codewei 发表于 2011-12-8 09:36

【基督教科学箴言报111208】Rod Blagojevich的14年徒刑是对腐败政客的警告

Rod Blagojevich被判处14年徒刑,一些法学家认为这个决定有点苛刻。但法官说,这次的审判是有意传递一条信息——严厉的刑责不仅仅只针对他本人。(其他腐败的政客们也得小心)Rod Blagojevich 14-year sentence a warning to corrupt politicians
4:55 pm ET -
Rod Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison, a decision some legal experts found harsh. But the judge said the sentence was meant to send a message – and not just to Rod Blagojevich.
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