連長 发表于 2011-12-9 23:59


本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-12-10 00:04 编辑



New Delhi (CNN) -- Investigators have arrested six staff members after a fire that killed at least 89 people in a hospital Friday in eastern India.
The six worked at a five-story hospital in the city of Kolkata, said Javed Ahmed Khan, the West Bengal Fire and Emergency Services minister.WB消防与ES紧急服务部部长Ahmed Khan表示,这六人在加尔各塔的一所五层楼高的医院工作。They were arrested for negligence, Khan said.Khan说,他们以玩忽职守罪被捕。A "majority" of the bed-ridden patients were abandoned by most of the staff on duty, he said.他说:正在上班的工作人员普遍抛弃“大量”卧病在床的病人。Video of the scene broadcast by CNN affiliate CNN-IBN showed crowds of people wearing face masks and rushing patients out onto the street in stretchers.一段由CNN旗下CNN-IBN拍摄的录像画面显示,拥挤的人群戴着口罩,争分夺秒的用担架把病人抬到街上。One child, apparently unconscious, was lowered by a rope from a higher floor of the hospital by rescuers.援救人员把一个失去意识的孩子用绳子从医院高层缓慢的降下。A mass of people stood outside the hospital talking on cell phones and holding each other. Some who were trapped inside had broken windows to let the smoke out, and the hospital remained hot and smoky, CNN-IBN reported.据CNN-IBN报道,大量的人站在医院外面打手机和家人保持联络。现场烟雾弥漫,一些被困在医院的人打破窗户排烟。A doctor and two attendants were among the dead, he said. The other victims were all patients. Kolkata police said another 60 were injured.他接着说道,死者中有1人是医生,2人是助手。其余的死伤者都是病人。加尔各塔警方也表示,另有60人受伤。The blaze started in the hospital's basement, said D.P. Biswas, the additional director-general of the fire department in the area.当地消防部门的另一位负责人Biswas说,大火最先发生在医院的地下室。The victims died of smoke inhalation, Biswas said.Biswas说,许多罹难者遭浓烟呛死。The blaze started at about 4 a.m. Authorities were trying to determine what caused the fire.大火发生于早上4点钟左右,相关部门正在试图确定起火的原因。A preliminary investigation showed that the hospital had safety violations in the basement, said Khan.Khan说,初步调查表明,医院地下室存在安全违规。Authorities found that the basement was being used to park cars, house medical supplies and also as an oncology department, Khan said.相关部门发现,地下室被同时用于泊车,存放医疗用品,而且还设有一个肿瘤部门。"This was a violation (of the safety norms)," he said.他说,这是违反(安全规则的)。Khan said the hospital's license was revokedKhan说,医院已经被停业。

yusuf1124 发表于 2011-12-10 01:15

刚吃饭 CCAV4正好播放这个

連長 发表于 2011-12-10 01:17

yusuf1124 发表于 2011-12-10 01:15 static/image/common/back.gif
刚吃饭 CCAV4正好播放这个


yingyu0502 发表于 2011-12-10 03:22


lilyma06 发表于 2011-12-12 10:03

連長 发表于 2011-12-10 01:17 static/image/common/back.gif


莫说 发表于 2011-12-12 11:59

連長 发表于 2011-12-10 01:17 static/image/common/back.gif

Q12) 墙头草!

連長 发表于 2011-12-12 12:07

莫说 发表于 2011-12-12 11:59 static/image/common/back.gif



連長 发表于 2011-12-12 12:09


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查看完整版本: CNN:印度一家医院发生火灾,至少89人死亡