codewei 发表于 2011-11-30 08:53


第一位,伊拉克的巴格达,最不安全的城市;第二,乍得的恩贾梅纳,另一个因战乱要逃离的城市;第三,科特迪瓦的阿比让,日落后不安全的街道,是第三名最不安全的城市。Unsurprisingly, Baghdad, Iraq, is the least safe city in the world after nearly nine years of war and over 100,000 civilian deaths in the country since 2003. Once the shining capital of the Islamic world, Baghdad has been in a state of upheaval and civil strife, and travel to the city is not advised, the survey says.
Coming in at a close second, N’Djamena, Chad, is another place to avoid. Like Iraq, authorities advise people to never go to Chad at all, but visitors are allowed under certain circumstances in N’Djamena, the country’s capital. The city played host to a battle that displaced as many as 30,000 people just three years ago, and it has been plagued by civil conflicts for nearly half a century.
Not be outdone by its African neighbor to the west, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, is the third least safe city in the world. Unlike Baghdad and N’Djamena, Abidjan does play host to tourists—albeit of the most enterprising kind. The city boasts nightlife and beaches, but the streets are generally unsafe after dark and the water on the city’s southern coast is known to be treacherous for swimmers.

516265258 发表于 2011-11-30 10:42

那些地方安全才怪呐 现在不安全城市在持续增加

in2out 发表于 2011-11-30 12:24

伊拉克的巴格达,不是美国民主了吗,是不是还没有 伊拉克安人成形的原因啊。


feiyu 发表于 2011-11-30 12:40

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