codewei 发表于 2011-12-14 08:37


中国比西方更加尊重威斯特伐利亚体系?(威斯特伐利亚体系开创了国家主权意识,从建立起始,世界开始出现现代国家意义上的主权观念。——编者注)在抱怨中国拒绝买自由世界秩序的账时,Amitai Etzioni认为,西方国家应该停止通过开发新的干涉规范而不断向危险界限靠拢,比如所谓的“保护责任。”伊肯伯里回应认为中国政府已经有了足够的诱因签署加入。Is China More Westphalian Than the West?
Before complaining about China's refusal to buy into the liberal world order, argues Amitai Etzioni, the West should stop moving the goalposts by developing new norms of intervention, such as "the responsibility to protect." G. John Ikenberry responds that Beijing already has more than enough inducement to sign up.
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