codewei 发表于 2011-10-24 09:53


上周,拥有强大权力的中国国家发改委将铁道部从欠债危机中拯救出来,并声称有债务困扰的机构有“政府的支持”。此外该项声明是紧跟早先已经削减铁路债券支付的利息税的又一项支持举措。此外,铁道部与中央政府达成协议,以迫使国有商业银行向铁道部的全国范围建设方案提供资金支持。 Chinese Ministry Saved from DefaultLast week, the powerful National Development and Reform Commission saved the country’s Ministry of Railways from default by announcing that the bonds of the troubled agency have “government support.”The announcement followed a decision earlier this month to cut taxes on interest paid on railway bonds.Moreover, the Railways Ministry reached agreement with the central government to force state banks to support its nationwide building program.
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