sophie1125 发表于 2011-11-29 20:28

【今日美国111129】 家庭对防止儿童发胖应起监控责任

本帖最后由 sophie1125 于 2011-11-29 20:30 编辑


【原文标题】Family plays key role in monitoring a child's weight



【译者】 sophie1125
【译文】Weight control is a family affair, say several childhood obesity experts.控制体重是整个家庭的事情,一些儿童肥胖专家这样说道。

They are responding to news that a Cleveland third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds was taken from his family and placed into foster care. Social workers did this recently because they said the 8-year-old boy's mother wasn't doing enough about his weight.他们响应克利夫兰市一个体重超过200磅的三年级学生被送到看护中心的新闻。社会工作者表示他们这样做是因为这个8岁孩子的妈妈对孩子的体重不够重视。

"This is an unfortunate problem with an unfortunate outcome that probably could have been handled better by everybody," says Keith Ayoob, associate professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and a nutrition blogger for“这是个不幸的问题,本来每个人都可以处理的更好,但不幸的是结果并不好。”纽约阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院的儿科副教授凯斯.阿尤表示,他有写一个关于营养的博客,地址是

[*]MORE: Should parents lose custody of super obese kids?
[*]STORY: Ohio puts 200-pound third-grader in foster care

Although he doesn't know the situation personally or what was done to solve the problem before the child was removed, he and other nutrition experts say their view is obesity of this magnitude is serious, and everyone has to keep the best interests of the child uppermost in mind.尽管他并没有亲自去了解情况,在转移孩子之前也没还没想出解决办法。但他和其他营养学家指出他们的认为肥胖到这个程度是很严重的问题,每个人都应该把孩子的利益至上记在心里。

Currently about a third of children are overweight or obese, government statistics show.据政府的有关统计数据显示,目前约有三分之一的孩子处于超重或肥胖的状态。

If the Cleveland boy had no metabolic or medical problems, then the child's weight is caused by a caloric imbalance, Ayoob says. "A child doesn't get to 200 pounds without some serious overeating. There have to be limits. The parents need to say no."如果克利夫兰市的男孩没有代谢及内科问题,那他的体重就是由卡路里失调导致的,阿尤教授说,“一个孩子要是没有暴饮暴食他的体重不应该达到200磅,体重是应有限度的,家长们要对超重的现象说不。”

Every member of the family, starting with the parents, must take healthy eating and physical activity seriously and not treat them as optional, says Elizabeth Ward, a registered dietitian in Boston.一位波士顿的注册营养师伊丽莎白沃德说,有父母带头,每个家庭成员都要认真采取健康的饮食和参与体育活动,不能觉得这是可有可无的。

There are changes you can make at your next meal or snack to improve nutrition, she says. For example, pour down the drain every sugar-added drink, such as soda, juice drinks, sports drinks, and energy beverages and drink water or low-fat milk instead.在你吃下一餐或者零食的时候就可以做一些改变来改善你的营养状况,她说道,例如,把像汽水、果汁饮料、运动饮料,还有能量饮料这种含糖饮品倒进下水道,而去喝水或者低脂牛奶。

Atlanta pediatrician Jennifer Shu, editor of for the American Academy of Pediatrics, says when it comes to having treats and snacks at home, "out of sight, out of mind can be a powerful approach."亚特兰大儿科医生詹妮弗蜀,也是美国儿科学会的HealthyChildren.org的编辑,她说每当家里有大餐或者零食的时候,最好的办法就是眼不见心不烦。

On the other hand, depriving a child completely may backfire, she says. "There are ways to work in treats, but you don't want the bulk of their diet to be cookies, candy and soda."另一方面来说,完全不让孩子吃零食也可能适得其反,她还说,“有大餐时还是让他们吃点的,但是家长不能让孩子只光饼干,糖果,喝汽水。”

lyycc 发表于 2011-11-30 08:45


仗剑行千里 发表于 2011-11-30 10:40


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-11-30 12:06

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