codewei 发表于 2011-12-8 09:03


加税:外国公司都希望中国顶起萎靡不振的全球销售,由于经济放缓,已经提高了工资税、附加费,以补贴工会和其他让环境更困难的改变。 Foreigners in China squeezed by pensions, taxes, critical coverage by state media
TAX HIKES: Foreign companies that are looking to China to shore up wilting global sales have been hit by higher payroll taxes, surcharges to subsidize unions and other changes that are making conditions tougher just as economic growth slows.
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查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报111208】外国人在中国的养老金、税收在关键的覆盖率上被国家媒体排挤