codewei 发表于 2011-11-21 09:06


虽然罗恩·保罗有一堆忠实的粉丝,但他在关键问题上的立场使他和许多共和党人分裂。但在早前的一次投票中,他一直稳步前进——尤其是在爱荷华州。Ron Paul's strength in Iowa shows it's too soon to write him off
1:00 pm ET - Though he has a large and loyal following, Ron Paul's positions on key issues sets him apart from many Republicans. But he keeps moving steadily toward a position of strength in the early voting – especially in Iowa.
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查看完整版本: 【基督教科学箴言报111121】罗恩•保罗在爱荷华州的实力表示:判断出局还为时过早