codewei 发表于 2011-11-29 08:49


更具阿富汗安全官员所述,美国的特种部队和阿富汗部队在巴基斯坦边境受到袭击后,空袭中造成24名巴基斯坦士兵的死亡。巴基斯坦纠结于此。Afghans: Special ops mission preceded attack
Karen DeYoung and Joshua Partlow
Airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers came after U.S. Special Operations and Afghan troops were attacked from the Pakistani side of the border, according to Afghan security officials. Pakistan disputes that account.

沐霜 发表于 2011-11-29 10:59

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报111129】阿富汗人:特种部队的先头攻击,24名巴基斯坦士兵死亡