长河长 发表于 2011-12-10 01:19


本帖最后由 长河长 于 2011-12-10 01:23 编辑

【原文标题】U.S. Triesto Reassure China on Its Military Shift in Asia:By JEREMY PAGE      
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BEIJING—Themost senior U.S. defense official to visit China since the latest controversialU.S. arms sales to Taiwan said she sought to reassure Beijing that it wasn'tthe target of a U.S. strategic shift toward Asia, including the deployment of2,500 Marines to Australia.
Michèle Flournoy, the under secretary of defense for policy, said Thursday thatChina and the U.S. both wanted to move forward with their militaryrelationship, and planned to re-schedule for next year joint antipiracy drillsand other exchanges postponed by Beijing after the Taiwan arms sales wereannounced in September.

从最新一轮争议性的美国对台军售以来,美国国防部最高级别的官员到访中国,她试图安抚北京政府,中国并不是美国战略重心转移亚洲所针对的目标,包括派遣2500名海军陆战队员到澳大利亚。 米歇尔弗卢努瓦,国防部负责政策的副部长,周四表示,中美双方都希望能更进一步地加强军事关系,并计划把联合反海盗演习及其他因九月份美国宣布对台军售以来被中方推迟的交流项目重新安排到明年。

file:///G:/DOCUME%7E1/Li/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.pnghttp://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/WO-AI073_CDEFEN_G_20111208184247.jpg         Associated Press
Navy crewmembers stand in front of an F/A-18 fighter jet on the USS George Washington inHong Kong.
But in a news briefing, she reported no progress over what she called the"critical issue" of the South China Sea, or over U.S. demands forgreater transparency about China's military modernization program, includingthe development of an aircraft carrier and an antiship ballistic missile.
Ms. Flournoy met Gen. Ma Xiaotian, the deputy chief of general staff of thePeople's Liberation Army, on Wednesday for the 12th round of DefenseConsultative Talks, which were begun in 1997 but have often been disrupted bydifferences over Taiwan and other issues.China'sstate-run Xinhua news agency, one of the main government mouthpieces, quotedGen. Ma saying Wednesday that the "the fact that the consultations tookplace as scheduled shows that both countries are sincere about maintaining military exchanges."
弗卢努瓦女士在周三会见了中国人民解放军副参谋长马晓天将军,进行第12轮国防防务磋商。这一系列的磋商始于1997年,但常常因台湾及其他问题的分歧而中断了。中国官方的新华社——政府主要喉舌之一,引用周三马将军的话说,“ 此次会议能如期举行,表明了双方对保持两军交往高度重视。”
China's response to the latest Taiwan arms sales has been restrained comparedwith last year's, which prompted it to suspend military ties with the U.S. for12 months. That has raised hopes among U.S. officials, who have for years beenpushing for a more stable military relationship.
However, the U.S. strategic pivot toward Asia—unveiled during President BarackObama's visit to the region last month—has raised fresh concern in China, wherethe Defense Ministry denounced the move as a product of "Cold Warthinking."
Ms. Flournoy said Gen. Ma's delegation had asked her to explain the U.S.decision to deploy Marines to Darwin, Australia.



http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-QX508_1208cd_G_20111208030117.jpg         Getty Images
U.S. UnderSecretary of Defense for Policy Michèle Flournoy arrives for a bilateralmeeting in China with Gen. Ma Xiaotian of the People's Liberation Army on Dec.7, 2011.

"The question did come up and we assured Gen. Ma and his delegation thatthe U.S. does not seek to contain China: We do not view China as anadversary," she said. "These posture changes were first and foremostabout strengthening our alliance with Australia."
She confirmed that China had responded to the latest Taiwan arms sales bypostponing this year's plans for a joint antipiracy drill, medical exchanges,as well visits to China by a U.S. army band and the head of the PacificCommand, Adm. Robert Willard.
“这个问题确定有提到,我们向马将军及其团队保证,美国没有要试图围堵中国:我们并不把中国视为敌手 ” 她说。 “这些形势变化首先和最主要是为了加强我们和澳大利亚之间的同盟关系。她承认,针对最新一轮的对台军售,中国做出了反应,推迟了今年的反海盗联合演习计划、医学交流以及由一支美国军乐队和太平洋司令部的首脑,海军上将罗伯特威拉德的对华访问。
But she said that officials from the two sides planned to meet to re-schedulemost of the postponed exchanges for next year, and to organize new ones,including high-level visits and joint exercises.
"We do envision those activities going forward in 2012," she said."I think there was support on both sides to moving forward with the relationship and coming up with a meaningful engagementand exercise program for the coming year."

但是她说,双方官员都计划举行会谈,为明年重新安排大部分被推迟的交流,组织包括高层互访和联合演习等新的活动“我们确实希望在2012年这些活动能取得进展,”她说。“我认为双方都支持中美军事关系能向前发展,来年能有一次有意义的接触和制定演习计划。 ”

She said she had reiterated the U.S. position on the South China Sea, whereChina's territorial claims overlap with those of Vietnam, the Philippines,Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei and where tensions have been rising over the courseof this year.
The U.S. says it doesn't take sides on the territorial disputes, but has aninterest in protecting freedom of navigation, and reserves the right tocontinue its naval and aerial surveillance operations in the area, despiteChinese protests.
China accuses the U.S. of encouraging claimant countries, especially Vietnamand the Philippines, to stand up to Beijing and push for resolving theterritorial disputes through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ratherthanbilaterally, as China prefers.
"I don't think there was any new ground broken, but I think we hada good exchange of views," Ms. Flournoy said, adding that she hadencouraged China to work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ondrawing up a code of conduct for the South China Sea.

She said there had been no discussion of the Pentagon's recently unveiled AirSea Battle doctrine—an coordinated air and naval defense strategy that manyexperts believe is aimed at China—but the two sides had "very candiddiscussions" on issues including North Korea, the Middle East and NorthAfrica.
"While we didn't agree on everything we discussed yesterday, we do agreethat we have the common goal of preserving peace and stability in Asia now andin the future, and that we must cooperate on issues that will impact both ofour countries," she said.

长河长 发表于 2011-12-10 01:25


Jigong 发表于 2011-12-10 01:28


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Jigong 发表于 2011-12-10 15:31

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