codewei 发表于 2011-11-17 10:08


据CNN报道,周五白宫的一个窗户受到枪击。从犯罪现场图像看来,这个窗户是已经修过的,或许是同一个勤奋的工匠非常迅速的换好了克里斯·布朗在去年三月《早安,美国》里弄坏窗户。我们推断,有可能窗户的修理是内部线索。White House Windowcide! Gunman Takes Panes, But No One’s Home
CNN reports today that a bullet struck a White House window on Friday. Judging by images of the crime scene, the window has since been repaired—perhaps by the same diligent craftsmen who very quickly replaced the window Chris Brown destroyed on the set of Good Morning America last March. It is also possible, we suppose, the window repair was internally sourced.
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