codewei 发表于 2011-11-14 08:51


死了近40年的埃德加·胡佛作为科林·伊斯特伍德指导的传记片,又重返聚光灯,这部戏将在这周推上银幕。胡佛担任联邦调查局局长48年,从柯立芝一直到尼克松,一直服务了8届总统。但胡佛对于大多数人谈起他的话题都是性。让我们从独立的事实来解读胡佛的传奇。同性恋、变装癖?收藏总统的密文以防止被炒?······Dead almost 40 years, J. Edgar Hoover returns to the spotlight as the Clint Eastwood biopic “J. Edgar” opens in theaters this week. Hoover served as director of the FBI for 48 years, holding the job under eight presidents from Calvin Coolidge to Richard M. Nixon. But ask most people about J. Edgar Hoover, and the subject turns to sex. Let’s separate fact from fiction in Hoover’s legacy.
1Hoover was a gay
2Hoover’s secret files kept presidents from firing him.
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