lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-1 16:26


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-2 12:37 编辑

【原文标题】Eastern Promises
【载体】 外交政策

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a long history with Asia and, like the country she represents, a long future.美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿同亚洲国家有着渊源的历史。
Forget the Middle East; Hillary Clinton is at home in Asia. During her three years as secretary of state, she has made eight trips to the continent and before that, many others as first lady and U.S. senator. Clinton's embrace of Asia, fostering relationships with leaders from Pakistan to Vietnam and everywhere in between -- has convinced her that the history of the 21st century lies across the Pacific. But Asian leaders are perhaps less sure that the United States is committed to a long-term partnership. As she writes in her piece for Foreign Policy's November issue, "In Asia, they ask whether we are really there to stay, whether we are likely to be distracted again by events elsewhere, whether we can make -- and keep -- credible economic and strategic commitments, and whether we can back those commitments with action. The answer is: We can, and we will."要是暂且不算中东地区,希拉里在亚洲就像在家一样。作为国务卿的三年中,她8次来到亚洲大陆。在此之前,以第一夫人、美国参议员的身份也来过很多次。她在11月份的《外交政策》中写道,“在亚洲,他们问我们是否真的要留下来,我们是否有可能被其他地方的事件再次分心,我们是否可以作出并保持可靠的经济的战略承诺,我们是否用行动来支持这些承诺。我的回答是:我们可以,我们会。”Above, Clinton sits with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the 2011 U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, D.C. on May 9. The dialogue is the highest-level bilateral forum to discuss issues between the two nations.上图是5月9日,希拉里和中国副总理王岐山,国务院委员戴秉国以及美国财政部长盖特纳在华盛顿2011年中美战略经济对话论坛上。

Then First Lady Clinton arrives in Huairou, China, at the site of the NGO forum of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, to deliver a speech on Sept. 6, 1995. "If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights," she said in Beijing the day before. "And women's rights are human rights."1995年9月6日,第一夫人克林顿到达中国怀柔,参与第四届联合国妇女大会NGO论坛。
Clinton smiles as she is presented with a bouquet of flowers by Japanese children on July 8, 1993, in Tokyo, which she visited for the G-7 summit.1993年7月8日,G7峰会上希拉里对一位捧着鲜花的日本小朋友微笑。
President Bill Clinton and the first lady arrive at the Tokyo International Airport surrounded by U.S. and Japanese security officers on July 6, 1993. The trip was President Bill Clinton's first overseas as president. Reporters notedthat Mrs. Clinton was seen all over town, touring museums and Buddhist shrines, but in "very un-Hillarylike fashion, she was seldom heard." 1993年7月6日,克林顿总统和第一夫人到达东京国际机场。

Clinton watches a woman working on a traditional spinning wheel in the village of Burki, near the Pakistan-India border, on March 27, 1995. Clinton had arrived in Pakistan two days earlier, kicking off a two-week South Asia tour. 1995年3月27日,希拉里在印巴边界的布尔基镇观看一名妇女用传统纺车工作。
Clinton is greeted by nuns on March 28, 1995, at a New Delhi orphanage run by Mother Teresa. The first lady announced she would donate about 20 beds to the home. 1995年3月28日,希拉里会见新德里特丽莎修女开办的孤儿院里的修女。
Bill and Hillary Clinton pose for photographs with Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his wife, Wang Yeping, on Oct. 29, 1997. Jiang was honored with a state dinner at the White House.1997年10月29日,克林顿夫妇同江泽民夫妇在白宫。
Clinton smiles with Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto at a luncheon in her honor at the prime minister's home in Islamabad on March 26, 1995. Bhutto described Clinton as a "symbol for women throughout the world." Clinton equally admired Bhutto, describing her as the only celebrity she would wait in line to see. After Bhutto was assassinated in 2007, Clinton wrotethat "Bhutto acknowledged the difficulties faced by women who were breaking with tradition and taking leading roles in public life.... She deftly managed to refer both to the challenges I had encountered during my White House tenure and to her own situation." 1995年3月26日,在伊斯兰堡巴基斯坦首相贝布托的午宴上。
Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, sit next to Truong Thi Khue, vice president of the Vietnam Women's Union, and watch union members sing a song on Nov. 17, 2000, in the village of Yen Tang outside Hanoi. The Clintons visited rural Vietnam to observe several microcredit projects. 2000年11月17日,希拉里和她的女儿切尔西以及越南妇女联盟副主席Truong Thi Khue 在河内。
Now secretary of state, Clinton shakes hands with high school students during a visit to a flood-stricken school in the Filipino town of Marikina, east of Manila, on Nov. 12, 2009.
Then Senator Clinton looks on as Afghan President Hamid Karzai addresses the media at the presidential palace in Kabul on Nov. 27, 2003. Clinton was in the country to spend Thanksgiving with U.S. troops.

Clinton speaks with Pakistani elders in Islamabad on Oct. 30, 2009. Clinton was in Pakistan aiming to repair relations between the United States and Pakistan and broaden the relationship beyond security and anti-terrorism concerns. While she was in Islamabad, a car bomb in Peshawar exploded, killing dozens and prompting Clinton to declarethat the United States stands "shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani people."2009年10月30日。希拉里在伊斯兰堡同巴基斯坦长者聊天。Clinton and then U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates listen to national anthems during a ceremony at the Korean War Memorial in Seoul on July 21, 2010. The United States unveiled new sanctions against North Korea after the sinking of a South Korean warship, measures Clinton said were intended to pressure Pyongyang and prevent the regime from going forward with its nuclear weapons plans. 2010年7月21日,希拉里和当时的国防部长盖茨在首尔的朝鲜战争纪念馆仪式上。

A woman puts a bindi on Clinton's forehead as the secretary arrives at her hotel in Chennai, India, on July 20, 2011. Clinton visited India for the second high-level strategic diaologue between the two countries. The choice of Chennai, home to major U.S. investments in India including Ford Motor Company, was surprising -- Clinton is thought to be the first U.S. secretary of state to visit the city -- but was also decidedly strategic. Chennai is consideredthe "sluice gate that has allowed India's brain drain" to the United States, with the U.S. consulate there issuing the largest number of student visas to the United States in the world.

y03831 发表于 2011-11-12 12:13

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