baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 13:49


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-15 14:52 编辑

【原文标题】China: Google Earth spots huge,unidentified structures in Gobi desert
【译文】Vast, unidentified, structures have beenspotted by satellites in the barren Gobi desert, raising questions about whatChina might be building in a region it uses for its military, space and nuclearprogrammes.在贫瘠的戈壁滩,卫星拍摄到一些巨大的不明结构,使得中国似乎要建立一块负责军事、太空和核项目区域的问题浮出水面。
Intwo images, available on Google Earth, reflective rectangles up to a mile longcan be seen, a tangle of bright white intersecting lines that are clearlyvisible from space.在google地图的画面中,可以看到反光的一英里长矩形结构,从太空中可以清楚的看到一团明亮的白色交叉线。Otherpictures show enormous concentric circles radiating on the ground, with threejets parked at their centre.另从图片上还可看到地面上巨大的同心圆呈辐射状,有三架飞机停放在它们的中心。In one picture from 2007, a mass of orange blocks have been carefully arranged ina circle. In a more recent image, however, the blocks, each one the size of ashipping container, appear to have been scattered as far as three miles fromthe original site.从2007年的一张图片可看到大量橙色色块被规则安放在一个圆圈中。然而从最近的一幅画面中看,这些集装箱大小的色块,似乎已经分散到距离最原始区域3英里外的地方。Anotherimage shows an array of metallic squares littered with what appears to be thedebris of exploded vehicles while another shows an intricate gridthat is some 18 miles long.另一幅图片展示的是一组金属块状造型,看上去像是车辆爆炸产生的凌乱碎片,同时还可看到一个18英里长的错综网格结构。Thetwo reflective rectangles lie 70 miles from the nearest main road and there isno sign of any surrounding activity. However, Ding Xin military airbase, whereChina carries out its secret aircraft testing programme, is relatively nearby,at a distance of some 400 miles.这两个反光的矩形位于距离最近的主路70英里远处,而且周围也没有任何类型活动的迹象。然而,中国实行秘密航空器试验项目的DINGXIN军事基地就在距离大约400英里的不远处。400miles in the other direction is Lop Nur, the salt lakes where Chinatested 45 nuclear bombs between 1967 and 1995.另一个方向400英里远处是新疆罗布泊,也就是中国1967到1995年间测试了45枚核弹的盐水湖地区。Thepurpose of the structures is unknown, but some experts suggested that theymight be optical test ranges for Chinese missiles, to simulate the street gridsof cities.这些不明结构的建造目的我们不得而知,但是一些专家认为它们可能是为中国军队模拟城市的接到网格而圈画的光学测试范围。TimRipley, a defence expert from Jane's Defence Weekly, compared the structuresto similar grids in Area 51, the secret United States military testbase in Nevada. "The picture of the circle looks very like amissile test range, with target and instrumentation set out to record weaponeffects. The Americans have lots of these in Nevada – Area 51!"he said.简氏防务周刊的国防专家TimRipley将这些结构与美国秘密军事基地即内华达的51区的类似网格结构作了比较。他说:“图片上的这些环状非常像是利用仪器去记录武器效果的导弹测试范围。美国人在内华达(51区)曾多次做过这些测试。”Conspiracytheorists believe that Area 51 is home to the remains of an alien spacecraftfound at Roswell, and there was no shortage on Monday of similarhypotheses about the Chinese sites.阴谋论者认为51区是罗斯维尔发现的不明飞行物的残骸所在地。因此对中国这个地区的类似假设也同样可以成立。"Itlooks like our own Area 51," said one commenter on Baidu, a Chinesewebsite. "Can it be an alien base," askedanother. "It looks like solar energy facilities, with awalkway along the side," said a third.一个来自中国网站(百度)的评论家说:“它就像是我们自己的51区。”也有人猜测它“是否是一个外星人基地”。还有人说“它就像是一个边缘设有走道的太阳能设施。”

slugmandrewYesterday 03:00 PMThey'reprobably just messing with our heads. It could be a test track for hovercars oranything.他们可能就是试图干扰我们的思维,也许它不过就是一个飞行汽车的试车跑道。

FlacksteenYesterday 03:26 PMIf this isofficial Chinese policy then presumably the Chinese government will announcethat it has no territorial ambitions for Taiwan and is quite happy for it totake its seat at the UN. It should also cease itsexpansionist activities in the South China Sea and stop occupying remoteislands to which its territorial claims are, to say the least, questionable. Then it mightstart discussing freedom in Tibet, where it has held another nation in thrallfor more than fifty years.Yup, if this is official Chinese policy let'ssee it applied in practice.如果这是中国的官方的政策。那么中国政府很有可能会宣称他们对台已无领土野心,并且很乐意它在联合国有一席之地。它应该也会结束其在中国南海的扩张活动,并停止占领其领土要求的偏远岛屿,至少可以说,有可能。然后会开始讨论西藏的自由问题,那里有奴役了超过50年的另一个国家。是的,如果这是中国政府的官方政策,让我们看看它是如何在实践中应用的。

madranonYesterday 02:48 PMThe last oneseems to be designed to measure blast radius, with the obsoleteplanes in the centre and upright structures arranged in a circularpattern.最后一个好像是用来测量爆破半径的,中心是几架老式飞机与那些圆形结构垂直。

Geoffrey ShenkYesterday 11:17 PMLooks likeChina is trying out the new BETA "Country Size" QR Codes for touristflying over to take pics and learn more before visiting. Whatan innovative marketing & PR team China has these days.看上去中国正在尝试用新的国家图形代码来招待上空飞过的游客呢。他们可以拍照并且在来访前了解中国更多。中国现在真是拥有非常有创意的营销和公关团队啊。

donald_donYesterday 08:31 PMChineseimprovements on the 2012 Olympic logo?这是中国对2012奥运会会标设计的改进版?
Carl_s_JonesYesterday 03:46 PMIts a big gameand most people aren`t invited.
They are here,they are controlling events. Gary McKinnon knows, he hacked thedefence computers, this is why they want him banged up and neutralized.Unfortunately,the US is not the center of our world. The Indian government were about to comeclean and tell the public exactly what is going on, but it appears the US didstep in and stop it.
Clearly, theywould be more interested in the largest areas of population.
What I want to know is, will they stop WW3??lol这是一个只有少部分人参与的大游戏。他们在这里,他们控制着全局。Gary McKinnon(世界头号黑客,译者注)知道,他入侵了国防部电脑,所以他们希望他默不作声或者保持中立。不幸的是,美国并不是世界的中心。印度政府曾要和盘托出告诉公众将发生什么,不过看起来美国已经介入并阻止了它。很明显的。他们会对人口最多的地区更有兴趣。不过我想知道的是,他们是否可以阻止第三次世界大战呢?(我笑而不语)

baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 14:46


lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-15 14:51

baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 14:46 static/image/common/back.gif
选编过程看到好多人说这是外星人的作品,让完全不相信外星人那一套的我很是无语。 ...


baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 14:56

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-15 14:51 static/image/common/back.gif


lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-15 14:56

baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 14:56 static/image/common/back.gif


baby60 发表于 2011-11-15 15:00

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-15 14:56 static/image/common/back.gif


kusanagi20 发表于 2011-11-15 15:35


佳节喂狗 发表于 2011-11-15 17:08


10的112次方 发表于 2011-11-15 17:27


mingyi99 发表于 2011-11-15 19:01


qongren 发表于 2011-11-15 22:00


丁鹏de围脖 发表于 2011-11-16 15:01


zkj115 发表于 2011-11-16 15:10


zkj115 发表于 2011-11-16 15:35,93.742118&hl=de&ll=40.447764,93.744299&spn=0.005201,0.010107&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=6&z=17

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查看完整版本: 【每日电讯报111115】中国:Google地图在戈壁滩发现的巨大不明结构