diver18 发表于 2011-11-29 08:48


Had Enough Of 'Made In China'? Get Ready For 'Brands From China'

Avi Dan
11/28/2011 @ 11:34AM

Where are China’s brands on Western retail shelves and in the car showrooms? There are thousands of local Chinese brands, but few have ventured onto the world stage. There are no Chinese brands on Interbrand’s list of the top 100 top brands in the world. Perplexing perhaps, as conditions for global brand development seem to be in place.
First, there’s the financial resource. China has 37 companies on the Fortune 500 list. Many Chinese firms have the scale to invest in global brands if they choose to. And they advertise. China’s ad spend grew from $7 billion a year in 2000, to $38 billion 11 years later, making China the second largest advertising spender in the world.

Second, there’s a vast local market for brands. Chinese consumers love brands. The Chinese word for brands means “Famous Brand ” and fame is an important component of Marketing. The Chinese don’t trade down to generics.
And third, there is the financial incentive. China earns only $4 for an iPod that retails at $199 in the U.S. The big money goes to the brand.
It is paradoxical, says Miles Young, CEO of Ogilvy, whose agency is the largest in China. When it comes to capturing more of the value chain, the Chinese are more comfortable sticking with the assembling other peoples’ products than with developing their own brands. He believes that two things impede the emergence of Chinese brands on the global stage. First, Chinese firms have yet to discover the value of market research in order to identify opportunities in foreign markets; and second, Chinese firms need to adopt matrix management structure, defining how P&L owners work together with global, regional, and local management.

But Mr. Young expects this change rapidly. The Chinese, he points out, are an innovative, with strong salesman-like instincts. Switching from assembling to a creating, from an engineering mindset to inventing, will inspire Chinese brands to export. Chinese aesthetics travel well, and cultural values, if not the political, are becoming universal.

This year Ogilvy became the first ad agency to launch a China Practice in New York to serve the growing need for communications services by China-based companies as they move into international markets. The practice is headed by Lyndon Cao, former General Manager of the China Daily (China’s national English-language newspaper).

During the world’s first Industrial Revolution, which began in England, branding was slow to develop. It emerged about a hundred years after production became mechanized. It won’t take China that long to globalize its brands. Jim Press, Chrysler’s Vice Chairman and former head of Toyota in North America offered this perspective on the future of Chinese brands in this country. It took the Japanese car manufacturers 20 years to establish themselves in this country. It took the Koreans 10 years. It would take the Chinese less than 5 years once they rev up the brand export machine, says Mr. Press.


沐霜 发表于 2011-11-29 11:03


diver18 发表于 2011-11-29 11:11

很快就有人出货了! 但有时十天也出不来, 都变成旧时文了.


catisdying于2011-11-29 10:46:00编译http://article.yeeyan.org/view/15369/235973
今年奥美成为在纽约推动中国业务的最大广告代理商,为了满足日益增长的通讯服务,中国公司把业务搬到国际市场。此项目的领导人是Lyndon Cao,他是中国日报的前任总经理(该报是英语类报纸)
第一次工业革命发生在英国,那时品牌的发展缓慢。一百年后生产机械化后品牌才浮出水面。中国的品牌全球化进程不需要那么久。这个观点来自克莱斯勒副总裁,丰田汽车北美办公室的经理-Jim Press。Press说,日本的汽车业花了20年的时间创建品牌,韩国用了10年,一旦中国加速品牌的输出,不到5年就可以做到。
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查看完整版本: 【福布斯11.11.28】受够了‘中国制造’?那‘中国品牌’更有你受的