yusuf1124 发表于 2011-10-24 10:53

【纽约时报 111019】中国低调纪念阵亡将士

本帖最后由 yusuf1124 于 2011-10-24 11:39 编辑

【原文标题】China Honors Its War Dead, but Quietly
【登载媒体】The New York Times
【译    者】yusuf1124
【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。
【译    文】BEIJING — They are the remains of a long-obscure history only now coming to light: about 300,000 Chinese war dead who have lain overseas for decades in often crumbling graves or inaccessible memorials. Their neglect is the product of the enmity between Chinese Communists and Nationalists and of the secrecy surrounding later conflicts, when Communist soldiers fought the United States, France, the United Nations and South Vietnam, sometimes under cover.

In August, for the first time, the Chinese government announced it wanted to improve the care of its military cemeteries abroad. In a decree mostly concerned with raising compensation for families of “martyrs,” the State Council said it would “protect” the sites and tasked the Civil Affairs and Foreign ministries with the job.

Experts said several factors lie behind this new interest, including China’s growing economic and military confidence, its desire to develop regions along its borders where the dead lie, a wish to foster patriotism and pressure from families who want to see at last where their loved ones died.

It has drawn both support and concern, with historians and ordinary citizens saying that, while the desire to commemorate war dead is understandable, it raises awkward questions over China’s growing assertiveness in territorial disputes with its eastern and southern neighbors.
“All governments are interested in preserving their overseas war graves,” Ge Shuya, an independent historian who has researched the China-Burma-India theater of World War II, said from his home in Yunnan Province, which borders Myanmar, as Burma is now known.
从事二战时期时缅印战区研究的独立历史学家,Ge Shuya 在与缅甸接壤的云南省的家里说道:“所有政府都有志于保护国外的军人墓地。”
Mr. Ge believes about 100,000 Chinese Nationalist soldiers died in Burma fighting the Japanese. Today, their graves are in a shambles, uncared for since 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists were defeated by Mao Zedong’s Communists in the civil war.

He said the plan showed the government was maturing from a “revolutionary” power to a “responsible” one.

“I think it’s already very late for China to be starting to care for these graves,” he said. “But I can understand that some foreigners have doubts given today’s international situation.”

Ge Shuya认为在缅甸大约有10万国民党军人死于同日本的战争。自1949年毛泽东领导的共产党在内战中把蒋介石领导的国民党击败后,那些墓地就一直处于残破状态,无人照管。
Ge Shuya:“我认为中国现在才开始照管那些坟墓已经为时很晚。但是考虑到如今的国际形势,我能够理解一些外国人的疑惑。”
Some Chinese share those doubts, which center on whether China might resort to military force to back its territorial claims.

“That these new regulations are coming now is definitely connected to the situation in the South China Sea,” a person called Wujifeng wrote on the Tencent online discussion forum.

“Preparing to wage war?” wrote another, with the name Old Root.

A recent article in Global Times, affiliated with the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily, that urged China to wage “small wars” over territorial conflicts in the South China Sea, illustrated those concerns.

In Beijing last week, China and Vietnam pledged to improve ties strained by such disputes, which have seen Southeast Asian nations look increasingly to the United States for support.

A Civil Affairs Ministry spokesman who declined to give his name said he didn’t know exactly how many graves there were. The figure of 300,000 is collated from a report in the respected Southern Weekly newspaper and includes soldiers who died in Burma, India, the Koreas, Laos and Vietnam.

It does not include the dead of China’s 1979 war with Vietnam, who may number about 20,000. According to an article in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post in June 1979, many of their bodies were transported home then, in red coffins for those shot in the front, to indicate a hero, and green coffins for those shot in the back, to indicate a coward.

The plan is contained in Article 40 of the “Martyrs Praise Regulations,” State Council Order No. 601, promulgated on Aug. 1, the anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. Work has already begun, quietly, via China’s overseas embassies, Phoenix Weekly and Southern Weekly reported.

“This is a bit sensitive. There’s a lot of work to do. We haven’t really started yet,” said the ministry spokesman.

Yet something is happening: On Sept. 14, in a ceremony at a war memorial in Tengchong, Yunnan, the remains of 19 soldiers of the Nationalist Chinese Expeditionary Force who died in Burma during World War II were reburied in China, a first since the Communists seized power in 1949.

Photographs showed somber men in black suits and white gloves, under black umbrellas, carrying white urns. Black-and-white banners proclaimed “welcome home” to “loyal souls.”

“It was a very impressive performance,” said Andrew Festing, son of Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, a commander in the Allies’ Burma campaign, who attended the ceremony.

“It was similar to what goes on in Britain with the national war graves,” Mr. Festing said, speaking by telephone from Britain.

盟军缅甸战役司令,陆军元帅Francis Festing之子Andrew Festing参加了这项典礼还称这典礼令人印象深刻。Festing先生从伦敦通过电话称:“这跟此刻英国国民战争墓地发生的相类似。”
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission of Britain memorializes 1.7 million dead in 2,500 sites around the world, including more than 2,000 Chinese, mostly members of the Chinese Labor Corps killed in France during World War I.

That evening in Tengchong, tens of thousands of people attended festivities described by Mr. Festing as “something like a cross between the Edinburgh Tattoo and a Nuremberg Rally.”

Tending World War II dead may be the easy part. Tending the dead of China’s later wars may be trickier; the history is deliberately shadowy.

According to Southern Weekly, of 320,000 Chinese soldiers, engineers and road builders sent by Mao to fight U.S. forces in Vietnam, most disguised as North Vietnamese, 1,446 are in graves maintained by the Vietnamese government.

China also wants to upgrade grave sites in Laos, where, starting in 1968, 269 soldiers were killed supporting North Vietnam, according to official military histories cited by Southern Weekly.

In 2009, Chen Qi, an engineer with a Yunnan construction company, stumbled across a graveyard of 81 Chinese soldiers in the Laotian jungle, the newspaper reported.

“I was shocked,” he said. He hadn’t known China had even been there

lyycc 发表于 2011-10-24 12:04


笑靥se7en 发表于 2011-10-24 20:13

这个我现在不去评论 、:L

矢量技术 发表于 2011-10-25 16:20

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