codewei 发表于 2011-11-21 09:43


本帖最后由 codewei 于 2011-11-21 09:43 编辑

埃及街头又爆新愤怒,呼唤新改变。埃及的经济正遭受“阿拉伯之春”后打击,唯一可以肯定的是,埃及的经济正陷入停顿。Arab spring burdens Egypt's economy
There's renewed anger on the streets of Egypt and fresh calls for change. Egypt's economy is suffering from the aftermath of the Arab spring, and the only certainty for the country is that its economy is grinding to a halt.

鱼游浅底 发表于 2011-11-21 21:51


in2out 发表于 2011-11-23 00:43

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【CNN111121】“阿拉伯之春”拖垮埃及经济