大眼睛同学 发表于 2011-10-24 17:40


【中文标题】入狱的威慑 —— 中国两官员因泄露经济数据罪入狱

【原文标题】China jails two officials for leaking economic data



【译    者】 大眼睛同学   

【翻译方式】   人工

【声    明】 欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】      

China has jailed officials from the People's Bank of China and National Bureau of Statistics for leaking   economic data to securities brokerages. 中国银行和国家统计局两名官员因非法泄漏国家经济数据而获罪入狱。Wu Chaoming and Sun Zhen were sentenced to six and five years in prison respectively for leaking information. Leaked data gives traders an unfair advantage by helping them anticipate market moves and profit from them.伍超明和孙振,分别因为泄露国家信息机密罪被判处6年和5年有期徒刑。任职期间,两人利用职务之便,将一些宏观经济数据有偿泄露给证券行业的工作人员,帮助他们预测市场动向,并从中获利。China is the world's third-biggest equities market.中国是世界第三大股票市场。"The leaking of national macroeconomic data harms economic operations, prevents fair market competition and affects government credibility, thereby causing heavy losses to the interests of the country, society and individuals," said Li Zhongcheng, deputy director general of the national prosecutor's office.最高人民检察院渎职侵权检察厅副厅长李忠诚表示:“国家宏观经济数据的泄露,危害经济运行秩序,干扰市场公平竞争,影响政府公信力,从而使国家、社会以及人民的利益遭受重大损失,是一种社会危害性非常严重的泄密犯罪。”                                                    ' Undue advantage '       非法获利Sun Zhen, a former deputy director of the secretary's office at the National Bureau of Statistics, was accused of disclosing 27 items of classified statistical data. Wu Chaoming, former deputy director of the financial history research office at the People's Bank of China, has been accused of leaking 25 items of classified data to people in the securities industry. 原国家统计局办公室秘书室副主任孙振,被指控泄露了27项分类统计数据。原中国人民银行金融研究所货币金融史研究室副主任伍超明,被指控向证券行业工作人员泄露25项分类统计数据。Government agencies usually release the economic data to all parties at the same time. Analysts said getting key information ahead of others gives the parties involved an edge over competition. 政府机构通常会对各方同时发布各种经济数据。分析师表示,如果能提前知晓一些关键性信息,在竞争中就会处于优势地位。"It may not be insider trading but it is insider use of sensitive information, which gives an undue advantage," of HSBC Private Bank told the BBC. "It becomes very important, especially in times like these when there is a lot of macroeconomic uncertainty," he added.汇丰银行的主席马亨德兰先生告诉BBC :“这也许并不涉及到内幕交易,只是利用自己对内部敏感信息的了解,非法获利。”他还补充说:“当许多宏观的经济数据呈现不确定状态时,这些信息就显得更为重要了。”
                                                Effective deterrent?   入狱的威慑,真的有效么?Du Yongsheng, deputy director of the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets, said not only did the two officials pass information to brokerages, they also profited by trading stocks themselves, based on the information.国家保密局副局长杜永胜说,这两位官员不仅将内部信息泄漏给证券商,还利用自己已知的行业信息买卖股票,从中获利。They have also been accused of receiving payoffs in form of fees for delivering lectures at events.Authorities said they were investigating four people working in the securities sector with regards to the matter.他们还被指控曾向部分机构提供有偿性讲座。当局说,他们已经在调查与此案相关的四人在证券业方面的问题。Analysts said that given the implications of these leaks, strict rules and punishments were needed to discourage people from being enticed into disclosing sensitive information.鉴于信息数据泄漏带来的负面影响,有专家表示,只有建立严格的规章制度和奖惩措施,才能有效避免此类事件的发生。"Punitive actions are a good way of deterring people," said HSBC's Mr Mahendran.“也许,严格的惩罚措施是一个规范人们行为的好方法!”汇丰银行主席马亨德兰先生说。

笑靥se7en 发表于 2011-10-24 20:10

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lyycc 发表于 2011-10-25 08:01


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