heracules 发表于 2011-11-11 19:13


Clinton urges China toput pressure on Iran希拉里克林顿敦促中国对伊朗施加压力http://news.yahoo.com/clinton-urges-china-put-pressure-iran-050759625.html;_ylt=AiTlN..tBnYxotT9XsxwQZ4Bxg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTQzb2pjaXFkBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBXb3JsZFNGIEFzaWFTU0YEcGtnAzI0OWFkNDFiLWZmMGUtM2M2OC05MmRkLTVlNDliODJjZmFmOQRwb3MDMjEEc2VjA3RvcF9zdG9yeQR2ZXIDNzg0ZmE2MjAtMGMyMy0xMWUxLWJkN2ItOGNhNTVmOTA1MWYx;_ylg=X3oDMTFvODAybTAwBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZHxhc2lhBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=31.Ryu 3 hours agoithink US too much involve in another countries matters. this is time bomb forthem. armageddon would arrive so fast if they not change their foreign policy.
and russia and china shouldhelp monitoring iran cause iran is timerbomb for human kind. iran'ssupport to radical islamist is very dangerous.
but US interfere with tibetis absolutely nonsense.2 Replies·我想美国卷入他国事务太多了,这对美国来说就是定时炸弹。如果美国不改变他的外交政策,世界大战很快就会到来。·中俄应该帮助美国监控伊朗,因为伊朗就是人类的定时炸弹。·伊朗对伊斯兰激进分子的支持非常危险。·但是美国对西藏问题的干涉是非常愚蠢的。下面两个回复Daggar12•Changchun, China•about an hour agoSincewhen is the US interferingin Tibet?·美国什么时候干涉西藏问题了?0Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0Dana•Beijing, China•about an hour agoWedon't have to worry about Chinahaving nuclear weapons because the Chinese are NOT religious fanatics. Peacefulbuddist & taoist who don't mix Church & Politics. The IRANIANS on theother hand DO. That's why we get involved & you should too.我们不必为中国拥有核武器而担心,因为中国人不是狂热的宗教分子。和平的和尚和道士不会把政治和宗教掺杂一起,但是伊朗人正好相反,所以我们卷入这件事,你们也应该加入(干涉一样)。 Canadian 3 hours agoAfew million dollars and 24 hours will solve the problem for good. Either do it,or step down morons.花几百万美元一天就能很好的解决这个问题。要么这样做,要么下台。 Canadian 3 hours agoOhsorry, you and Hussein are in love with the Muzzies.噢,对不起,你和侯赛因正爱的死去活来。(不明白什么意思)·                           Z•Redmond, UnitedStates•3 hours agowecannot depend on china, russia,pakistan or any country toput pressure on iran.we have to bomb iranto give up the idea of nuclear bomb.Reply我们不能依靠中国、俄国、巴基斯坦或者其他国家对伊朗施加压力。我们必须轰炸伊朗来迫使他们放弃核武器。TrailertrashEarnestoM. 3 hours agoThose#$%$ I kill them, I hate Asians, i'l kill Iranens too.我要杀了这些垃圾,我恨亚洲人。我也要杀了伊朗人。下面是两个中国人的回复
2Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0Dana•Beijing, China•about an hour agocreepydude .... go back under your ROCK ! chop chop恐怖兄,回到你的石头下,砍去吧0Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0Jiali•Nanning, China•about an hour agoU.S!!!I hate you ! !美国,我恨你 1Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0MAD AMERICAN !•Fremont, UnitedStates•2 hours agoitsabout time we stop doing the dirty work for Israel !是时候我们停止为以色列做这些脏活了 Dana•Beijing, China•about an hour agoDearcomrade leaders of The Peoples Republic of China ... at some some point ...you can't just keep saying "dialogue is needed" ect. Iran ... is afanatical muslim nation and they're talking all the way until they get theirBOMB. You know from experience in XinJiang .... holy war !亲爱的中华人民共和国的领袖同志,从某种意义上来说,你不能只是一直说“需要对话”等等。伊朗是一个狂热的穆斯林民族,他们会通过各种方式和你对话直到他们造出核武器。你应该知道新疆的圣战。(一个中国人的吐槽) Louis Tan•Singapore,Singapore•about an hour agoThisderanged woman is everywhere and nowhere.这个疯女人无处不在。01011100 5 minutes agoYangJiechi politely listens to Billary the Wilderbeast's nagging while carefullyavoiding to look into her popped out eyeballs. When she runs out of breath hepolitely reitterates his stance. this continues until Billary gets hungry. YangJiechi then politely leads Billary to a table of plenty. Billary stuffs herface, burps and takes a digestive nap on her ride home. The next day YangJiechi politely reitterates his stance...杨洁篪礼貌地倾听希拉里迷失的野兽般的唠叨,尽量不看她那瞪大的牛眼。当希拉里说的喘不出气了,杨洁篪礼貌地重复他的态度。这样来来回回直到希拉里饥肠辘辘,然后杨洁篪会礼貌地领着希拉里到一个丰盛的宴席上。希拉里会吃的满嘴都是,然后打着饱嗝在车子里小息一会儿。第二天杨洁篪接着重复他的态度。。。Wow 37 minutes agoBill"the Liar" Clintonis worst kind of slime bag. he is all fake ,greedy and deceiving Illuminati whois pretending to be a "good guy". His wife is eve3n higher rankedIlluminati. Those two bustards are one of the worst Luciferians ready to doanything to please their master.瞎话篓子比尔克林顿是最坏的人渣,他非常虚伪,贪婪,善骗的“光明帮”,而他总装着是一个好人。他的老婆更是虚伪。这两个混蛋是时刻准备讨好他们主人的最坏的恶棍。Illuminati光照派(或翻译为光明会,光明帮,英文:The Illuminus Organisation)是历史和现代众多社团共用的名称,这些团体可能真实存在或者只是想象,其中一些被确证存在,而另一些只是谣传。是类似共济会一类的秘密协会。Luciferians堕落天使,恶棍。DE OPRESSO LIBER 22 minutes agoYourmind is fckd. Go get another one.你的头被操了吧,换一个吧3 minutes agoWhywould China help America to kill Iran?
Once America finishs with Iran, it will start bombing China.中国为什么帮美国干掉伊朗?一旦美国干掉伊朗,他们就会开始轰炸中国。(中国那么好轰炸吗?)DE OPRESSO LIBER 24 minutes agoYouknowledge of world geopolitical situations is nonexistant. Your comment istotally ignorant.你没有世界地理政治方面的知识,你的评论完全被我无视。

Jigong 发表于 2011-11-11 19:57



滔滔1949 发表于 2011-11-11 21:09



吴钩1 发表于 2011-11-11 22:59


猫咪森林 发表于 2011-11-12 03:22

Louis Tan•Singapore,Singapore•about an hour ago
Thisderanged woman is everywhere and nowhere.
01011100 5 minutes ago
YangJiechi politely listens to Billary the Wilderbeast's nagging while carefullyavoiding to look into her popped out eyeballs. When she runs out of breath hepolitely reitterates his stance. this continues until Billary gets hungry. YangJiechi then politely leads Billary to a table of plenty. Billary stuffs herface, burps and takes a digestive nap on her ride home. The next day YangJiechi politely reitterates his stance...

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