kamina_shin 发表于 2011-10-23 15:06



【原文标题】USNSA to visit China and India, signaling shift from G-2 to G-3



【译    者】 kamina_shin


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【译    文】
WASHINGTON: As strategic signalinggoes, this one is fairly direct and uncomplicated. President Obamais sending his National Security Advisor Tom Donilon to China and India on a two-nation visit this week,indicating that his administration has moved past the G-2idea involving only the United Statesand China to a G-3formation that includes India.

"Donilon'svisit underscores this administration's commitment to growing US leadership in Asia, and our work with emergingpowers, such as China and India,as a core component of this commitment," the White Housesaid while announcing the visit. The statement accentuatedWashington's resolve to boost its primacy in Asia while treating China andIndia on a similar footing, formally sidelining a school of thought that sought to bracket US and China in a G-2 tie-upwhile consigning India to a subsidiary regional role.

The G-2 idea was first introducedby the American economist C. Fred Bergsten in 2005,primarily as an economic relationship because the US and China were the two largesteconomies and biggest trading partners in the world. But other thinkers likeCold War strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski and thehistorian Niall Fergusson imparted geo-politicalheft to it, suggesting US and China could band together to solve theworld's problems, including Pakistan's issues with India, ignoring the factthat China itself had problems with India.

Like the Clinton administration, the Obama White Housetoo was smitten with the idea briefly at the start of his presidency, but therehas been a course correction over the past several months. While President Clintonacknowledged China'sinterests in SouthAsia, the Obamaadministration has now made it known that it equallyrecognizes India's stakes in East Asia and had been quietly stiffening New Delhi's resolve toreclaim its influence and role in the region.

In fact, the schedule and agendafor Donilon's travels makes this quite clear. In Beijing,Donilon will meet Chinese leaders and policymakers,including Vice PremierWang Qishanand State Councilor Dai Bingguo, and "discuss a wide range of bilateral,regional and global issues of mutual concern," according to the WhiteHouse.

Donilon will then travel to India formeetings with Indian leaders including his Indian counterpart Shiv Shankar Menon to "review recent developments inthe US-India strategic partnership, and discuss ways to advancekey elements of the relationship, including both countries'participation in the upcoming East Asia Summit," the White House said.
多尼伦将之后出访印度会见印度领导者,包括与他相同职务的Shiv Shankar Menon,“回顾最近美印战略伙伴关系的发展,并讨论如何推进关系的关键因素,包括即将到来的东亚峰会上两国的参与。”,白宫消息。

The East Asia summit is scheduledto be held in Bali, Indonesia, in the third week of November. President Obama, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and China's Premier Wen Jiabao are expected to attend, along with leaders from 16 other countries, including Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam, all leery of Beijing's growing clout.

The burying of the G-2 idea anddrawing India into theoverall Asian security and economic matrix is attributed to Secretaryof State Hillary Clinton who, in a landmark speech in Chennai earlier this year, made no secret of Washington's expectations that India would play a more assertiverole in the region. In a 'Foreign Policy' commentary she wrote this month, Clinton said Washingtonis setting its sights on "enhancing coordination and engagement among thethree giants of the Asia-Pacific: China, India,and the United States."

Conceding that "there arestill obstacles to overcome and questions to answer on both sides,"Clinton however said "the United States is making a strategic bet onIndia's future -- that India's greater role on the world stage will enhancepeace and security...that India's vibrant, pluralistic democracy will producemeasurable results and improvements for its citizens and inspire others tofollow a similar path of openness and tolerance."Thepoke at China wasunmistakable.

"So the Obama administrationhas expanded our bilateral partnership; actively supported India's Look Eastefforts, including through a new trilateral dialogue with India and Japan; andoutlined a new vision for a more economically integrated and politically stableSouth and Central Asia, with India as a linchpin," she added.

The commentarypointedly did not endorse the G-2 idea or treat China as a USequal, instead referring to it as one of the mostprominent emerging partners of Washington.

Over the years, the East Asia forum, first proposed by Malaysia,has become a platform to balance China'sinfluence, and some strategic thinkers have suggested that both China and India,along with US, Russiaand Japan, should be part ofa "concert of powers" that will play a stabilizing role in Asia.

Jigong 发表于 2011-10-23 15:29


阿三受宠若惊! ;P

fuhexinqd 发表于 2011-10-23 16:09


sei_explorer 发表于 2011-10-23 22:30

让阿三跟你们做G2吧 我们自觉没那实力

ggmch 发表于 2011-10-23 22:38




lyycc 发表于 2011-10-24 08:46


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查看完整版本: 【印度时报111020】美国国家安全局访问中国和印度,发出G-2到G-3转变的信号