codewei 发表于 2011-10-24 09:29


圣灵抵抗军以残忍而臭名昭著。2001年,12岁的伊芙琳被他们强掠去。三年后面颊尽毁的她逃了出来,她恳求能对圣灵抵抗军的暴行进行制止,但有关方面置若罔闻。她得恳求石沉大海。Ugandan woman: LRA 'hardly human'
In 2001, the Lord's Resistance Army -- notorious for their cruelty -- snatched 12-year-old Evelyn Apoko. She escaped after three years, but now says her pleas to put an end to LRA atrocities have fallen on deaf ears

蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2011-10-24 16:02

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查看完整版本: 【CNN111024】乌干达毁容女子:不是人的“圣灵抵抗军”