the need to have this discussion. He would use the Occupy Wall Street protests as an opportunity to ask some fundamental questions all business leaders should be asking, such as:
1. Are we ready for the truthful conversation we’ve been avoiding?
We better be ready because the discussion about the fundamental structure and nature of business and the global economy is happening right now. The protesters’ conversation may touch upon issues of fairness and justice, but it is fundamentally about freedom. The protesters do not want a free ride; rather, they want the freedom to pursue a meaningful life and build a sustainable career. As the college graduates, soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, hard-working single parents and other protesters have made clear in their chants, Tweets, blog posts and sound bites, our current economic system does not provide that freedom.
2. Can we differentiate between interdependence and co-dependence?
2.我们是否能够区别相互依存和相互依赖? As if we needed any more convincing following the global economic crisis, the world is hyper-connected and interdependent. A housing bust in Florida helps create a fiscal meltdown in Iceland. The threat of default in Greece decimates retirement-account balances in the U.S. Just because we’re interdependent does not necessarily mean that our interdependencies are healthy.

世界是高度连接的和相互依存的,就好像在经济危机后我们需要更多的信服。福罗里达州的房地产萧条导致了冰岛的财政危机。希腊的债务拖欠风险毁掉了美国的退休账户余额。仅仅因为我们相互依存并不代表着我们的依赖性是安全健康的。 As leaders we need to create genuine, healthy and enduring interdependencies because we rise and fall together.One banker in London can lose his company billions of dollars, force the resignation of his CEO and send shock waves throughout the global financial community.Or one vegetable vendor can spark revolution towards freedom in the Middle East. The world is also hyper-transparent: anyone can peer into companies and see how they treat suppliers, employees, customers, the environment, communities and other stakeholders.作为领导,我们需要创造真正的,安全的,持久的相互依存性。因为我们共同成败。伦敦的一位银行家可以致使他的公司损失几十亿元,迫使他公司的首席执行官辞职,在全球金融界制造混乱。或者一位蔬菜贩子能够引发中东进行追求自由的革命。同时世界也是高度透明的:任何人可以窥视公司,看公司如何对待供应商,员工,顾客,环境,社区和其他利益相关者。

The CEO who worried about the possibility of becoming the next Mubarak understood that our country’s relationship with the dictator was more co-dependent than it was healthy or enduring. This chief executive also understands how quickly general dissatisfaction can become specific: if his company mistreats a stakeholder, he wondered, why couldn’t a wave of protest sweep him out of his office or, worse, his company out of existence?
3. Can our companies foster cultures of Self Governance?
The OWS protesters have demonstrated their ability to self-organize. Now it’s time for our businesses to demonstrate the ability to self-govern. In self-governing organizations, people act on the basis of a set of core principles and values that inspire everyone to align around a company’s mission, purpose and definition of significance. Employees reject top-down, command-and-control leadership or hierarchical, structure, control processes, performance-based rewards and punishments.
Sounds Pollyannaish?Not so. As the findings of The HOW Report – a new, independent study commissioned by my company LRN and recently written about in The Economist (http://www.economist.com/node/21530171)– demonstrate, self-governing organizations get much more of what they do want and much less of what they don’t want.In fact, they:
    Deliver five times the level of innovation than other organizations;
    Experience three times more employee loyalty relative to the competition;
    Provide nine times higher levels of customer satisfaction compared with other organizations;
    Deliver significantly higher levels of financial performance than other organizations ;
    Are far more likely to report unethical conduct than their competitors.
4. Can leaders exert “power through” as opposed to “power over?”
In today’s knowledge economy, the sources of power—information and ideas—are infinite. Google gives them away for free. Because we can’t hoard information, the command-and-control leadership habits of the Industrial Age are no longer effective.Just as important, people want more than a paycheck from their jobs—they want to feel that they’re working with others to accomplish something important that they could not accomplish alone. If the only reason I work at a company is for a paycheck, I’ll leave when I’m offered a bigger one. If the only reason I buy from one company is their price, then I’ll switch my loyalty if someone else sells for less. So leaders need to shift from “command-and-control” to “connect-and-collaborate,” from exerting power over people to generating power through them.
5. Can we address the careers crisis?
Yes, unemployment is high and absolutely requires a solution from our political leaders, but it is not a root cause of anger for the OWS protesters – many of whom already have jobs. What fewer and fewer of our citizens have these days are careers: a clear path forward to meaningful, sustainable work. We must start placing a much higher priority on unleashing the potential of the people currently in work, not just out of work. In today’s difficult jobs environment too many recent college graduates do not know where to invest their energy, talent, skills and innovation. We need a careers narrative powered by a national purpose and a story for recapturing America’s greatness that comprehensively answers which are the industries, job descriptions, capabilities and skills that will be providing fulfilling careers for the generation now entering the workplace. Within individual companies, a similarly long-term narrative inspires employees to come up with new ways to connect, collaborate and innovate. And, as we know, innovation not only moves individual companies forward but also stimulates the economic growth necessary to create additional jobs and careers.

的确,失业率很高而且完全需要我们的政治领导解决。但这并不是占领华尔街运动抗议者愤怒的根本原因--他们大多已经用工作。这些日子来市民们拥有越来越少的是事业:通往有意义的,可持续工作的清晰的前景道路。我们必须更多的优先考虑去开发现在职工人的潜力,而不仅仅是失业工人。在如今工作难觅的情况下,很多大学毕业生不知道把他们的精力,才智,技能和创新投入何方。我们需要一则事业故事来夺回美国的伟大。故事全面的回答了哪些产业,职位描述,能力和技巧将会为进入工作岗位的一代人提供能实现个人抱负的事业。在单个企业中, 一个类似的长期故事激发员工想出连接,合作和创新的新方法。正如我们所知,创新不仅使单个企业前进,而且激励经济增长来创造更多的职位和事业。 Securing enduring economic progress lies not in reforming our system but in rethinking and rebuilding our system.Just as the CEO who drew leadership lessons from an unlikely source has rethought how he leads and how his company behaves, we need to commit to rethinking how we operate as leaders and businesses. If we don’t, we all risk following in Mubarak’s footsteps.

yusuf1124 发表于 2011-10-23 13:10


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