Lesley 发表于 2011-11-18 00:01


【原文标题】US does not fear China, says Obama
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CANBERRA:President Barack Obama insisted on Wednesday that theUnited States does not fear China, even as he announced a new security agreement with Australia that is widely viewed as a response to Beijing's growing aggressiveness. China responded swiftly with a warning that an expanded US military footprint in Australia may not be appropriate and deserved greater scrutiny. 堪培拉:奥巴马总统之前宣布了一项于澳大利亚新的军事协议,即使这项协议被外界普遍认为是为对北京发展威胁的反应,奥巴马仍然于本周三声称:美国不是害怕中国。中国方面迅速对此事做出了反应,警告称在澳大利亚的美国军事扩增计划是不合适的,还需详细审查。
The agreement, announced during a joint news conference with Australian PMJulia Gillard, will expand the US military presence in Australia, positioning more US personnel and equipment there, and increasing American access to bases. 此项协议宣称:在与澳大利亚总理Julia Gillard的联合记者会期间,美军将会增加在澳驻军,配置更多美国的相关人员与装备,更多的美军进驻基地。
About 250 US marines will begin a rotation in northern Australia starting next year, with a full force of 2,500 military personnel staffing up over the next several years. During his news conference with Gillard, Obama sidestepped questions about whether the security pact was aimed at containing China .But he said the US would keep sending a clear message that China needs to accept responsibilities that come with being a world power.预计从明年开始,将会有250名海军开始在澳大利亚北部轮流巡航,除此之外,在接下来几年将会有2500民海军陆战队员陆续部署北方领土。在与Gillard的新闻会议期间,奥巴马总统一直在回避关于次安全协定是否有针对中国的问题。但是他声称美国会保持明确的态度,认为中国的崛起应该承担各大的责任。
"It's important for them to play by the rules of the road," he said. And he insisted that the US is not fearful of China's rise. "I think the notion that we fear China is mistaken . The notion that we're looking to exclude China is mistaken," he said.“该亚洲大国应该遵循游戏规则”,他说。并且还说美国不怕中国的崛起。奥巴马说,美国害怕或想边缘化中国的说法是“错误的”。
China was immediately leery of the prospect of an expanded US military presence in Australia. Foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said on Wednesday that it was worth discussing whether the plan was in line with the common interests of the international community. Obama national security aideBen Rhodes said the agreement was not only appropriate , but also a response to the demand from nations in the region that have signaled they want the US to be present. The US and smaller Asian nations have grown increasingly concerned about China claiming dominion over vast areas of the Pacific that the US considers international waters, and reigniting old territorial disputes. 中国对于美国扩充在澳驻军计划的前景持怀疑态度。外交部发言人刘为民于本周三声称,此协议是否与国际社会的共同利益一致有待商榷。奥巴马的国家安全助理 Ben Rhodes 认为此协议不仅十分合适,并且是对这个地区的国家签署希望美国出席的要求的回应。自从中国宣布对于太平洋大部分区域的统治权之后,美国和较小的亚洲国家对于此问题的关心逐日攀升,并且再次展开激烈的领土问题争辩,而此区域被美国认为是公海。
Defence secretaryLeon Panetta has said that the goal of the new security pact is to signal that the US and Australia will stick together in face of any threats. In addition to the expanded Marine presence in Australia , more US aircraft will rotate through Australia as part of an agreement between each nation's air force. Obama and Gillard said the increased air presence would allow the US and Australia to more effectively respond to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crises in the region. Rhodes said the US military boost would amount to a "sustained US presence".国防部长Leon Panetta解释,此项新的安全协议目标是签署确认在任何威胁面前美国与澳大利亚将会团结一致。除了美国在澳的扩大军备案之外,作为双方空军力量之间协议的一部分,将会有更多的美军飞机在澳大利亚巡航。奥巴马和Gillard说,空军力量的增加将会使美国和澳大利亚更迅速地对此区域自然灾害与人道主义危机做出反应。Rhodes说美军增援就相当于美国势力的长期存在。

Jigong 发表于 2011-11-18 00:50


我还以为是 250,000!

打倒帝国主义 发表于 2011-11-18 01:09


猫咪森林 发表于 2011-11-18 01:40


水瓶 发表于 2011-11-18 11:08


原装国产 发表于 2011-11-18 12:52


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飞翔的鸟儿 发表于 2011-11-18 21:44


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ca921 发表于 2011-11-19 04:59

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