Lesley 发表于 2011-11-30 21:24


【中文标题】黑莓制造商拟向苹果与安卓系统提供安全支持【原文标题】RIM to offer security features for iPhone【登载媒体】芝加哥论坛报【来源地址】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-3245689-1-1.html【译者】Lesley【翻译方式】人工【声明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn【原文库链接】http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-rim-to-offer-security-features-for-iphone-androids-20111129,0,4446423.story论坛, 黑莓, 安卓系统, 安全, 芝加哥
RIM to offer security features for iPhone, AndroidsThe BlackBerry maker's shares jump 8% on the news; still down about 70% this yearRIM公司拟向苹果与安卓系统提供安全支持,消息一出黑莓制造商的股份暴涨8个百分点,仍然处于70%以下。Research In Motion is introducing a software tool giving corporate customers the option of linking employees' personal iPhones to the BlackBerry network without compromising security.正在进行的一项调查显示,一项软件工具使得合作客户可以选择将员工私人的iphone与黑莓的网络连接,并且不会威胁安全。
The move, announced on Tuesday, acknowledges the deep inroads made by Apple and Google's Android devices in the global smartphone market, especially among younger users.
于星期二宣布的此项行动承认,在全球智能手机市场,特别是在年轻人当中,iphone与安卓系统侵占了大部分市场。It is also a first, tentative step by RIM to offer its network services independently of BlackBerry devices, which have been losing ground to sleeker rivals.这同时也是RIM公司首次采取的实验性步骤,使他们自己的网络系统独立于黑莓设备之外,尽管在这之前RIM公司在更新潮的对手竞争之下股票大跌。

Success with the strategy would likely help RIM defend its turf as the primary handler of mobile devices in the workplace.
"It's not an admission of guilt - it's a necessary evil," Suquehanna analyst Jeff Fidacaro said.“这并不是公开承认呢有罪,这是不可避免的灾祸,”Suquehanna的分析师Jeff Fidacaro 说到。

RIM's often-volatile stock jumped more than 8 percent to $17.82 in morning trade on the Nasdaq.RIM一直价格不稳的股票在今天早上纳思达交易中股价暴涨8个百分点至每股17.82美元。

Even so, the shares are still down more than 70 percent this year following a string of delayed or botched product launches and disappointing quarterly results.即使如此,这支股票今年的股价仍然下跌70%,接着出现一些列延迟或者拙劣的产品发布会和让人失望的季度表现。

RIM's BlackBerry was for years the preferred device for businesses and government agencies, who treasured its encrypted data and distributed the device to millions of workers needing secure, round-the-clock email access.RIM公司制造的黑莓系统一直是受商务和政府机构青睐的设备,他们钟爱这些加密的数据,并且把黑莓发给那些需要安全以及全天候的邮件接收系统的员工。
But many workers now prefer using their own Apple and Android-powered devices to access corporate emails, raising security questions for corporations that RIM hopes to address with the new software.但是目前很多的员工更愿意使用他们的苹果或者安卓系统的设备来接发邮件,这给RIM想合作开发新软件的公司带来了安全问题。

"While a positive step, the larger challenges remain RIM's need to narrow competitive gaps in its handsets," RBC Capital Markets analyst Mike Abramsky wrote in a note to clients, pointing out RIM's software deficiencies and limited content and applications available on its devices.“虽然这是一个积极的行动,但对于RIM公司来说,要缩小在手机市场上的竞争差距,仍然是一个很大的挑战,”加拿大皇家银行分析师Mike Abramsky在与一个客户的文件中写道,他指出了RIM在软件方面的不足,包括有限的内容和设备上应用程式的兼容性。

RIM's slice of the lucrative U.S. smartphone market fell to 9 percent in the third quarter, down from 24 percent a year earlier, according to research firm Canalys. Globally, the report placed RIM in fifth place, with 10 percent market share, compared with 15 percent a year earlier.根据易观国际(Canalys)的一份调查显现,RIM在美国市场的占有率在第三个季度从一年前的24%降到了9%。从全球范围来看,这份报告把RIM排到了第五位,与一年前的15%的市场份额相比,如今只有10%。


In Tuesday's announcement, the Canadian company said it would launch its new Mobile Fusion device management software by late March. It will allow corporate information technology staff to set and monitor rules for passwords, apps and software on a range of devices, including Apple's iPad and iPhone, and smartphones using Google's Android operating system.RIM公司在周二的公告中表示,他们将于三月底开始一项新的手机设备管理融合计划。他们会让公司信息技术的员工在一些列设备上设置密码、应用程式和软件的监控规则,使得包括苹果的ipad、iphone和智慧型手机在内的设备可以使用谷歌的安卓系统。

A company can remotely lock or wipe a lost or stolen device, a key selling point for security-conscious corporations that may have been wary of shifting away from the BlackBerry.
"What our enterprise customers are looking for, and the opportunity for us, is to become the de facto platform," Alan Panezic, RIM's vice-president for enterprise product management, said in an interview ahead of the announcement.我们企业客户想要的,同时也是我们的机遇的是成为一个事实平台,”RIM的副总裁兼产品经理 Alan Panezic在发布此公告之前的采访中说道。
"We will take full advantage of whatever security capabilities are provided by the core operating system. We're not going to hold that back in any way, shape or form."“我们将充分利用核心系统提供的所有安全性能。我们将不会在形式或者构成上做任何隐瞒。”

Mobile Fusion will sit next to existing BlackBerry Enterprise Servers, or BES, behind corporate firewalls.移动设备的新型处理器平台将会在公司防火墙之后,与已经存在的黑莓企业版服务器,或者EBS相互竞争。

Panezic said the software will manage RIM's PlayBook independently from a BlackBerry after the tablet - which has yet to gain traction with either businesses or consumers - receives a long-awaited software upgrade, due in February.
He declined to give any pricing details for the Fusion service, but said it would be competitive with rivals.他拒接透漏Fusion服务任何定价方面的细节,但是表示此项产品将会十分有竞争力。

"It will help stem the tide of those companies that may have considered eliminating their BES but it won't help sell more phones," said Gartner analyst Phillip Redman. "That's what they really need to do."“这将会帮助一些来遏制住黑莓的风潮,通常他们想要限制他们的黑莓企业服务器但又无法阻止卖出更多的手机。”Gartner(美国咨询公司)的分析师Phillip Redman说道,“这才是他们要做的。”

RIM has recently launched touchscreen devices using its legacy BlackBerry operating system as it works to put the QNX software powering the PlayBook on to a new generation of phones from early next year.RIM公司最近用他们留下的黑莓操作系统发行了触屏设备,他们打算在明年年初将黑莓嵌入式操作系统移植至新的手机上。

The new software follows on from RIM's acquisition of device management company Ubitexx, which RIM announced in May. Smaller companies such as Good Technology, MobileIron and BoxTone already offer device management as companies fret about leakage of sensitive commercial information via their workers' personal, non-BlackBerry devices.新软件由RIM已于五月份宣布的从Ubitexx公司的收购获得。一些像Good Technology,MobileIron和BoxTone这样的小公司已经开始为那些担心员工在非黑莓设备上泄露商业信息的公司提供设备管理服务。

"This will definitely rattle some cages" among smaller companies that filled a niche by securing and managing iPhones and other non-BlackBerry devices for corporations, Forrester analyst Christian Kane said.
一些小企业靠填补被这个市场统治者忽略的细分市场,为一些企业提供iphone和非黑莓操作系统的安全设备管理服务,“这绝对会在他们之间挑起一场战争”Forrester的分析师Christian Kane说道。
Panezic said customers had requested a solution to handle Apple and Android devices, but RIM would consider adding support for other systems, such as Microsoft's Windows Panezic指出消费者已经有要求要解决苹果和安卓设备安全问题的方法,但是RIM公司可以考虑加上其他操作系统,比如说微软的Windows系统。

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