彩虹族 发表于 2011-12-14 11:49


【路透社111211】Coal's bridge to future might lie in the past
【原文标题】Coal's bridge to future might lie in the past
【来源地址】 http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/11/us-coal-future-idUSTRE7BA0VK20111211
【译    者】彩虹族


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2011-12-12 10:31 上传
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(Reuters) - As futuristic projects designed to capture carbon from coal-burning industries and store it underground have failed, the two largest consumers of the fuel, the United States and China, hope answers to limiting emissions blamed for global warming lie in the past.
Power-generators, coal miners and policy makers had put faith in projects to capture carbon dioxide from coal-fired plants and pump it directly underground into geologic formations for permanent storage. The great hope was that the technology would prevent much of the world's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from reaching the atmosphere.
(路透社)——随着拟定从煤炭消耗工业收集二氧化碳并将其存入地下的未来计划的落空,世界两大能源消耗国,美中两国,希望限排的答案归咎于过去全球气候变暖的谎言。电力生产者,煤炭主和政策制定者坚信从燃煤发电厂收集二氧化碳,再将二氧化碳直接排放到地底下的地执行成物中永久保存这一项目。最大的希望是科技能阻止世界上最大的温室气体排放源排放到大气层。But so-called carbon capture and storage projects have collapsed like a row of dominoes this year in West Virginia, Scotland and Germany. The stumbling blocks have been high costs for the technology and bleak prospects the world will put a high price on emitting greenhouse gases.
Fortunately for those seeking to cut emissions from coal, one industry has profited for nearly four decades from socking away carbon dioxide emissions. That industry, enhanced oil recovery, is hungry for more of the gas.
但是所谓的碳捕获和存储计划像多米诺骨牌一样在西弗吉尼亚,苏格兰和德国崩溃了。一直居高不下的科技成本障碍及暗淡前景,全球温室气体排放将会定在一个很高的价格。对那些在寻求已经盈利将近四十年的减少碳排放产业的人来说是幸运的。提高原油采收率这一产业急需更多的气体。Companies including Denbury Resources and Kinder Morgan have piped carbon dioxide from naturally occurring sources into aging oil fields to push out crude that traditional drilling is unable to reach.
As natural sources of carbon dioxide run dry, many of these companies are looking to industrial sources of the gas. Power utilities and other coal-burning companies may find it wiser to link up with this mature industry than to plunge ahead with their own versions of carbon capture and storage.
Originally, enhanced oil recovery specialists thought aging oil fields could store about 100 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide, or about 5 percent of what would be needed to reduce the threat of climate change.包括丹伯里原油和金德摩根在内的公司,从天然源到老化油领域,都已经安装了二氧化碳管道以推出那些传统钻井技术无法获得的原油。由于二氧化碳天然来源的枯竭,许多公司将目光转移到了天然气工业。电力事业和其他燃煤公司可能发现,链接这个成熟的产业更加明智,而不是投入到未来的碳捕获和储存形式。最初,提高石油采收专家认为老化油田可以存储大约一千亿吨二氧化碳,或储存百分之五可能需要减少对气候变暖的威胁。
But as researchers learn more about the storage potential of old oil zones, in both China and the United States, they say much more carbon could potentially be stored in these places.
"We've realized if EOR is going to be a bridge to steep carbon reductions ... that bridge is both wider and longer than originally realized," said Julio Friedmann, the technical program manager at the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center, formed in 2009 by U.S. President Barack Obama and China's President Hu Jintao.但是随着研究者更加了解老油层的存储潜力,在中国和美国,他们说这些地方还能存储更多的二氧化碳。
Experts say success with enhanced oil recovery could give new life to the entire field of carbon capture by enlarging the market for man-made carbon, helping to build out a pipeline network to move it to market, and helping the business become more efficient in shooting the gas underground.
"Without commercial transactions, no one knows the price," said Deborah Seligsohn, an energy expert based in Beijing with the research group the World Resources Institute. She said enhanced oil recovery "would cause the price discovery and all the other commercial relationships that would need to get developed."专家称,提高石油采收率的成功能为整个捕捉碳业新的生机,通过扩大人工碳市场,帮助构建管网使之推向市场,帮助企业更有效率低开采地下天然气。“如果没有商业交易,没人会知道价格”,德波拉,一位研究团队世界资源研究所的能源专家,总部在北京。她说提高石油采收率“会导致市场价格厘定和其他需要发展的商业关系”。
If the world does not widely deploy carbon capture and storage by the 2020s, the cost of limiting global temperatures would rise by $1.1 trillion, the International Energy Agency said last month in its annual outlook. This would put an "extraordinary burden" on other low-carbon technologies including wind and solar power, the IEA said.
Experts believe carbon dioxide used in enhanced oil recovery can be stored permanently underground because over time it is absorbed in brine and eventually mineralizes into a more stable form.
But there are risks, including pushing up water that contains heavy metals and other pollutants. Still, backers say the water can be re-injected underground.
An added benefit of enhanced oil recovery is the extra oil that could be produced in areas that have not traditionally been big petroleum centers such as Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in the United States and Inner Mongolia in China.如果到2020年左右,世界各国并没有广泛地推广采用捕捉碳和存储项目,那么限制全球气候变暖的成本将会增加1.1万亿,上个月全球能源机构在其年度展望上如是说,这将会把“额外的负担”安放到其他低碳科技,包括风能和太阳能。专家相信用于提高采收率的二氧化碳能永久存储在地底下,因为随着时间的推移,海水吸收了二氧化碳,最终使之矿化到更平稳的形态。但是也有抬高包含重金属和其他污染物的水的风险。支持者们仍表示,水能重新注入地底。提高采收率的附加好处是,那些以前没有大石油中心的地区也能生产额外的石油,例如美国的俄亥俄州、印第安纳州和伊利诺斯州,还有中国的内蒙古。
As China scours the world in search of new oil supplies, one hope is that the country's old oilfields in the Bohai Gulf, which also happen to be near chemical plants that burn large amounts of coal, could see a second life.
China currently pumps its old oilfields with water, which is scarce, or polymers, which can be expensive.
After an initial investment in pipelines and other infrastructure, using carbon dioxide to push out China's oil could be a viable option.
So far, the United States leads China in enhanced oil recovery partly because small U.S. technology companies have been more nimble than China's big oil companies.
"It's smaller guys that do this cutting edge, creative stuff, and China doesn't have independent oil companies," said WRI's Seligsohn.But China's Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang recently hosted an international conference on using emissions for coal plants, signaling the government is serious about moving into this industry.
And China boasts at least one advantage that even its huge state oil companies are finding hard to ignore: Its fleet of chemical plants that run on coal provide a far purer stream of carbon dioxide than coal-fired power plants do.
That type of discovery has made researchers more hopeful the United States and China can work together. "The more we've studied it, the better it works," said CERC's Friedmann. "The question is how to create a social legal regulatory framework to enable this technology."
尽管中国在满世界地新的石油供应,设想之一是这个国家渤海湾附近的老油田,和附近的燃烧大量煤炭的化学工厂,能迎来第二次生命。最近中国将稀缺的水或昂贵的聚合物注入老油田。在管道和其他基础设施的初始投资后,中国抽出石油中的二氧化碳不失为一个可行的方法。至今为止,在提高石油采收率方面美国领先中国,部分是因为美国的小型科技公司比中国的大型石油企业更加灵活。使用二氧化碳,以推动中国的石油管道和其他基础设施的初始投资后,可能是一种可行的选择。“是小公司在做这种尖端而富有创造性的工作,不过中国没有独立的石油公司”。世界资源研究所的 德波拉·S这样评价到。但是中国科技部部长万刚最近主持了一个关于使用燃煤电厂排放量的国际会议,这标志着中国政府严肃对待进入这个工业的计划。中国至少拥有一个优势,甚至其大型国有石油企业发现很难被忽视的优势:相比燃碳电力厂,大量燃碳化工厂提供了更清洁的二氧化碳。

冰镇自来水 发表于 2011-12-15 19:06


avava 发表于 2011-12-15 20:11


耒阳古子 发表于 2011-12-16 09:13


apefrank 发表于 2011-12-17 16:52

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