codewei 发表于 2011-12-12 08:48


1995年,一名中年的中国籍男子走进了中情局在东南亚的站点,并提供了一个有关中国秘密文件的宝库。其中包含了美国用三叉戟潜艇携带的导弹W-88核弹头的设计文件。China’s Spies Are Catching Up
IN 1995, a middle-aged Chinese man walked into a C.I.A. station in Southeast Asia and offered up a trove of secret Chinese documents. Among them was a file containing the top-secret design of the American W-88 nuclear warhead that sits atop the missiles carried by Trident submarines.

wengliyu 发表于 2011-12-12 19:26


一鸣秋虫 发表于 2011-12-13 19:23

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