sophie1125 发表于 2011-10-25 21:28


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-10-26 10:06 编辑


【原文标题】China Urges North Korea to Improve U.S. Ties



【译者】 sophie1125





BEIJING—China urged ally North Korea to improve its strained ties with longtime foes the U.S. and South Korea, state media reported Monday, as U.S. and North Korean diplomats began talks about restarting negotiations on the North's nuclear programs.北京——中国敦促盟友朝鲜改善其与敌对国美国和韩国的长期紧张关系。官方媒体在周一报道说,美国和朝鲜外交官开始讨论重启谈判在朝鲜的核项目问题。

On a visit to North Korea, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang told North Korean Premier Choe Yong Rim on Sunday that improving ties with the U.S. and South Korea would promote stability in the region, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported.中国官方的新华社报道,中国国务院副总理李克强在访问朝鲜,周日对朝鲜总理崔永林说改善与美国和韩国将会促进地区稳定。

Mr. Li also met North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on Monday, according to a one-sentence report by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.北韩官方的朝中社简讯报道,李在周一会见了朝鲜领导人金正日。

Mr. Li's message seemed intended to further diplomacy on North Korea's nuclear program that is already under way and to enhance China's role in it. Mr. Li's three-day trip to North Korea will be followed immediately by a two-day visit to South Korea, underscoring Beijing's good ties with both Koreas and its desire to revive the stalled six-nation disarmament negotiations.李克强似乎有意对已经在进行中的北朝鲜的核武器计划进行进一步的外交,同时加强中国在其中所担任的角色。对朝鲜为期三天的访问结束后,紧接着的两天李就要访问韩国,为的是强调中方与韩方的友好关系及对重启停滞不前的六国裁军谈判的强烈愿望。

U.S. and North Korean diplomats are meeting in Geneva on Monday and Tuesday to talk about restarting the negotiations, which also include South Korea, Japan, Russia and China. North Korea walked out of the talks in 2009—and exploded a second nuclear test device—but now wants to re-engage.周一美国和朝鲜的外交官在日内瓦会面,周二将讨论重启谈判的事(六国裁军谈判成员国还包括韩国、日本、俄罗斯和中国)。朝鲜在2009年的裁军谈判中退席,并引爆了第二次核试验装置。如今朝方表示希望重启谈判。

Mr. Li told the North Korean premier that China supports North Korean efforts "to take the right direction for engagement and dialogues, resume the six-party talks at an early date," Xinhua reported.新华社报道,李对朝鲜总理说,中国对朝鲜的“采取正确的方向来接触和谈话,尽早恢复六方会谈”的努力表示支持。

Mr. Li also met Kim Yong Nam, the head of the North's parliament, on Monday, and said Beijing supported the North's dialogue with the U.S. and the improvement of relations between the two Koreas, according to Xinhua.据新华社报道,周一的时候李也会见了朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南,并指出中国政府对朝鲜与美国的对话以及朝韩间关系的改善表示很支持。

China has for years urged North Korea to refrain from ratcheting up tensions and to undertake serious reforms to strengthen an anemic economy that is failing to meet the basic needs of its people. The visit of the Chinese vice premier is highlighting North Korea's growing dependence on China.中国多年来一直敦促朝鲜不要激化紧张局势,并进行严肃的改革以提高不能满足人民基本需求的疲软的经济。中国国务院副总理访朝强调了朝鲜越来越依赖中国。

Ahead of Mr. Li's arrival Sunday, Xinhua reported that China-North Korean trade rose 87% in the first seven months of the year from a year earlier to $3.1 billion.新华社报道,在李到达朝鲜的那个星期天之前,中朝间的贸易额在今年的前七个月相比较于去年同期上升了87%至31亿美元。

North Korea relies heavily on China for food and fuel aid and many consumer products. Chinese companies are the main investors in North Korean mining, and the sides recently signed agreements on road building and on jointly developing an industrial park on an island near the Chinese city of Dandong.朝鲜在食品和燃料援助及许多消费产品上十分依赖中国,中国企业也是朝鲜矿业的主要投资者。双方最近还签署了道路建设及共同开发中国城市丹东附近的岛屿上的一个工业园区的协议。

"The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has shown great potential, with bilateral trade and investment volume reaching new highs," Xinhua said.“随着双边贸易和投资的发送量达到新高,两国的经贸合作显示出巨大的潜力。”新华社报道说。

Trade between China and North Korea is still dwarfed by commerce between China and South Korea, which is projected to hit about $250 billion in 2011.但中朝之间贸易与中韩之间的贸易相比仍是相形见绌的,2011年中韩之间的贸易额预计将达到2500亿。
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查看完整版本: 【华尔街日报20111024】中国敦促朝鲜改善与美国的关系