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【Armchair General】美国网友:如果今天大陆“侵略”台湾,会发生什么?

发表于 2011-11-21 17:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2011-11-22 09:43 编辑

原创翻译: http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:该用户已注册 转载请注明出处

这个帖子是来自美国一本军事杂志《Armchair General》的论坛~
Would the US aide Taiwan or remain neutral? Would the Taiwanese be able to fend off the Chinese on their own or would the Chinese plow right through them?
I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong forum.

Location: Laurel, MD, USA
It's the right forum but someone asks this question about every six months on average. Do a search on "Taiwan" for previous exchanges. Anyone have an update on the military situation they'd like to share?

Location: Peabody, ma

I have thought about this question myself, but in two slightly different ways, from a political standpoint:
1. Are China and the US likely to make some sort of a "trade" where they both work towards Taiwan gradually, peacefully integrating with China, and they both work towards the dissolution of North Korea and the establishment of a neutral Korea, or at least a Korea strictly limited in its deployment of forces?
2. What internal events in China could push China to become reckless, and invade Taiwan, and/or what events could so weaken the US that China could feel it safe to invade Taiwan?
PS - Welcome to the forums. This is probably my favorite forum, but not too many people post on it.

2. 某个中国内部事件可能促使中国变得不计后果去“入侵”台湾,或者发生什么使美国衰弱的事情,让中国觉得“侵略”台湾很安全?

Location: Peabody, ma
In a military sense, I could see something happening like this:
China sends in crack airborne terror troops, who would have been trained and would function much as the Soviets did in their invasion of Afghanistan. They would be ruthless in eliminating the political and military leadership. I assume they have people "in country" also, but obviously anyone who blended in in 1949 would be dead (or 80+). After they did this, and assuming it was successful, they would let the general population know that, if they behave, they will do everything then can to not hurt civilians, that they have no gripe with the good people of Taiwan, but with their evil government, etc.
The Taiwan military of course fights back, but like the Soviets, the Chinese for years have been preparing for this day. The take out tracking radars with special forces troops and with cruise missiles/short range missiles they have been developing. The Taiwanese Navy in port is destroyed, as is their port facilities.
So at this point, the question becomes, do the Taiwanese people see the mainland Chinese victory or inevitable, or do they take to the hills, etc.?
And what does the US do? I'm assuming that the US is bogged down still in Southwest Asia, that there is a growing antiwar movement, etc.
I also assume the US has developed resources over the years to deal with such a potential strategy, and these may include, besides the obvious use of the US Navy as a screen to protect from Seaborne invasion, and the use of USAF air superiority planes. Also I would assume special units of the Taiwanese army have been trained as "counter-commandos", with US help, and that US military intelligence of all services has worked very closely with Taiwan since 1949 up through the present day.
What I do not see is regular US Army and US Marine Corps units fighting on the ground in Taiwan, I don't believe the American people (or the US leadership) has the stomach for that.


Location: Lost again
Originally Posted by lakechampainer  
And what does the US do? I'm assuming that the US is bogged down still in Southwest Asia, that there is a growing antiwar movement, etc.
That is the number one question. How many ships, aircraft and - most importantly - men is the US willing to trade for a non-communist Taiwan weighed against how much political prestige the US would lose if they let it happen?
这就是首要的问题。 如果中国让一切发生了,多少船,多少飞机和多少重要人物是美国愿意付出的去换取一个非共产主义的台湾,权衡下美国将失去多少政治威望?
Location: richmond
likelihood of an invasion would be slim none. but an invasion would not start with the military. 4 taiwanese companies produce ALL the computer components in the world. everybody i mean everybody buys from them. if you don't believe me ask any computer expert. now what nobody realizes is all the taiwanese companies have moved thier factories to china for the cheap labor.
so china 's invasion plan wouldn't require an invasion simply close its borders and nationalize all the taiwanese factories. boom overnight the taiwanese economy is destroyed. so the question i don't have the answer for is what happens to the world economy and especially the computer industry?
essentially what i'm saying is that china has long ago reclaimed taiwan economically. taiwan is the only country that doesn't know it yet
Location: Lutz

That is the number one question. How many ships, aircraft and - most importantly - men is the US willing to trade for a non-communist Taiwan weighed against how much political prestige the US would lose if they let it happen?  
Rojic, I don't think the trade involves communism or non-communism at all. Theoretically, and anti-US leftist Taiwanese government could get elected. I think the real question is: As long as Taiwan desires to remain independent of the mainland, is it in the U.S. interest to deny Chinese submarines the immediate access to deep water that taking Taiwan would allow them?

Location: Lost again
Originally Posted by lakechampainer  
And what does the US do? I'm assuming that the US is bogged down still in Southwest Asia, that there is a growing antiwar movement, etc.
That is the number one question. How many ships, aircraft and - most importantly - men is the US willing to trade for a non-communist Taiwan weighed against how much political prestige the US would lose if they let it happen?
这就是首要的问题。 如果中国让一切发生了,多少船,多少飞机和多少重要人物是美国愿意付出的去换取一个非共产主义的台湾,权衡下美国将失去多少政治威望?
Location: richmond
likelihood of an invasion would be slim none. but an invasion would not start with the military. 4 taiwanese companies produce ALL the computer components in the world. everybody i mean everybody buys from them. if you don't believe me ask any computer expert. now what nobody realizes is all the taiwanese companies have moved thier factories to china for the cheap labor.
so china 's invasion plan wouldn't require an invasion simply close its borders and nationalize all the taiwanese factories. boom overnight the taiwanese economy is destroyed. so the question i don't have the answer for is what happens to the world economy and especially the computer industry?
essentially what i'm saying is that china has long ago reclaimed taiwan economically. taiwan is the only country that doesn't know it yet.
Location: Lutz

That is the number one question. How many ships, aircraft and - most importantly - men is the US willing to trade for a non-communist Taiwan weighed against how much political prestige the US would lose if they let it happen?  
Rojic, I don't think the trade involves communism or non-communism at all. Theoretically, and anti-US leftist Taiwanese government could get elected. I think the real question is: As long as Taiwan desires to remain independent of the mainland, is it in the U.S. interest to deny Chinese submarines the immediate access to deep water that taking Taiwan would allow them?


Location: manila
special forces are good. but not that good. taiwanese forces, conventional and unconventional, are very well trained already. i don't think they need any more "training". any aid would come in the form of more hardware (ie anti-tank, anti-air weapons etc).
by the way, i dont think an invasion is likely. but given that it does, i don't understand what lakechampainer writes china as using "crack airborne terror troops", and them being "ruthless in eliminating... leadership". i mean, if you're going to wage war, you'll have to be ruthless. otherwise just stay home. also, i've heard of crack troops, airborne troops, and crack airborne troops, but i've never heard of crack airborne terror troops. or do you mean crack airborne troops will be used to strike terror? or what?

顺便提一下,我不认为侵略是可能的。但是假定它发生了,我不理解lakechampainer(4#)写的中国使用“精锐空降反恐部队”,和他们会“无情的除掉政治和军事领导人”。我的意思是,如果你将要发动战争,你将不得不残忍无情。否则待家里就好啦。 还有,我听说过精锐部队,空降部队,精锐空降部队,我从没听说过精锐空降反恐部队。 或者你的意思是精锐空降部队用于反恐?或是其他什么?
Location: Peabody, ma

Originally Posted by Wilhelm_Scream  
What about special forces teams aiding the resistance (that we'd never know about).
I agree with you, I assume that would happen

Location: Peabody, ma
Originally Posted by GMan88  
special forces are good. but not that good. taiwanese forces, conventional and unconventional, are very well trained already. i don't think they need any more "training". any aid would come in the form of more hardware (ie anti-tank, anti-air weapons etc).
by the way, i dont think an invasion is likely. but given that it does, i don't understand what lakechampainer writes china as using "crack airborne terror troops", and them being "ruthless in eliminating... leadership". i mean, if you're going to wage war, you'll have to be ruthless. otherwise just stay home. also, i've heard of crack troops, airborne troops, and crack airborne troops, but i've never heard of crack airborne terror troops. or do you mean crack airborne troops will be used to strike terror? or what?
I'm not going to argue over a word. This isn't an English writing class in which we exchange work and discuss the use of adjectives, etc.
Location: Lost again

Originally Posted by lirelou  
Rojic, I don't think the trade involves communism or non-communism at all. Theoretically, and anti-US leftist Taiwanese government could get elected. I think the real question is: As long as Taiwan desires to remain independent of the mainland, is it in the U.S. interest to deny Chinese submarines the immediate access to deep water that taking Taiwan would allow them?
That is a pretty valid point about the submarines that I hadn't considered. I guess my thinking on the "Taiwan question" is stuck back in the cold war era. I always thought that it was a political line in the sand rather than a strategic military one.

Location: manila
I agree. This isn't an english class where we have to define nor argue over definitions. What this is, though, is a forum where we post our ideas and opinion on certain issues. And when you use the word "terror", specially in conjunction with other words, you really should be open to the idea of other people trying to get clarification on what you mean. Otherwise, don't say this isnt an english class; just say you don't want to clarify and leave it at that.
Location: manila

To get back on topic, would Taiwan be able to fend off the Chinese (mainland)? Initially, maybe. Ultimately, no.
Would the US aid Taiwan? If the conflict drags on long enough, yes. But if the conflict is over and done with in a very short span of time, no i don't think so.
Do i think it's likely for china to "invade" taiwan? No
中国“侵略”台湾可能吗? 不可能。

该贴已经同步到 小明啊的微博
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 17:17 | 显示全部楼层
Location: Lutz

To get back on topic, would Taiwan be able to fend off the Chinese (mainland)? Initially, maybe. Ultimately, no.
The answer to the first part demands the reasoned opinion of someone with recent experience observing and evaluating Taiwan's armed forces. The last time I was there, 2006, the opinion of a 48 year old ROC veteran was that today's ROC Army is no longer what it was in terms of the warrior spirit. I have no idea how valid that observation is.
As to the implied inevitable PRC victory, I would not rule out the unforeseen element. Taking on an island nation of 19 million across 100 miles of rough water is no easy task if the population is dead set against being taken. We must not rule out the 'Falklands factor'. The people of China have been weaned on the image of the invincible PLA. A serious defeat, especially at the hands of the 'Republic of China', could have serious unintended consequences for China's leadership.
They are certainly building toward the day when they can take Taiwan by force, but I expect that their actions will be a bit more conservative than their rhetoric. After all, friendly relations will convince more Taiwanese than confrontation, which simply reinforces why the ROC left the mainland in the first place.

Sino Invasion  
Location: Malaysia

My take is it depends what physical state China wants Taiwan to be in when the war's over. They have over a thousand missiles aimed at Taiwan; not much defense to that. So if a Taiwan in smoldering ruins with a dead leadership is acceptable then I don't see much stopping them.
I also doubt the US would be able to do much. I give the Chinese credit for cunning. Unlike our military that is so ponderous and deadly predictable; I believe they would aim for maximum surprise. That would eliminate an effective US contribution to Taiwan's defense. And as others have mentioned; how much is the US ready to risk for a country that we agree is part of China? My bet, nothing significant.
And China is crazy on this topic. I lived there for a while and was always taken aback by the ferocity of the response when that question came up. And that was among the young, educated, yuppie types. Just imagine what the senior political and military types think. If they decide to attack Taiwan they will stop at nothing to win. It wouldn't be pretty.

Location: manila

Originally Posted by lirelou  
The answer to the first part demands the reasoned opinion of someone with recent experience observing and evaluating Taiwan's armed forces. The last time I was there, 2006, the opinion of a 48 year old ROC veteran was that today's ROC Army is no longer what it was in terms of the warrior spirit. I have no idea how valid that observation is.
As to the implied inevitable PRC victory, I would not rule out the unforeseen element. Taking on an island nation of 19 million across 100 miles of rough water is no easy task if the population is dead set against being taken. We must not rule out the 'Falklands factor'. The people of China have been weaned on the image of the invincible PLA. A serious defeat, especially at the hands of the 'Republic of China', could have serious unintended consequences for China's leadership.
They are certainly building toward the day when they can take Taiwan by force, but I expect that their actions will be a bit more conservative than their rhetoric. After all, friendly relations will convince more Taiwanese than confrontation, which simply reinforces why the ROC left the mainland in the first place.

Thank you for your reply.
1) I've been there. I've seen them. I don't know about their "fighting spirit", but i believe the mettle of a soldier can only truly be tested, not seen. What i can say, though, is that their training is first rate.
2) It is my opinion that ultimately, the PRC will prevail. Again, my opinion only.
3) While I would not rule out the unforeseen element either, it's a smaller assumption to make that a larger, stronger, military will win over a smaller one, than it is to assume that the population (meaning a majority) is "dead set against being taken", when we all know that the pro-"taiwan independence" party had been soundly beaten the last national elections in taiwan.
4) I'm just curious, in your opinion/knowledge, why did the ROC leave the mainland in the first place?

1) 我曾去过那儿。我曾见过他们。我不知道关于他们的“战斗精神” ,但是我相信一个士兵的勇气只能真实的经受考验,而不是看出来。我能够说的是,他们的训练是第一级别的。
2) 这是我根本上的观点,PRC会赢。再说一次,我唯一的观点。
4) 我只是好奇,在你的观点/认识里,当初ROC为什么离开中国大陆?

Location: manila

Originally Posted by Sino Invasion  
My take is it depends what physical state China wants Taiwan to be in when the war's over. They have over a thousand missiles aimed at Taiwan; not much defense to that. So if a Taiwan in smoldering ruins with a dead leadership is acceptable then I don't see much stopping them.
I also doubt the US would be able to do much. I give the Chinese credit for cunning. Unlike our military that is so ponderous and deadly predictable; I believe they would aim for maximum surprise. That would eliminate an effective US contribution to Taiwan's defense. And as others have mentioned; how much is the US ready to risk for a country that we agree is part of China? My bet, nothing significant.
And China is crazy on this topic. I lived there for a while and was always taken aback by the ferocity of the response when that question came up. And that was among the young, educated, yuppie types. Just imagine what the senior political and military types think. If they decide to attack Taiwan they will stop at nothing to win. It wouldn't be pretty.

I absolutely agree.  And yeah, it wouldn't be pretty.
I just hope it really doesnt reach that point. The last thing this world needs is another war.

les Brains  
Location: not here

What 'would' happen. I can't really say that, way too many variables.
What 'should' happen though might be simpler. Might be.
I would wonder, what effect it would have on China, if we told them, the second they attack all of the debt they have purchased is considered immediately paid off. The US would simply write off all the debt owed to them as 'paid in full'.
Not legal you say? That's an idiotic reply though. I can't picture the US supporting the attack, I can't see the US permitting the attack, I can't picture the US being able to send forces into the combat zone. So what precisely would the US wish to do?
The US is currently stretched to the limit and I can't imagine them sending aid to Taiwan. But if suddenly all that debt was gone, well it would sure change things.
If someone possessed a lot of my IOUs and then tomorrow tried top break into my best friends home, I would not have any trouble telling that person, get out immediately, or the IOUs are void.
And let's face it the US could sure use a lot of debt being eliminated eh.
I'd tell the Chinese, sorry but all of our trade is ceasing.
Let the Chinese keep all those Chinese workers happy. Yeah that massive military would shortly be needed for internal problems.

“将会”发生什么。 我不能确切的说出,毕竟方法上存在太多变数。
Sino Invasion  
Location: Malaysia
To briefly answer your question...
"4) I'm just curious, in your opinion/knowledge, why did the ROC leave the mainland in the first place?
After China's last emperor fell; Dr. Sun Yat Sen took charge. Originally despised by the communists; he's now hailed as the father of modern Chinese nationalism. I can proudly say that I had the honor of being yelled at by his granddaugther when I lived there!  But he soon kicked the bucket and his protegee, Chiang Kai Shek, took over.
He hated the communists and did all he could to totally kill them off. This included chasing them, and damn near eliminating them; on what became known in commie myth and legend as "The Long March". Mao survived, rallied the peasants, and counter-attacked eventually driving CKS and his followers to the island of Formosa. During all this Japan was attacking China. Occassionally the two sides would try to fight the Japanese, but they seemed to prefer fighting each other. Not surprisingly with little success.
So that's a real brief overview of 20th century China. Real brief.

译注:北京清华大学历史系副主任王奇在一部学术专著中将蒋介石(Chiang Kai-shek)翻译成“常凯申”,成为中国名校制造的又一起学术笑料。与当年将孟子翻译成“门修斯”如出一辙。滑天下之大稽,毁清华百年之声誉。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com  翻译:该用户已注册 转载请注明出处
Location: Texas

I opine the US would not come to Taiwan's aid.


Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Originally Posted by tnbn75  
now what nobody realizes is all the taiwanese companies have moved thier factories to china for the cheap labor.
No they haven't. The Taiwanese government is very sensitive about allowing state of the art manufacturing to go to the mainland. IIRC UMC's president went to jail for violating this law.


Location: manila

Originally Posted by Sino Invasion  
"4) I'm just curious, in your opinion/knowledge, why did the ROC leave the mainland in the first place?

After China's last emperor fell; Dr. Sun Yat Sen took charge. Originally despised by the communists; he's now hailed as the father of modern Chinese nationalism. I can proudly say that I had the honor of being yelled at by his granddaugther when I lived there! But I stray. But he soon kicked the bucket and his protegee, Chiang Kai Shek, took over.
He hated the communists and did all he could to totally kill them off. This included chasing them, and damn near eliminating them; on what became known in commie myth and legend as "The Long March". Mao survived, rallied the peasants, and counter-attacked eventually driving CKS and his followers to the island of Formosa. During all this Japan was attacking China. Occassionally the two sides would try to fight the Japanese, but they seemed to prefer fighting each other. Not surprisingly with little success.
So that's a real brief overview of 20th century China. Real brief.

Haha yeah that's a real brief overview. The long and short of it is that the 2 sides really hated each other. And while I won't argue the merits of either side (that's for another thread), all i can say is that the KMT at that time was so corrupt and its own soldiers so demoralized there were even documented instances when their soldiers had to be chained during marches just so that they won't desert during the night.
Anyway, the reason i asked my question why ROC left china in the first place, was because in lirelou's post he writes "After all, friendly relations will convince more Taiwanese than confrontation, which simply reinforces why the ROC left the mainland in the first place." While i agree with the first part, I just wanted to know in what context he writes the last part of that sentence.

总之,我会问当初ROC离开中国这个问题的原因是因为lirelou(15#)说“毕竟,友好关系会使更多的台湾人信服而不是反抗,否则仅仅支持了为什么当初ROC离开了大陆。” 虽然我同意第一部分,但我想知道有关他写的最后一部分里那句话的来龙去脉。

Location: manila

errr... so i guess simply unilaterally declaring that one's debts will no longer be honored is a smart move? it'll really make other creditors real confident on the papers they're holding? and i guess next time the US wants/needs to borrow more credit, will the creditors come in droves, specially when they know they'll be at the whim of the US whether they'll get paid?
Location: Lutz

Gman88, My apologies for not addressing your question sooner. While the obvious answer for the move to Taiwan is that they (the KMT) were losing the war, I see that as the catalyst, not the reason itself. While some who picked up and moved to Taiwan may have merely been following orders, my take is that the great majority were sincere anti-communists. They truly believed that to remain was to risk extermination. Those who were wishy-washy on that subject did remain in China and took their chances (unwisely, for many). History has not proven them wrong. A China willing to risk war over Taiwan is not to be trusted by Taiwanese of any political persuasion.
Location: manila
Hi lirelou nice to hear from you.
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate the well-thought out and reasoned post. its a real pleasure to exchange thoughts and opinion with people like you (and some others here too), and while i won't always agree with what you write, I'd just like to say this now, i do appreciate the time taken to write, the civility,and the intelligence in the words that are posted (and also by the posts of others in this forum).
That said, however, I'd also have to say, yes, i guess some KMT civilians were realistic enough to know that the victors will not always be merciful to the losers. If the situation had been reversed and the KMT were winning, that would also be true. Specially in a war as bitterly fought as that civil war. This has happened throughout world history, and sadly will happen again.
War should never be the answer.

Hi lirelou,很高兴收到你的回复。

les Brains  
Location: not here

Originally Posted by GMan88  
errr... so i guess simply unilaterally declaring that one's debts will no longer be honored is a smart move? it'll really make other creditors real confident on the papers they're holding? and i guess next time the US wants/needs to borrow more credit, will the creditors come in droves, specially when they know they'll be at the whim of the US whether they'll get paid?
You missed including the context.
Unilaterally declaring the debts were voided AFTER a 'hostile action' was taken against them or a friend is a big deal different than just saying they ain't paying.
I'd have no beef if a nation unilaterally punished an aggressor like that. Wouldn't make the debtor suddenly look bad at all.
Frankly if you want to get paid a debt I owe you, NOT attacking me or my friends is a good idea.
Because otherwise the gloves are off and honouring a debt no longer interests me. Hey, if I'm willing to shoot at you I'm ok with ripping up your debt too.

Location: manila

sadly, i didn't miss your context. I got your context the first time around.
And that's the big question, isn't it? Would the US risk a shooting war with China? (and vice versa, of course).
The bottom line though, is, here you have a creditor who holds a portion of your debt. On the other hand you have a debtor who, of course, in the course of borrowing, promised to pay. Now, what you're saying is that, since the creditor has some "beef" with someone else, whom you say is your "friend", you can now say, "hey if you don't let him off i won't pay my debt to you."
Now, where in the creditor/debtor agreement does that friend come in? don't you think the debtor's unilateral inclusion of a condition (be it political or whatnot) affect that debtor's credit rating?


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 17:17 | 显示全部楼层
Location: Laurel, MD, USA
Random comments on the ROC vs the PRC
We mentioned in another thread about the tens of billions in cross straights business going on right now. Consider how many ROC citizens are working in the PRC right now and vice versa. How many do you suppose also work for their respective governments collecting information?
In the event of a war I suspect the PRC would not have to insert all of its
special operations units into the ROC because I think a number of them might already be there.
OTOH it would be a bit difficult to mass large PRC forces in secret for a large assault because of the hordes of foreigners running around the country on business.
So while the two militaries prepare for a worst-case scenario, their respective economies are already beginning to integrate.In the future a Chinese politician could conceivably win the Nobel Peace Prize for some sort of after the fact political deal when the ordinary citizens business people have already done all of the hard work.
Location: manila

I guess to put it more simply:
IF you owe the bank some money, and the bank moves to foreclose your friend's house, can you tell the bank "hey he's my friend and if you foreclose his house your going against me! IF you do that i won't pay my debt to you!" And true enough to your word, you don't pay. Now, what do you think the other banks will say to that?

如果你欠银行一些钱,而且银行准备收回你朋友的房子,你可以跟银行说“嘿,他是我的朋友,如果你收回他的房子就是在对抗我!如果你这么做我绝不会还债给你!” ?而你话里真正的意思就是,你不想还钱。现在,你认为其他银行会怎么说呢?
Location: no man's land

Originally Posted by GMan88  
4) I'm just curious, in your opinion/knowledge, why did the ROC leave the mainland in the first place?
It was a tactical retreat. The KMT had dreams of reunification from their position in Taiwan with their "One China Policy". They then softened their stance to the "Three No's Policy" sometime during the 70's.


Location: manila

anyway,i think the consensus in this thread is that china will not invade taiwan, and if it does, there's nothing taiwan (or other countries) can do about it, and the speed/effectivity of the "invasion" pretty much depends in what condition the mainland will want taiwan to be in.
assuming an invasion scenario, in this case, the fact that the taiwanese aren't really enemies of the mainland will pretty much hamper the use of the more destructive weapons of war. For the simple reason that they're not really out to "kill", only to control, the use of heavy weapons will most likely be very tightly controlled. With the public relations angle factored into any "invasion", the "shock and awe" will most likely take the form of sudden military presence rather than waves of destruction. And from there, its an exercise in strategy, which i'd love to dicuss but i don't know if this is the proper forum for that.

不管怎样,我认为这个话题中一致认为中国不会侵略台湾,如果侵略发生了,台湾(或者其他国家)对此做不了什么, “侵略”的速度/效率大致上依赖于大陆想要台湾变成什么状况。
Location: Laurel, MD, USA

As long as people are interested
Random though: instead of a major conventional assault, suppose the PRC decided to blockade the ROC.
Would the US start a shooting war with another nuclear power when no one else had been harmed yet?
Would the ROC initiate combat knowing there were hundreds of TBMs aimed at them?





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发表于 2011-11-21 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
每天都是假设。。完没完! 就这个假设天天给美国告说大陆假设子弹要打他们。。。怎么就不说我们大陆任何养着他们23w人呢。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
小明啊 发表于 2011-11-21 17:17
Location: Laurel, MD, USA

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 justice_china 于 2011-11-21 22:10 编辑

楼上的楼上既然你不是5毛。。拿还在5毛的论坛力混什么, 说着毛的语言, 给5毛养着。。赶快滚回台湾去。在5毛的坛子里挑拨什么。。我们醉讨厌的就是台湾的p民在中国论坛, 个大网站人人马甲见不得人得诋毁gcd和毛主席打下来得江山里搞乱。。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 justice_china 于 2011-11-21 22:20 编辑

现在中国这么乱就是攘台湾人想吸血鬼一样的吸中国的经济。。背后网上整个一个“民运”蒋介石和毛的口水战, 连人家的孙子都诋毁的一分不值。。聪明的是他们不会暴露, 不会去提及暴露台湾身份和背景的。。。他们一边在海外运转的民运实体和gc对立给西方媒体牵引认识国内内线及培养,,这就是台湾背后的前景。。台湾前脸就是嗲就是钱。。还要用妹子去对付gcd。。。。那个陪水女身份查不出来。。怎么进到大陆的。。怎么一口一个山东话说的。。台湾人做间谍煽动大陆人不是一天的计算了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-21 23:06 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
打倒帝国主义 发表于 2011-11-21 21:18

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 10:23 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
whyjfs 发表于 2011-11-22 07:46

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-23 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
一笑一尘缘 发表于 2011-11-22 13:28
W W,收复台湾,是大陆人民一致的心愿。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-23 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
pyhuang 发表于 2011-11-22 13:12

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使用道具 举报

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