weater76 发表于 2011-12-1 17:31



【原文标题】China Sees 'Cold War' in U.S.'s Australia Plan   



【译    者】lilyma06


【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】
BEIJING—China's Ministry of National Defense criticized U.S. plans to establish a permanent military presence in Australia, accusing Washington of acting antagonistically in the region and perpetuating a Cold War mentality.
The remarks by Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng were China's strongest reaction yet to the announcement by President Barack Obama in Novemberof the plan to strengthen military ties with Australia and to eventually station 2,500 Marines on Australia's remote northern coast.
Nonetheless, the response was relatively mild in that it didn't warn that the new military presence would damage wider U.S.-China military ties.
"We believe this is all a manifestation of a Cold War mentality," Mr. Geng said at a monthly press briefing, according to text of his remarks posted on the Defense Ministry's website. "We hope relevant parties do more things that are beneficial for the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, rather than the opposite."
U.S.-China military relations have been frosty amid growing U.S. concern over the transparency of China's military modernization and its aggressive handling of territorial disputes with neighbors in the South China Sea and elsewhere.
The Obama administration's decision in September to upgrade Taiwan's fleet of F-16 fighter jets has aggravated ties, though likely not to the extent they would have been had the U.S. sold Taiwan new F-16 C/D aircraft, as many U.S. lawmakers had hoped.
The military agreement between Australia and the U.S. is a cornerstone of Mr. Obama's strategy to increase U.S. strategic engagement in Asia. About 250 Marines will be stationed in Darwin by mid-2012, according to the agreement, widely seen as a gesture to smaller countries in the Asia-Pacific region that have deep-seated concerns about Beijing's growing strategic reach.
Beijing this week announced its first aircraft carrier had departed for a second sea trial. The carrier, a retrofitted Soviet ship, is a point of pride for the Communist Party. The government provided few details for the goal of the second sea trial, and it wasn't clear whether Beijing would attempt to have planes take off or land from its deck

  奥巴马政府在9月时决定对台湾升级F-16战机,更使双边关系恶化,尽管一定程度上美国只向台湾出售了F-16C/D 的新型飞机,这并不是美国立法者所希望的。

滔滔1949 发表于 2011-12-1 17:38


wzs123 发表于 2011-12-1 18:11


lyycc 发表于 2011-12-2 08:34


wodebenpao 发表于 2011-12-2 11:07


Solomon1 发表于 2011-12-2 12:43


沐霜 发表于 2011-12-2 19:01



yxf3256 发表于 2011-12-3 16:49

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