小明啊 发表于 2011-11-1 11:26


本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2011-11-1 11:26 编辑

When It Comes To Startups In China, Everything You Think You Know Is WRONG【登载媒体】SF GATE旧金山纪事报

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Entrepreneur Bowei Gai sold his last company, a mobile business-card reading app called CardMunch, to LinkedIn earlier this year. Since then, he's been able to pursue some of his other interests.Like the Chinese startup scene.Here's his presentation about what he learned→Last month, Gai visited China to research the startup scene there. He wanted to see if there might be any good opportunities there for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors.Last night he posted a presentation of his findings, titled The China Startup Report, on Slideshare. It quickly became the second most popular presentation on the site. He gave us permission to post it here as well.企业家盖博伟(音译)卖掉了他最后的一家公司,一家叫做CARDMUNCH的制作移动商务浏览器的公司,今年早些时候在LinkedIn。从那时起,他开始发展他的其他爱好。比如观察在中国创业。以下是从他发言中截取的信息→上个月,盖去中国考察创业现状。他想知道这里会有那些好机会留给硅谷的企业家和投资者。昨天晚上他发布了他的幻灯片形式调查报告,名为《中国创业报告》。这篇报告很快成为网站上点击量排第二的文章,现经他允许,我们在这里发布。His takeaway: entering the Chinese market is like starting your first company. If you're American, you really don't know what you're doing:•Competition is insane. In the U.S. a good idea might spawn a few imitators. In China, there's almost no limit. Rumor has it there are as many as 5,000 Groupon clones and at least 100 different Android stores. Tactics can be vicious, including buying negative reviews for competitors and outright theft of intellectual property.进入中国市场就像是你当初开始创业的第一家公司。如果你是美国人,你真的不知道自己在做什么:竞争是极其愚蠢的。在美国一个好想法可能会有一些人去仿制。但在中国,山寨是无底限的。有传言说有多达5000 家山寨公司,至少有100个不同的安卓店铺。而他们的策略更是邪恶,比如抹黑竞争对手,找水军给其负面评价和知识产权盗版。•Chinese users have a completely different baseline of experience. In China, many of the most Internet-savvy users have never even SEEN an email message because they've spent their whole life on QQ Messenger, the most popular IM network.中国用户有一个完全不同的基线用户体验。在中国,许多网络用户甚至从未看过电子邮件,因为他们的一生都花费在QQ上,中国最普遍的网络社交联络工具。•Setting up a company is a "nightmare." If you're a foreign company and want to raise U.S. funds, you have to set up a chain of subsidiaries in different countries to get the funding to flow right, get an Internet Control License from the government, and set up trusts for any employee you want to grant stock options.、建立一个公司是一场“噩梦”。如果你是一个外国公司,要提高美国基金投资额度,你必须在不同国家建立一连串的子公司,以促使基金给与你现金流要求权,得到政府给你的互联网控制执照,还要给你所想授予其优先认股权的雇员信托基金。•Technically, startups there are way behind. There are few reliable cloud infrastructure services like Amazon Web Services, Heroku, or Google Apps -- you have to host everything yourself -- and developers are a generation behind on technology.从技术上讲,创业是落在后面的。这里哪一看到可靠的云基础服务设施(比如亚马逊,HEROKU, 谷歌应用服务等)-你必须自己准备好一切——开发者是被技术甩在身后的一代人。•Startups spend a lot of money on office space. Most Chinese tech workers still prefer working for a big company, and prefer working for cash over equity. So if startups don't have a big beautiful office, hires will assume their prospects are dim and won't come to work for them. Home offices and loading docks are out of the question.初创公司要花很多钱在办公空间上。大多数的中国科技工作者还是喜欢在一家大公司上班,比起获得股权,他们更愿意得到现今,所以如果一家创业公司没有漂亮的大办公室,员工前景暗淡,那他们很可能不会来这家公司上班。在家办公或者在码头办公是不可能的。•Ugly Web sites perform better. Most Chinese Web sites look ugly and crowded by Western standards, but testing suggests that these sites drive better conversion and clickthrough rates than the slick and clean Web 2.0 sites favored in the U.S.丑陋的网站页面反而更受欢迎,在西方标准看来,中国的网页页面大部分是丑陋的并且是拥挤的。但是经过测试证明,这些网站反而蒸蒸日上,并且比美国整洁干净的2.0界面更受欢迎。•Angel investors from outside don't have a chance. Nobody trusts anybody outside their immediate circle, and there's already plenty of money flowing around from Chinese sources.With all that in mind, Gai said it's still worth checking out the Chinese startup scene. But you should know (or learn) the language, focus your visit on Beijing (which has about 10x as many startups as the second-biggest scene in Shanghai), and leave your American arrogance behind.不熟悉的天使投资者没有机会。没有人会相信他们圈子外的人,他们也会有很多的资金来源注入。以上都是推测的,盖说他仍然关注着中国的创业,。但是你要学会中文,以关注北京(不过现在有很多很多的创业者也在上海开始了创业),把你们的美国傲慢抛下吧!

http://bbs.m4.cn/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 该贴已经同步到 小明啊的微博

微博评论 发表于 2011-11-1 12:01


http://bbs.m4.cn/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 来自 AC白羊小明啊 的新浪微博

南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-11-1 13:24


烟台诚顺 发表于 2011-11-2 11:48


壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:40

南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-11-1 13:24 static/image/common/back.gif
最恶劣的竞争环境会诞生最具竞争力最具独创精神的企业 ...


南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-11-2 15:57

壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:40 static/image/common/back.gif
呵呵呵,恶劣的竞争环境有的时候也会令参与者退缩,两两相加,我觉得中国创业的未来不容乐观啊 ...


壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 16:29

南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-11-2 15:57 static/image/common/back.gif

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