某程 发表于 2011-10-26 18:09


【原文标题】China to send envoy to Syria, says it hopes government will deliver on reform pledges

【译    者】 某程

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BEIJING — China said Tuesday that it was sending an envoy to Syria after blocking a U.N. resolution earlier this month that threatened sanctions, and reiterated that it wants a political solution to the country’s ongoing crisis.北京—中国中央政府宣称在星期二向利比亚派遣了特使。这是因为本月初中国投票否决了叙利亚问题的联合国决议草案。并且重申了中国希望叙利亚用政治和平手段解决叙利亚目前的国家危机。
Wu Sike, China’s special envoy on the Middle East, will visit Syria and Egypt from Wednesday through Sunday, the Foreign Ministry said.外交部宣称,吴思科作为中国在中东的特使,将会从星期三到星期日访问叙利亚和埃及。

The uprising in Syria has proven remarkably resilient even though the government has tried relentlessly to crush the revolt. The United Nations says more than 3,000 people have been killed in the government crackdown on the protests, and international pressure has been building for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down.在叙利亚的暴动显著证实了叙利亚的问题是有回转余地的,即使是政府无情的镇压了此次叛乱。联合国宣称至少3000人在政府的镇压中死亡,以及国际压力强烈要求叙利亚的总统阿萨德下台。

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Tuesday that Beijing wants all parties in Syria to resolve the crisis peacefully.中国外交部部长发言人姜瑜在星期二的时候于北京发言,希望叙利亚各方能够和平解决冲突危机。
“We believe the Syrian government should deliver on its reform pledges, respond to the people’s appeals and that all parties should, in a constructive manner, actively participate in the political process,” Jiang said in a regular briefing.姜的简短发言表示,“我们相信叙利亚政府能够奉守改革承诺,回应人们诉求以及各方都应以建设性的方式,积极参加整个政治和平过程。”
China and Russia vetoed the already watered-down Security Council resolution criticizing the Syrian government for suppressing protests because they objected to language that left open the possibility of sanctions against Syria.中国和俄罗斯目前否决了影响力已经降低的联合国安理会决议草案,其中草案谴责阿萨德政府的镇压反zf活动,因为中俄双方主张用外交谈判形式解决问题,反对一切暴力流血冲突。
The opposition movement driving Syria’s 7-month-old uprising has mostly focused on peaceful demonstrations, although recently there have been reports of protesters taking up arms to defend themselves against military attacks. There have also been increasing reports of defections from the military, highlighting a trend that has raised fears that Syria may be sliding toward civil war.反对活动在叙利亚进行了七个月,尽管近期有报道传出反对者用武器反抗军队的攻击,但现在大部分已经转变为和平行走。也有报道持续指出军队内部的存在反叛行为,这使得对叙利亚将不得不演变成一场内战的担心日益增加。

The United States has pulled its ambassador out of Syria, arguing that his support for anti-Assad activists put him in grave danger. Syria responded quickly Monday, ordering home its envoy from Washington.美国已经从叙利亚撤出了它的大使,它主张反阿萨德分子将至美国的安全岌岌可危。叙利亚在星期一迅速作出了回应,将在华盛顿的特使也撤回了叙利亚。
China and Russia have also been urging the chief U.N. nuclear inspector to scrap or delay U.S.-backed plans to reveal intelligence on Iran’s alleged nuclear arms experiments, in a bluntly worded confidential document obtained Monday by The Associated Press.中国和俄罗斯还敦促联合国首席核专家放弃或迟延美国后备计划,这个计划旨在揭露伊朗拥有核武器试验的情报,在一份美联社星期一获得的保密文件上直言不讳的写着。
Asked about the Chinese-Russian diplomatic note to International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano, Jiang would only say that China believes in resolving the dispute through dialogue.当问到中国-俄罗斯与国际原子能机构总干事天野之弥的外交照会时,姜只表示中国相信能够通过外交对话解决问题。
“We hope the IAEA can uphold the just and objective position, bring into full play their professional advantage, engage in contact and interaction with Iran and play a constructive role for solving the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic means,” Jiang said.姜表示,“我们希望国际原子能机构能够站在公正和客观的角度,充分利用他们的专业技能,致力于与伊朗的联系和交流,以及在通过外交手段解决伊朗核问题上起着建设性的作用。”

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查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报111025】中国派遣特使到叙利亚,敦促政府落实改革