baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 00:10


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【中文标题】中国的资金援助带给欧洲高风险【原文标题】Chinesefinancial help could carry risk for Europe【登载媒体】路透社【来源地址】
HONG KONG      Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:23am EST       香港         2011年11月14 日12:23am (Reuters) - As a cash-strapped Europescrambles to woo China'ssupport for a financial rescue package, human rights groups and dissidents arewarning that in taking such help, the West will sacrifice some leverage over China.(路透社)现金匮乏的欧洲政府争相寻求中国的一揽子救援计划给予其的支持。人权组织和持不同意见者警告说:西方国家将会牺牲一些资金杠杆给中国以获得这些帮助。To clinch adeal, Chinese negotiators will insist on safeguards for their money possiblyincluding preferential creditor terms or guarantees should the crisis worsen.为促成这个交易,中国的谈判专家将坚决要求货币安全的保障措施,这可能会包括优先债权人条款或者是欧债危机恶化时的担保金。More thanthat, however, Europe's desire for China's foreign reserves to calm markets andnormalize sovereign borrowing costs could see China push hard for concessions,including market economy status and easing restrictions on high-tech imports.更重要的是,欧洲对中国外汇储备去安抚市场并规范主权的借贷成本的迫切需求,可以得到中国努力做出的让步,包括市场经济地位和放开的高新技术进口限制。A big China bail-out "could represent a majorchange in the global landscape: the consolidation of China'seconomic dominance at the expense of the status quo powers - the United States and Europe,"Arvind Subramanian, with the Center for Global Development, wrote recently.全球发展中心的ArvindSubramanian最近写道:“中国的大量资金援助可以体现全球景观中的一个主要改变:巩固中国的经济优势地位是以牺牲美国和欧洲的权力现状为代价的。The idea ofEurope going cap in hand to an autocraticregime with a poor rights record and an increasingly assertive political andeconomic agenda is making many in the Chinese dissident and human rightscommunities nervous.这种认为欧洲向一个既有不良人权记录又有日益独断的政治和经济日程的专制政权低头求助的观点使得很多中国异议者和人权组织的人感到紧张。"Ifyou take from somebody you have a shorter hand. If you eat from somebody youhave a softer mouth," said Wu'er Kaixi, an exiled Chinese dissident andformer student leader of the 1989 pro-democracy Tiananmen Square demonstrations."There'stremendous political risk in letting Chinahave its way," Wu'er told Reuters by telephone from Paris. "When you give China so muchpower, they use it in their own way. They don't follow the rules orcodes."吾尔开西是一个流亡海外的中国异议者,还曾是民主派1989年535事件的学生领袖。 “吃人嘴短,拿人手短,”他在巴黎通过电话告诉路透社,“让中国为所欲为会有巨大的政治风险。当你给了中国太多的权力,他们会随心所欲的利用它。他们不会遵守任何规则。”Internationalpressure on human rights irks Chinaand tarnishes its global reputation. This year, Chinahas cracked down on dissent and ethnic tension in Xinjiang, where 32 peoplewere killed, and in Tibet.More than 10 ethnic Tibetans have set fire to themselves in defiance ofstrong-arm Chinese rule.在人权问题上的国际压力搅扰着中国并使其全球声誉严重受损。今年,中国在新疆镇压异见分子和种族冲突,导致32人死亡。而在西藏,10余名藏族人无视中国强权政治放火自焚。But bylending to Europe, such criticism will almost certainly be dampened by allowing"China to seize themoral high ground", says Willy Lam, a political commentator in Hong Kong.一名香港的政治评论员Willy Lam 说:”但是通过贷款给欧洲,这种批评无疑将会因允许中国占领了道德高地而被制止。”The17-nation currency zone's bureaucracy and lumbering politics make the likelihoodof deep concessions to Chinaremote, particularly any compromise on a longstanding arms embargo imposedafter the Tiananmen Square crackdown.But China's$3 trillion in reserves remain a tantalizing target for the bloc.17国货币区域的官僚制度和冗余政治体系很可能会对中国大大的让步,尤其对535事件后长期以来施加的军火禁运政策妥协。"Althoughthe U.S. has borrowed extensively from Chinafor a decade without making major concessions, European disunity on debtmanagement will make it a struggle for the EU to avoid such concessions to Beijing," writeFrançois Godement and Jonas Parello-Plesner, senior policy fellowswith the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank, in an upcomingreport.在接下来的报告中,欧洲外交关系协会智囊团的一名资深政策研究人员写道:“尽管近年来美国没有做出任何实质让步就从中国贷出大量资金,欧洲的债务管理不统一却使得欧盟很难避免对中国做出让步。”Already,China has acquired a vast number of strategic assets globally, including carmakers like MG and Volvo, stakes in ports and airports, as well as bond-purchases from European states that have built goodwillfor future Chinese contracts.中国目前已经获得了大量的全球战略资产,包括MG和Volvo这样的汽车制造商,港口和机场的股份,以及大量与中国建立亲善关系的欧洲主权国家的债券。WhileEuropean leaders like French President Nicolas Sarkozy court China, there remains a deepundercurrent of suspicion about its intentions in European political circles.尽管一些欧洲领导人例如法国总统萨科齐向中国示好,在欧洲政坛还是有一股暗流涌动的对其意图的怀疑。Europeanmanufacturing associations fear a China-funded bail-out will lead to Europe further opening its doors to Chinese imports,dealing a further blow to EU manufacturers.Godemontand Parello-Plesner argue Chinese investment in Europehad allowed it "to play off member states against each other and againsttheir own collective interests".欧洲制造业协会担心由中国出资的救市行为将导致欧洲中国进口的进一步开放,造成对欧盟制造商更深刻的打击。Godemont 和Parello-Plesner认为中国的在欧投资已使欧盟各国互相竞争而与集体利益相违背。
ACHINESE FINANCIAL CRISIS?                中国的金融危机Europe is China's largest trading partner supplying 17percent of the European Union's imports, meaning it is in China's interests to help stabilize Europe and preserve demand for China-made goods.欧洲是中国最大的贸易伙伴,为中国提供17%欧盟进口商品。这意味着帮助稳定欧洲和维持对中国商品的需求符合中国的利益。Butdomestic pressure and the specter of a hard landing for China's economy could limit its support for Europe.但是,来自中国国内的压力及经济硬着陆的风险限制了中国对欧洲的援助。"A fewyears later China may finditself in a very awkward situation that it itself has to go through a painfuladjustment," said Minggao Shen, the head of Chinaresearch at Citigroup, who estimates China could only afford to lend amaximum of $300 billion of its 3.2 trillion reserves.But thereis some opposition to any such help."Europeis dreaming it can get money from a poor person," said Chen Ping, chairmanof Sun TV, an independent Chinese-language broadcasterwhose critical broadcasts and talk shows have been banned in China.花旗集团中国研究院的首席长官MinggaoShen说:“过不了几年,中国就会发现自己处于一种非常尴尬的境地-中国不得不有一个痛苦的经济转型过程。”他预计到那时,中国的3.2万亿的美元储备中最多只能承担外借3000亿美元。但是对于任何此种援助都会有一些反对的声音。Sun TV的主席Chen Ping说:“欧洲正做梦从一个穷人那里得到钱。”他是一名独立的中国语媒体人,他的批判性的播报和脱口秀节目已经被中国禁止。"If China still has money to save Europe,how will the local governments repay their debts at the end of this year andnext? How will they pay for expenditures, they won't be able to solvethat," Chen, the author of "The Era of Recession", told Reutersin his Hong Kong studio.《时代的衰退》的作者Chen在他的香港工作室对路透社说“如果中国还有钱去救欧洲,那么当地政府今年年底如何偿还其债务?明年呢?他们将如何支付开支?这个问题是他们不能解决的。“"Chinawill have its own financial crisis. And it will be much worse than that in Europe."Politicallytoo, Chinafaces problems with inflation, high property prices, land grabs, a wealth gapand corruption.“中国自己也会发生金融危机,并且将比欧债危机的还要严重。“在政治上也同样地面对通货膨胀、高房价、土地侵占和贫富差距扩大以及腐败这些问题。This,coupled with a watershed leadership transition next year, when stability willbe paramount, means its priority will likely be the homefront.这些问题,与明年的转折点领导人改选结合,使得那时稳定是最为重要的。这意味着中国将把国家后方安全作为优先考量。Echoinganxiety about frittering away the nation's wealth on a profligate Europe, Chinese micro-blogging sites and state media havebuzzed with warnings against rash investment in a bailout fund.中国的微博网站和国家媒体回应了对于消磨国家财富给一个恣意挥霍的欧洲的焦虑感,并对提供援助资金这种轻率的投资发出了警告。 Yang Jianli, an exiled dissident who runs"Initiatives for China",a U.S.-based group advocating democratic change, said it was a misconceptionthat Chinaharbored grand global ambitions. "They fear losing power the most,"Yang said by telephone from the UnitedStates. "Their top business is tosurvive. Nothing else. That's the most serious issue facing them, not theinternational one."总部设在美国的中国人权团体”公民力量“的负责人Yang Jianli同时也是一名流亡在外的中国异议者,他说:“中国隐藏了巨大的全球野心是一种错觉。”他在美国通过电话说,“他们最害怕的是失去权力,他们最重要的事情是自保而并无其它。那才是他们面对的最严重的问题,而并非国际上的这个问题。“

Jigong 发表于 2011-11-15 00:58


武大郎 发表于 2011-11-15 01:39


无可就要 发表于 2011-11-15 03:04



baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 10:03

中国曾提出了支持欧洲的三个条件:1)给予中国在国际货币基金组织(IMF)更大影响力;2)承认中国在世界贸易组织(WTO)的市场经济地位;3) 取消对华武器禁运。

baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 10:04


沐霜 发表于 2011-11-15 11:46


in2out 发表于 2011-11-15 13:05

人民币 欧元互换就爽爽了
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