weater76 发表于 2011-10-24 10:35


本帖最后由 weater76 于 2011-10-24 10:48 编辑


【原文标题】US, Filipino marines hold combat drill near South China Sea shoal disputed by Beijing, Manila



【译者】 WilliamRUC


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美国与菲律宾海军陆战队在中菲争议海域举行军演  (菲律宾圣安东尼奥):超过两百名的美国与菲律宾海军陆战队员在中国与菲律宾争议的南海海域举行了一场登陆演习。http://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/Wires/Online/2011-10-23/AP/Images/Philippines%20US%20Military.JPEG-01625.jpg  美海军准将克雷格布莱克表示这场于三描礼士省滨海城市圣安多尼奥举行的海军军演将为两军协同作战提供准备,其中包括未来对灾难的响应等。  该年度军事演习已经持续了28年,他拒绝对其是否反映了菲律宾对中国军事力量崛起的担忧发表意见。中国则多年来一直表达在有争议的南海领域举行类似军演的不满。  10月17日至28日的演习由2000名美国陆战队员与1000名菲律宾同行参加。双方均表示军演不针对包括中国在内的任何想象目标。  “军演的长期目标是促进两军内部合作”, 克雷格布莱克对美联社表示。他同时强调了部队重视应急救灾和人道主义行动。  他说:“如果能把这些事情做好,那么就可以分门别类的深化合作。”  顶着烈日,九艘登陆舰抵达岸边卸下美国与菲律宾战士。他们在晒得滚烫的沙滩上前进,突击步枪指向内陆。  然后他们分批冲向一座小山。行动协调依赖手语和双通道无线电。演习派遣了300名菲律宾海军学院作为假想敌,他们在远处观察军演行动。  海军上校Andrew MacMannis这场军演带给了美国军队展示他们先进装备的机会,双方也可以彼此学习战斗技巧。  Lt. Erwin Borja一世是一名菲律宾方面的参与者,他说军事演习还给当地的海军陆战部队上了一课。他说:“差距在装备上,我们没有两栖突击车”,它被美军在突击中使用。  12万人的菲律宾军队在亚洲不足为道。由美国协防的菲律宾依赖华盛顿帮助实现海军现代化。他们的许多装备还是二战期间沿用下来的,包括了世界上最年长的现役军舰。  菲律宾官员表示政府也在寻求购买更多舰艇、直升机、教练机和防控雷达,以此更好地维护自己的领海,保护自己宣称在南海斯普拉特利群岛(即南沙群岛)的石油利益,这块区域的主权同时被中国与其他四个国家宣称拥有。  菲律宾和另一个声称拥有南沙的国家越南不停地指责中国船只在该海域开展油气勘探,骚扰在其200海里(370公里)的专属经济区的渔民。  北京声明南海是它的“核心利益”,意味着有可能为此不惜一战。华盛顿方面在去年因为提出和平解决争端与自由在此领域航行的主张激怒了北京方面。南海拥有几条世界上最繁忙的航线,牵涉到美国的国家利益。  周日演习区域三描礼士附近的斯卡伯勒浅滩(黄岩岛)属于中菲争议地带。10月27日得演习计划包括100名美菲陆战队员从一艘美国军舰上占领一个地方的滩头阵地,演习选址于西部面向南沙群岛的巴拉望省。  一座被菲律宾占领的南沙岛屿本被提议作为联合军演区域,不过后来为了避免中国与其他国家的对抗情绪并未实施。这座岛临近中国占领的南沙岛礁,也接近越南占领的一座岛。此消息源自要求匿名的两位菲律宾官员,因为他们被要求不能接受记者采访。

SAN ANTONIO, Philippines — More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines staged an amphibious assault on a beach in a combat drill Sunday near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines.

U.S. Marine Brig. Gen. Craig Timberlake said the exercise at a sprawling Philippine naval reserve in the coastal town of San Antonio in Zambales province would allow the military allies to operate jointly in a range of scenarios, including responding to disasters.

    ( Bullit Marquez / Associated Press ) - A U.S. Marine from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Okinawa, Japan, prepares to board his amphibious assault vehicle to take part in the joint military exercise with Philippine marines, dubbed PHIBLEX (RP-US Amphibious Landing Exercise), at San Antonio, Zambales province, northwest of Manila, Philippines, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines on board amphibious vessels took part in the mock assault of a hostile beach head in a war exercise near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines but officials say China was not an imaginary target.
    ( Bullit Marquez / Associated Press ) - Philippine marines watch as an amphibious assault vehicle (AAV) of the U.S. Marines from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Okinawa, Japan, prepares to hit a beach during their joint military exercise, dubbed PHIBLEX (RP-US Amphibious Landing Exercise), at San Antonio, Zambales province, northwest of Manila, Philippines, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines on board amphibious vessels took part in the mock assault of a hostile beach head in a war exercise near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines but officials say China was not an imaginary target.
    ( Bullit Marquez / Associated Press ) - A U.S. Marine, center, from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Okinawa, Japan, takes part with Philippine counterpart in the joint military exercise, dubbed PHIBLEX (RP-US Amphibious Landing Exercise), at San Antonio, Zambales province, northwest of Manila, Philippines, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2010. More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines on board amphibious vessels took part in the mock assault of a hostile beach head in a war exercise near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines but officials say China was not an imaginary target.
    ( Bullit Marquez / Associated Press ) - A Philippine Marine, third from foreground, takes part with U.S. Marines from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Okinawa, Japan, as they storm a beach during the annual joint military exercise, dubbed PHIBLEX (RP-US Amphibious Landing Exercise), at San Antonio, Zambales province, northwest of Manila, Philippines, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines on board amphibious vessels took part in the mock assault of a hostile beach head in a war exercise near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines but officials say China was not an imaginary target.

( Bullit Marquez / Associated Press ) - A U.S. Marine from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Okinawa, Japan, prepares to board his amphibious assault vehicle to take part in the joint military exercise with Philippine marines, dubbed PHIBLEX (RP-US Amphibious Landing Exercise), at San Antonio, Zambales province, northwest of Manila, Philippines, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. More than 200 U.S. and Filipino marines on board amphibious vessels took part in the mock assault of a hostile beach head in a war exercise near a South China Sea shoal disputed by China and the Philippines but officials say China was not an imaginary target.

He refused to discuss whether or not the annual drill, which has been staged for 28 years, was now being held partly to address concerns by Asian countries like the Philippines over China’s growing naval power. China has expressed unhappiness in the past over such drills near disputed South China Sea regions.

The Oct. 17-28 military maneuvers involve about 2,000 Marines and 1,000 Filipino counterparts. Both sides have said the exercises were not aimed at China or any country as an imaginary target.

“The long-term objective is to have better inter-operability between the two militaries,” Timberlake told The Associated Press, adding the marines have also engaged in disaster relief work and humanitarian missions.

“If you can do those things, then you can branch out and do other things that brings us together,” he said.

Under a brutal sun, nine amphibious vessels darted ashore and unloaded American and Filipino marines, who laid on the beach’s scorching sand to assess, their assault rifles pointed inland.

They then dashed toward a hill in batches, their movement coordinated through two-way radios and hand signs, then engaged mock enemies in a battle while about 300 Filipino navy students watched from a distance.

Marine Col. Andrew MacMannis said it was an opportunity for the Americans to show their Filipino counterparts advanced U.S. equipment and learn combat skills from each other.

A Filipino participant, 1st Lt. Erwin Borja, said amphibious assaults were also taught in the local marines corps. “The difference is in the equipment, we don’t have AAVs,” Borja said, referring to the U.S. amphibious assault vehicles used in the mock assault.

The 120,000-strong Philippine military is among Asia’s weakest. The Philippines, a U.S. defense treaty partner, is relying on Washington to help modernize its aging naval fleet, which includes many World War II vessels, one of which is among the oldest active warships in the world.

Philippine officials have said the government is also looking at buying more ships, helicopters, jet trainers and air defense radars to better patrol its territorial waters and safeguard its claims over the potentially oil-rich Spratly Islands in the South China Sea which are also being claimed by China and four other countries.

The Philippine and Vietnam, which is also a Spratlys claimant, have repeatedly accused Chinese vessels this year of interfering with their oil and gas explorations and harassing fishermen within their 200 nautical mile (370 kilometer) exclusive economic zones.

Beijing has named the South China Sea one of its “core interests,” meaning it could potentially go to war to protect it. Washington angered Beijing last year when it declared the peaceful resolution of the disputes and the freedom of navigation in the vast ocean, home to some of the world’s busiest sea lanes, were in the U.S. national interest.

Scarborough shoal, which is disputed by China and the Philippines, lies off Zambales, the venue of Sunday’s exercises. An Oct. 27 drill will involve a mock raid by about 100 U.S. and Filipino marines from an American warship to capture a hostile beachhead in western Palawan province, which faces the Spratly Islands.

One Filipino-occupied Spratly island was proposed as a possible site for the current joint training but was ruled out to avoid antagonizing China and other claimants. The island lies close to a Spratly reef occupied by Chinese forces and an island separately occupied by Vietnamese forces. The information came from two Filipino officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

水不见了 发表于 2011-10-24 10:50


lyycc 发表于 2011-10-24 11:50


╮雨媛承 发表于 2011-10-24 11:58


笑靥se7en 发表于 2011-10-24 20:13

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