满仓 发表于 2011-12-15 09:22

【外交政策 11/12/12】展望2012

【原文标题】Next Year, in Review





















From the fall of Ahmadinejad, Assad, Castro, and Chavez to the rise of cyberattacks -- the top 13 stories that could dominate the headlines in 2012.

If you were asked to name the five top foreign-policy stories of 2011, it probably wouldn't take too long. You'd have to put the Arab Spring on top of the list. Next would come the Eurocrisis. Getting Osama bin Laden probably also rates. Then what? Fukushima? Turmoil in Pakistan? Year of the Drone?

There might be a little debate about how to order these or which not to include. And there could very well be a discussion about whether to include arguably bigger, slower-moving stories like climate change, advances in social networking, growing risks of securitization, financialization of commodities, failures to develop effective supranational governance mechanisms, and demographic shifts creating political pressures from Russia to Israel to China to Europe and beyond.   

But since the year has already flashed by like a fever dream, leaving us all in the need of a shower and some serious rehydration, making such lists is not all that difficult. The real feat is in picking the most important foreign-policy stories of 2012. That requires daring, creativity and a willingness to place one's trust in the idea that no one will go back and check on these predictions in a year.

And that's why they pay me those big blogger dollars -- to dust off the FP Ouija board and tell you what is waiting for you just around the turn of the year. So here they are: the most important foreign-policy stories of 2012.

Leadership change in power centers worldwide

Ok, I'll admit it, this one is too easy. We know that changes or key elections are coming in the United States, China, important countries in Europe, Mexico, Egypt and elsewhere. It happens every year. But given the precarious nature of the world, its propensity for volatility, and the pivotal nature of the countries involved, this will be a dominant story throughout the year.

First hints of real political unrest in China

Call it an intuition or reading the tea leaves associated with recent protests, outspoken criticism of government on issues from train wrecks to smog, more overt campaigns between factions in Chinese government, and the spread of social media (some less censored than others), but China's new leaders should expect to have a more fractious constituency and a tougher time maintaining central control of the world's emerging megapower.

Collapse of the Assad dynasty in Syria

Again, this doesn't take a psychic to suss out. Bashar al-Assad's days are numbered even if he doesn't know it yet. With the resilience of the opposition, growing pressure from his neighbors, and his own government's missteps, even the support of those great guys from Hezbollah won't be enough to keep Bashar from doing a Mubarak out the back door.

Power struggle in Pakistan

Predicting this is a little like predicting that the weather tomorrow will be the same as the weather today: 85 percent of the time you are right. But the recent rumors regarding the Zardari health emergency show just how skittish everyone is. As in Egypt, the military think of democracy as the political equivalent of offering a big fake smile for the cameras. The ISI don't even bother to smile (regardless of the reaction their initials may bring when strategically tattooed on the right actress). Whether these puppet masters push to have a shill take over the country (an ex-cricketer, for example) or simply go old school and march back into the government offices, it's a good bet that by the end of next year we have new leadership in Islamabad.

End of Ahmadinejad in Iran

If current tensions continue to grow between the little guy in the tan windbreaker and the country's backroom mullahs, it won't be the West that undoes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but the in-fighting at home. He'll try to keep his job by picking fights with the Americans, the Israelis, the Saudis, anyone in his eyeline. But with your own people and the rest of the world putting a price on your head, the future doesn't look bright.

Global recession with a surprise winner or two

The Eurozombies may avoid catastrophe but instead produce a macroeconomic remake of Night of the Living Dead. Recession in austerity-bound Europe will only be worsened by the sweeping downturn already taking place in the emerging world, and the result could be a deeper slump worldwide. But here's the twist: the United States will win, as it is a destination for those in the midst of one of the most confusing, frustrating flights to quality in recent history. Japan too. They won't do very well at all, but in the global ugly contest they may take home least-ugly honors.

Major bank failures trigger minimal regulatory reform

"Night of the Living Dead" in the Eurozone is likely to trigger "Nightmare on Wall Street" with big, undercapitalized Eurobanks still in precarious shape even after the European Union cobbles together an aid package. Policymakers will have a hard time sleeping all year, fearing a market spike will send one bank tumbling into another (a big German or French or Spanish bank collapsing into, say, Bank of America), and the result will be ... wait for it ... more bailouts, no haircuts for the banks, no regulation, and further proof that in the global financial casino, the house banks always win.

Spreading extremism in Africa causes United States to act

This year we saw drone bases and troops move quietly into Africa. U.S. and Western security pros are worried about the sub-Sahel and extremists throughout the region, especially in resource repositories like Nigeria. More attention will go to the region's al-Qaeda and similar franchises and, by the end of the year, this will be seen as the security threat that has climbed the most on global watch lists.

Paradigm shift in Middle East

As if the Arab Spring were not enough, the shifts continue through 2012. China and India become ever more important consumers of oil and the United States ever less important. China is increasingly recognized as key to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and related issues, even if it pretends like it doesn't want to be involved. Thus the non-priorities of the non-aligned become the non-order of the day.The United States continues its withdrawal and shifts its attention both homeward and to Asia, while moving more initiatives toward sluggish multilateralism or stealthy but targeted white-collar interventionism. Israel continues to undermine itself with its settlement policies and is weakened by irreversible demographic trends. Turkey rises and the regional balance of power shifts, as the Turkish-Egyptian "moderate" axis starts to displace the Saudi/Gulf center of gravity. The nuclear arms race in the region grows closer while instability in Pakistan grows more threatening.And, most of all, the rise and spread of Islamist democracy becomes the curveball no one expected, creating governments that are hard for the United States to get along with and harder for them to condemn, plus a big threat to the Saudis (who can't claim their way is the only way to protect Islam) and the Israelis (who won't be able to claim special status as the only democracy in the region). Big changes. And policymakers are likely to have a tough time keeping up, which will cause new problems.

Strengthening of the Eurozone

2011 was the year the Eurozone discovered it couldn't live without itself. 2012 will be the year the long, slow, frustrating process of building new, stronger fiscal and monetary institutions begins to gain traction. It will happen in fits and starts, and headlines that "the end is near" will continue. But if the Eurozone could make it through the year of its 12-year itch, then its motto for the year ahead will be "that which does not kill us makes us stronger."

End of Chavez and Castro

Of course, that which does kill us makes us dead. And Chavez and Castro are good candidates to depart this world in the year ahead. Even if they don't, their policies will see a major decline as they are viewed as anachronistic and ineffective (and oppositions in both countries will make their biggest gains in recent memory in 2012).

Cybershocker hits a leading economy

Stuxnet was only prelude. The sequel is coming soon to a power grid or transportation system or financial market near you. The result will change the way countries interact and trigger a massive boom in cyber security measures.

Putin's return to power tougher than predicted

It couldn't happen to a nicer bare-chested man's man. But Vladimir Putin may turn out to be only a pale imitation of his Stalinist models with the country's growing opposition showing a few judo moves even the master himself has trouble with. He'll probably ride it out, but expect unease and crackdowns to result.

There's an unlucky 13 for you. But perhaps you have some of your own. Just get them in fast. It'll give them more time to be appreciated and then forgotten as the real events of the year ahead unfold.

xiaoniuren 发表于 2011-12-15 11:37


米兰城的猫 发表于 2011-12-15 13:27


小石屋 发表于 2011-12-15 14:45


zhiyi 发表于 2011-12-15 16:30


連長 发表于 2011-12-15 19:05

本帖最后由 連長 于 2011-12-15 19:09 编辑


冰镇自来水 发表于 2011-12-15 19:05


义和新团 发表于 2011-12-16 08:46


懒兔早起 发表于 2011-12-16 09:28


kingone 发表于 2011-12-16 11:03



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