lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-15 14:01



【原文标题】China unlikely to budge on thorny South China Sea dispute



【译    者】Lucine


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【译    文】

(Reuters) - Pressured at home and increasingly sensing a concerted regional effort to contain its territorial claims, China will be in no mood to make concessions on vast areas of the disputed South China Sea at two key east Asian summits in Indonesia this week.
China has the most extensive historic sovereignty claims in the potentially oil and gas rich South China Sea, including uninhabited atolls near the equatorial northern coast of Borneo.
Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei are the other claimants to parts of the sea, and along with the United States and Japan, are pressuring Beijing to try and seek some way forward on the knotty issue of sovereignty, which has flared up again this year with often tense maritime stand-offs.
But China, growing in confidence and military power, will see no reason to back down, a foreign policy analyst said.
"It's pretty prominent and pretty powerful now, so why back down now?" Kerry Brown, head of the Asia Program at Chatham House, a London foreign policy institute."It would be odd for it to do so when you consider how big its strategic needs are, its energy needs, and the potential that these disputed territories have to fulfill those," he added.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is attending first a summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), followed straight after by the East Asia Summit on November 19, both on the Indonesian resort island of Bali.
    “现今的中国是杰出的、强大的,凭什么让步?” 英国伦敦著名智库查塔姆研究社的领导凯里·布朗(Kerry Brown)如是说。
The East Asia Summit has been held every year since 2005. It gathers senior officials or leaders from Southeast Asia, China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea and New Zealand. U.S. President Barack Obama is also due to attend this year.Diplomats say the South China Sea will most likely be raised during the two meetings.
DISPUTES争端Claimants to the sea have been trying to cool tension after a series of disputes this year, including when Chinese patrol boats threatened to ram a Philippine-contracted survey ship in the Reed Bank in March.
   China and Vietnam last month signed an agreement seeking to contain the dispute, but the wording was vague and contained little new that the two sides had not agreed on previously.
    中国和越南上月签署了一份协议,寻求遏制争议的办法。但是这份协议措辞含糊,只包含之前双边未达成一致的一小部分新内容。"It's really only a question of time before we see another incident of the kind we saw earlier this year," said Ian Storey, a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
    “再次看到类似今年前些时候的冲突,只是时间问题。”新加坡东南亚研究所的一名研究员Ian Storey(斯托雷)这样说。"China opposes any discussion of the issue at these kinds of forums," he added. "It opposes the 'internationalisation' of the problem. That's a limiting factor because China is obviously the key player in all of this and if it doesn't want to talk you're not going to make much headway."
    “中国反对在任何这类论坛上讨论南海争端,”他补充到,“中国反对将这个问题‘国际化’。这是谈话无法进行的一个限制因素,因为很明显,中国是一切南海争端问题的主要参与者,如果它不愿意谈论,你就没法取得进展。”China insists the dispute can only be resolved by bilateral talks between the parties directly concerned and has reacted angrily to attempts by the United States or old enemy Japan to get involved. India too has entered the frame via an oil exploration agreement with Vietnam.
    中国坚持南海争端只能依靠直接争议方的双边对话解决,并且对美国和昔日敌人日本的企图介入反应极为强烈。而印度也通过与越南的石油出口协议进入到问题框架中。With U.S. bases to the east in Japan and South Korea, China fears its southern flank could be threatened if the United States stepped up its naval presence in the South China Sea, even if, as Washington says, it only wants to protect freedom of navigation.
    随着美国军事基地在日本和韩国的建立,中国担心美国海军在南海地区的加速增加将威胁到中国南部的安全。虽然华盛顿方面称,美国海军在这一区域只是为了保护航海自由。Expecting ASEAN to play a role could also be wishful thinking.
    期待东盟能够在南海争端上发挥作用也可能只是一厢情愿的想法。"ASEAN does not even have a common stand on the South China Sea dispute and has a poor track record in settling issues like this," said, executive director of Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research.
    “东盟在南海争端上甚至没有一个共同的立场,关于解决此类问题的工作成绩记录也少得可怜。”菲律宾和平、暴力和恐怖主义研究所的执行理事(隆美尔)Rommel Banlaoi这样说。
PUBLIC SUPPORT IN CHINA中国的公众支持China's state-run press has given wide coverage to the dispute.Last week, the overseas edition of the People's Daily warned East Asian countries against letting the United States poke its nose in prickly questions like the South China Sea."Everything shows that the United States will provoke the contradictions which exist between countries in this region for its own benefit," it said in a commentary.
    “所有事情都说明美国将为了自己的利益而煽动南海周边国家之间的矛盾。”报纸上的一篇评论这些写到。As well, more than 80 percent of respondents to an on-line survey the Global Times' website said force should be used to resolve the issue, putting a degree of public pressure on the government not to surrender or weaken its claims.
    同样的,在环球网一份网络调查问卷上,超过80%的人认为应诉诸武力以解决南海争端,这给政府带来一定的公众压力,使政府不能投降或者削弱其主张。"Whatever happens, I hope the country does not let its people lose face over this," wrote one on-line reader of the popular tabloid, run by Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily.A former Chinese naval officer and academic at China's National Defense University warned in the Global Times on Friday that China risked "leaving fallow one's own land" if it were not more active in the South China Sea."Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines have all established a presence. We should be more proactive in strengthening our presence and control," Fan Jinfa wrote.

李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2011-11-15 16:09


南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-11-15 16:33


寒铁 发表于 2011-11-15 23:21


我带耳朵来听 发表于 2011-11-16 00:34


kusanagi20 发表于 2011-11-16 11:42


sei_explorer 发表于 2011-11-16 12:30

现在言战怕还为时过早 大陆在南沙没有机场 西沙永兴岛到南海南端竟然还有1400公里 MD打起来以后还得提防在太平岛的台军
或许一个可行的手段是 再来一次像74 88年那样的小“冲突” 从南沙抢一座小岛来建机场 不过需要太多时间了。。。要么就等老瓦成熟,。。。

丁鹏de围脖 发表于 2011-11-16 14:46


不修刚 发表于 2011-11-16 15:12


虎步舞 发表于 2011-11-17 00:36

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