codewei 发表于 2011-11-25 08:26


成千上万的人涌向开罗的塔利尔广场进行第七天的抗议。军方政府委员会为死亡的示威者致歉,但不会放弃权利,并宣誓要下周进行选举。 Egypt protests continue despite military rulers' apology, truce
By Amro Hassan
Thousands pour into Cairo's Tahrir Square for a seventh day of protests. The ruling military council apologizes for the deaths of protesters but won't cede power and vows to hold elections next week.,0,6297378.story
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查看完整版本: 【洛杉矶时报111125】尽管军政府道歉、休战,埃及的抗议活动依然继续