diver18 发表于 2011-11-21 09:41

【CNN201118】奥巴马打脸,很多人不愿意了 之 他说美国过去二十年有点懒,被批判

本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-11-21 09:42 编辑


Perry stands by ad, calls Obama a 'socialist'

Posted by CNN's Shawna Shepherd and Ashley Killough

(CNN) - In defending his latest television ad, Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday continued his attack strategy against President Barack Obama and emphatically called him a "socialist."

"Absolutely," Perry said in an interview on Fox News. "I think Barack Obama is a socialist."

Conservative talk show host Bill O'Reilly was the latest to question the presidential candidate over the validity of his new TV ad, which claims Obama believes Americans are lazy.

The spot, broadcast in Iowa and nationwide on cable, showed a clip of Obama saying, "We've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades."

In the ad, Perry said: "Can you believe that? That's what our president thinks is wrong with America? That Americans are lazy? That's pathetic. It's time to clean house in Washington."

But critics argue that Perry took Obama's "lazy" remark out of context.

The president made the comment in response to a question last weekend about how foreign investors viewed the United States. When listening to the rest of his remarks, Obama seemed to be addressing U.S. business practices as "lazy," rather than American workers or voters.

O'Reilly on Friday questioned Perry over whether he was being misleading with the ad.

"I believe he was talking about Americans," Perry responded.

O’Reilly asked the candidate if he believed the notion that Obama simply doesn’t like America, to which Perry replied: “I think he cares for this country. I just think his policies are socialist.”

Perry added that he believes the president "truly misunderstands" the country's free enterprise system, citing a 2008 campaign moment when Obama was confronted about taxes by a voter who later became known as "Joe the Plumber."

Obama responded saying that spreading the wealth around was "good for everybody."

"When you talk about printing money and spending government money, and trying to spend it out," Perry said. "That conversation he had with Joe the Plumber - kind of redistribute the wealth - the best I can tell, that's socialism."

According to the latest CNN/ORC International Poll, Perry took 12% of support among Republicans and those leaning toward the GOP, putting him fourth place in the GOP race for the White House.

奥巴马总统19日在印度尼西亚峇里岛结束他在亚太地区的九天访问,并在该地发表每周例行电台广播演说。他总结这次访问为「打开美国产品市场及增加就业之旅」,旨在巩固以亚洲为主轴的外交政策。他并藉此演说反驳共和党总统参选人培瑞(Rick Perry)对他先前的谈话断章取义,奥巴马强调,他认为美国人民是地球上最勤奋工作的族群。


鉴于共和党总统参选人罗穆尼(Mitt Romney)批评他只敢「轻声」向北京表达美国对其贸易政策的关切,奥巴马也在此行中高分贝批评中国,藉以反制国内的指责。




lyycc 发表于 2011-11-21 09:47

本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-21 09:47 编辑


diver18 发表于 2011-11-21 09:53


简唯翎 发表于 2011-11-21 10:37

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