EchoVan 发表于 2011-11-25 10:42


【原文标题】China Tests Buddha-Tooth Diplomacy in Myanmar


【译    者】EchoVan


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When China wants another country to feel all warm and fuzzy, it sends a panda. But Myanmar gets something special: A sacred Buddha tooth.当中国想用友好姿态拉拢另一个国家时,它会送上熊猫作为礼物。而这次,缅甸得到是更特殊的礼物:一块神圣的佛齿舍利。
The Chinese relic, reputed to be a tooth of the Buddha, arrived in Myanmar earlier this month for its fourth tour of the country since the 1950s, and it’s drawing big crowds wherever it goes. On Tuesday, the tooth was conveyed through parts of the capital city of Naypyitawwith a palanquin and a rare white elephant, as well as a decorated float and drum troupes, before departing for Yangon, Myanmar’s main commercial city, for another round of viewing. Large groups of pilgrims turned out to pay obeisance as the tooth made its rounds.这件据称是佛齿舍利的中国文物,于本月上旬到达缅甸。这已经是自上世纪50年代以来它在缅甸的第四次巡展了,它所到之处无不吸引大群观众。周二,在轿子,白象,花车以及鼓乐队的簇拥下,佛舍利在首都内比都进行巡展。随后,舍利将被运往仰光,缅甸的主要经济中心,参加下一轮巡展。巡展中,大批朝圣者前来向佛舍利施礼致敬。
The hoopla comes at an opportune time for leaders who want to preserve goodwill between the two countries. Relations between the two neighbors hit rock bottom in recent months, after Myanmar decided to suspend construction of a $3.6 billion China-backed hydroelectric dam in September, in an unexpected snub of the giant power to Myanmar’s northeast.对于正力图维系友好关系的中缅领导人,这场闹剧来的正是时候。近几个月两国关系降到冰点,因为缅甸在九月决定终止一项中国投资的耗资36亿美元的水力大坝项目。这是缅甸对其东北邻强国的一次出其不意的挑衅。
Since then, both sides have scrambled to do damage control, assuring the outside world that all is well. Myanmar needs Chinese investment to help mitigate the impact of Western economic sanctions imposed since the late 1990s because of its poor human rights record, while China is eager to develop more of Myanmar’s vast natural resources. Both countries have insisted the relationship remains strong – but few analysts believe them.此后,两国都争先恐后地进行善后处理,向外界宣称两国关系友好。缅甸需要中国投资帮助来缓解西方经济制裁的压力。因为其糟糕的人权记录,西方经济制裁从上世纪九十年代末就开始伴随缅甸。而中国也急于开发缅甸丰富的自然资源。两国都坚称两国关系密切稳固,但少有分析家相信这是实话。

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查看完整版本: 【华尔街日报111124】中国对缅甸:佛舍利外交