EchoVan 发表于 2011-11-16 20:00


本帖最后由 EchoVan 于 2011-11-16 20:02 编辑

【中文标题】印度学生在避开美国高校?【原文标题】Are Indian Students Shunning America?
【译者】 EchoVan【翻译方式】人工【声    明】 欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处。

More and more Chinese students are heading to the U.S. for higher education, but the number of Indian students studying there is dropping. In the 2010-2011 academic year, around 103,900 Indian students enrolled at American universities, a 1% decline from the previous year, a new report shows.This contrasts sharply with the soaring number of Chinese students, which increased by over 23% from the previous year to a little over 157,500, according to Open Doors, an annual report jointly released by the Institute of International Education, a nonprofit, and the U.S. State Department.
这与激增的中国留学生形成鲜明对比。中国留学生已增至157,500人,与上年相比增加超过23%。此数据来源于Open Doors报告,是一项由非盈利机构国际教育协会和美国国务院联合发布的年度报告。

This doesn’t mean Indian students have lost interest in U.S. schools. They still make up around 14% of the international student pie in the U.S., just second behind their Chinese counterparts. Many in India hope that studying abroad will give them better educational qualifications. By international standards, Indian universities still lag: none made it in a recent ranking of the world’s top 200, not even the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Besides the U.S., the U.K. and Australia are also popular destinations among Indian students.For much of the past decade, most international students studying in the U.S. came from India. But China has been topping the list for the last two years, and the gap looks set to widen. 这并不意味着印度学生对美国大学失去了兴趣。印度留学生人数仍占美国国际学生的14%,仅次于中国留学生。许多印度人期待海外留学经历能提升他们的教育背景。从国际水平来看,印度的大学仍然很落后:最新的世界前200所大学的排名中没有一所印度大学,甚至连印度最有名望的学府,位于孟买的印度理工大学也排不上。除了美国,英国和澳大利亚也是印度留学生的热门选择。过去十年的大部分时候,印度都是美国国际学生的第一来源国。但是最近两年中国已超过了印度,而且中印人数差距势必要拉大。

The failure of U.S. institutes to significantly boost their number of Indian students points at a rather basic problem: few in India can afford to study abroad. The data suggests this isn’t changing – while in China, a fellow BRIC country with a faster-growing economy, it is.
This is partly why U.S. universities are eyeing Indian students on their home turf. They have been lobbying the Indian government to allow foreign universities to set up branches in India, a country with a large English-speaking population. This, they hope, will also encourage more Indian students to enroll at the undergraduate level. At the moment, only 13.5% of Indian students in the U.S. are undergraduates, the report shows.
There were no surprises when it came to the fields of study taken up by Indian students in the U.S. A whopping 36.9% of them were enrolled in engineering – a lot more than for students from any other place of origin –, and another 15% in business/management, a subject popular across nationalities. Humanities, which has a less professional bent, was by far the least popular, with only 0.6% of Indian students enrolled in this field.美国高校吸引的印度留学生没能显著增长,指向了一个很基本的问题:很少有印度人有钱到海外留学。数据显示这一状况并没有什么改变----但是在同为金砖四国但经济发展更快的中国,情况就不同了。这也部分解释了为什么美国高校在寻求来印度本土招募学生。他们已经在游说印度政府,希望其允许外国高校来有着大量英语人口的印度设分校。他们希望这一举措能鼓励更多印度学生在大学本科阶段到美国学习。前述报告显示,目前,仅有13.5%的在美印度留学生是本科生。看一看印度留学生在美国所选的专业,这就不奇怪了。高达36.9%的留学生学的是工程---超出其他国家很多;另有15%学的是经济、管理类课程,这在全世界都是热门专业。人文科学,因为专业化倾向不明朗,是最冷门的专业,仅有0.6%的印度留学生选择这一领域。
One of the study’s most interesting findings was that the number of American students who are now coming to India is actually increasing. In the 2009-2010 academic year, the last year for which data is available, their number rose 44.4% from the previous year. But in absolute terms the figure is less impressive, amounting to a total of 3,884 U.S. students. This made India the 14th most-popular destination abroad (China ranked 5th) for American students.
The number of Indian students in the U.S. also dropped in 2005-2006, and a lot more significantly, just to rise again the following year. This suggests the recent slip in enrollments could be a one-off rather than the beginning of a downward trend.这一调查最有趣的发现之一是,来印度求学的美国留学生越来越多了。在2009-2010学年(有数据记载的最近年份),美国留学生较前一年增加了44.4%。但从绝对量上来看就显得不那么可观了:美国在印度的留学生总计3884名。在美国留学生的热门目的地中,印度排第14(中国排第5)。印度在美留学生数量在2005-2006学年也有一个下降,但更值得注意的是,第二年就再次上升了。据此预测,近年印度留学生人数的下降也可能只是暂时性的,并不预示着以后会一直下降。

jack_j11 发表于 2011-11-16 20:37


莫说 发表于 2011-11-16 20:40


李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2011-11-17 14:25

莫说 发表于 2011-11-16 20:40 static/image/common/back.gif


rosiel 发表于 2011-11-17 16:41


实习的时候,IT公司里连有些白人的口音都带印度腔 -。-

小珍 发表于 2011-11-17 16:46

但愿 老美 经济 但愿 会不行了的吧

仗剑行千里 发表于 2011-11-18 21:05


寒铁 发表于 2011-11-19 01:55


ca921 发表于 2011-11-19 04:55

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