kamina_shin 发表于 2011-11-19 01:34



【原文标题】IMF warns China’s banks face growing risks, urges more market-oriented reforms

【译    者】 kamina_shin


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BEIJING — The International Monetary Fundwarned Tuesday that China’sbanks face growing risks that might hamper growth, adding to concern about theworld’s second-largest economy amid Europe’sdebt crisis.
The IMF’s comments add to warnings by industryanalysts that state-owned banks face a possible rise in bad loans and otherproblems after a lending boom that helped China rebound quickly from the 2008global crisis.
China’s economy expanded by 9.1 percentin the quarter ending in September but growth is forecast to slow as exportsweaken due to a slump in U.S.and European demand and a boom in real estate prices cools.
“Despite ongoing reform and financial strength, Chinaconfronts a steady buildup of financial sector vulnerabilities,” the IMFsaid in a report based on stress tests of China’s 17 biggest state-ownedlenders that it conducted with Chinese regulators.
The warning comes as anxiety about Italy’s debtsand the threat of renewed recession in developed economies roils financialmarkets.
Japan reported Monday that its economygrew in the latest quarter for the first time since the devastating March 11tsunami. But Asian stock markets fell Tuesday on enduring concern about theability of Italy and Greece to paytheir debts.
Beijing could reduce its banking risks bymaking the industry more market-oriented and reducing the government’s dominantrole in making lending decisions, the IMF said.
China’s banks are seen as among theworld’s strongest after they avoided the credit problems that battered Westerninstitutions. But industry analysts say they face a possible rise in bad loansdue to heavy lending during the crisis.
China’s banks could face risks if realestate prices fall sharply or unpaid loans increase due tocrisis-related lending, the IMF said. It said other dangers could arisefrom growing imbalances in a Chinese economy that relies heavily on exports andinvestment to drive growth despite government efforts to boost domesticconsumption.
An inflexible regulatory system and governmentdominance in deciding who gets loans “could impair the needed reorientation ofthe financial system to support China’sfuture growth,” it said.
Lending has fallen as Beijing hiked interest rates and ratcheted upcredit controls over the past year to cool an overheated economy. But thecredit squeeze has hurt small and private businesses and authorities havepromised to loosen some controls.
The government also has tightened controls on lendingfor real estate to cool a surge in housing costs and says those will stay.
Beijing is pressing banks to lend more toentrepreneurs and is letting them charge some borrowers higher interest rates.But the bulk of credit still goes to state companies and to finance governmentprojects.
The IMF said Chinese leaders also should reduce theiruse of banks to carry out economic plans and instead pay for initiatives outof the government budget.
The agency also recommended further development offinancial markets to make credit more available to entrepreneurs and forregulators to improve their ability to monitor banks and spot problems.
Such changes “will make an important contribution tosustaining China’sgrowth,” the IMF said.
The agency said it carried out the bank stress testswith Chinese regulators in six cities including Beijingand Shanghai.
Banks “appear to be resilient to isolated shocks”such as a fall in real estate prices, exchange rate changes or deterioration inasset quality, the IMF said.
“If several of these risks were to occur at the sametime, however, the banking system could be severely impacted,” it said.
The IMF said its ability to assess the full extent ofrisks was hampered by incomplete data, lack of a sufficiently long financialrecord and lack of access to confidential data.

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-20 02:41


kamina_shin 发表于 2011-11-20 13:19

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-20 02:41 static/image/common/back.gif

刚去微博看了一下,13万多,不过她粉丝都是通过系统通知加的,所以说应该是新浪推广的= =。。。

fl53 发表于 2011-11-20 15:51

狗屎中国银行都归政府管能出狗屎问题出问题直接行政切了就行如果听你们的让市场管 让资本管    还不知道烂成什么垃圾样子看你们那一把恶心样子中国现在就是学你们才这么烂

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-21 09:28


kamina_shin 发表于 2011-11-21 11:52

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-21 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif


lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-21 11:54

kamina_shin 发表于 2011-11-21 11:52 static/image/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报111115】IMF警告中国的银行直面增长的风险,敦促更多市场导向的改革。