codewei 发表于 2011-11-7 09:28


罗恩·保罗周六赢得了在伊利诺伊的民意测验,是一连串最新共和党候选人中有希望的胜出。支持说主流媒体忽视他,但这样的民意测验不是科学的,并且他们可以赞成像保罗这样之后也热情追随。 Ron Paul wins yet another straw poll. So why are the media ignoring him?
1:12 pm ET - Ron Paul won a straw poll in Illinois Saturday, the latest in a string of such wins for the GOP presidential hopeful. Supporters say the mainstream media are ignoring him, but such polls are not scientific and they can favor an enthusiastic following like Paul's.
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查看完整版本: 【基督教科学箴言报111107】为啥民调中总胜出的罗恩•保罗总被媒体忽视?