codewei 发表于 2011-10-24 08:53


美国已经向欧洲国家首府排出了经济制裁的指导人,旨在向伊朗增加施压力度,以遏制德黑兰在美国军队撤出伊拉克之后扩大它在该地区影响力的可能性。 U.S. Troop Pullout Raises Iran Concerns
The U.S. has dispatched its point man on economic sanctions to European capitals in an effort to increase pressure on Iran, amid new fears Tehran could expand its regional influence in the wake of America's troop withdrawal from Iraq.
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查看完整版本: 【华尔街日报111024】美从伊拉克撤军又增伊朗烦忧