beanteddy 发表于 2011-12-18 00:18

'Batman' star punched, stopped from visiting blind Chinese activist 蝙蝠侠遭推搡 贝尔访中盲

DONGSHIGU VILLAGE, China (CNN) -- As Christian Bale approached an impromptu checkpoint leading to this tiny village in eastern China, four men blocking the narrow path started marching toward him in menacing unison.当克莉丝汀。贝尔走近这个中国东部小村庄的临检站时,4名男子堵住了这条狭窄的小径,并齐声威胁着向他走来。
"I am here to see Chen Guangcheng," the Hollywood actor said and I translated, with correspondent Stan Grant and cameraman Brad Olson next to us.“我来这里是来见陈光诚的”,这位好莱坞明星说道,我为他做了翻译,边上是通讯记者Stan Grant和摄影师Brad Olson。
"Go away!" the plainclothes guards barked, pushing us back.“走开!”一名穿便衣的保安一边冲我们喊,一边把我们向后推。
Amid the scuffling and yelling, dozens more guards in olive-green, military-style overcoats -- and two gray minivans -- emerged from the other side of the checkpoint, all coming toward us.在叫喊声和肢体摩擦中,几十个身着橄榄绿色军大衣的保安以及两辆灰色的小型货车,出现在临检站的另一边,冲我们而来。
"Why can I not visit this free man?" Bale asked repeatedly, only to receive punches from guards aiming for his small camera as they tried to drag him away from the rest of us.“为什么我不能探访这个已获得自由的人?”贝尔重复地问着这个问题,而保安给出的回答是朝他小型相机挥拳头并试图把他从我们中间拽走。
As we retreated, I recognized the ringleader -- the same burly man who had hurled rocks at the CNN team 10 months earlier to force us out of the same location.当我们撤退时,我认出了领头者——那个魁梧的男人曾在十个月前为了把CNN团队驱逐出同一块地方而向我们投掷石块。
A precarious scene ensued Thursday as one of the gray minivans chased our car at high speed on bumpy country roads for some 40 minutes.周四又一危险的事件接踵而至,那两辆灰色小型货车之一在颠簸的乡间小路上高速追赶我们的车,整整40分钟。
When the dust settled, we counted a broken car, a damaged camera -- and a "Batman" star disappointed at -- but not shocked by -- his failure to see a personal hero.当事情尘埃落定后,我们眼前只有一辆破损的车,一架毁坏了的相机,而我们的“蝙蝠侠”对未能得见自己心目中的英雄感到失望,虽然并没有显得震惊。
"What I really wanted to do was to meet the man, shake his hand and say what an inspiration he is," Bale said.贝尔说到:“我内心想做的事情只是见到他,和他握手,并告诉他他的行为多么鼓舞人心”。
The man, 40-year-old Chen Guangcheng, has been confined to his home along with his wife, mother and daughter, and watched around the clock by dozens of guards since he was released from prison in September 2010. A local court had sentenced him to more than four years in prison for damaging property and disrupting traffic in a protest.陈光诚,这个40岁的男人在2010年9月从监狱释放后,与他的妻子、母亲、女儿一起被监禁在家,由几十个保安日以继夜监视。他被当地法院以在抗议行动中破坏财产、扰乱交通的罪名,判决入狱四年以上。
Blind China activist recovers amid call for his release 中国盲人运动家在呼吁释放他的声音中胜诉
His supporters maintain authorities used trumped-up charges to silence Chen, a blind, self-taught lawyer who rose to fame in the late 1990s thanks to his legal advocacy for what he called victims of abusive practices by China's family-planning officials.他的支持者主张说当局者的指控实属捏造,目的在使陈光诚噤声。陈,一个自学成才的盲人律师,于90年代后期为那些中国计划生育官员暴行的受害者提供法律支持并因而声名鹊起。
Bale first learned about Chen through news reports, including our coverage in February, when he was in China filming "The Flowers of War," a wartime drama set in 1930s Nanjing in which he plays a mortician trying to save a group of schoolgirls from the clutches invading Japanese soldiers.贝尔首次得知陈的消息是通过新闻报道,包括我们2月做的报道,当时他正在中国拍摄电影《金陵十三钗》,这部影片描述了20世纪30年代战火中的南京,贝尔扮演的角色是一个殡仪业者,他在紧急关头竭尽全力从日本侵略士兵手中救出一群女学生。
Blind lawyer makes Chinese officials jittery盲人律师叫中国官员心神不宁
The injustice faced by the activist and his family stirred such strong emotions in Bale that, upon hearing his impending return to China to promote the movie, he decided to do something unusual to raise the international awareness of Chen and thereby to turn up the heat on the Chinese government.陈和他家人遭遇的不公正深深震动了贝尔,当他听说他即将回到中国宣传电影,他就决定做一些不同寻常的事来提升国际上对于陈的关注,从而加大中国政府的压力。
"This doesn't come naturally to me, this is not what I actually enjoy -- it isn't about me," he explained during our eight-hour drive from Beijing to the eastern city of Linyi, where Chen's village is located. "But this was just a situation that said I can't look the other way."“这对我而言很不容易,我并不乐在其中,这么做也不是为了自己,”在我们驶离北京前往东部城市临沂(陈所在的村庄座落于那里)的8小时车程中,他解释道:“只是这种情形叫我没办法视若不见。”
Known to be a media-shy celebrity, Bale reached out to CNN and invited us to join him on his journey to visit Chen.贝尔是一个在媒体镜头前很低调的名人,这次却主动接触CNN并邀请我们与他同行去探访陈。
In the car, he lamented the American public's lack of knowledge on Chen's case, despite senior U.S. officials' increasingly vocal support for his freedom. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Gary Locke, the American ambassador to China, have both championed Chen's cause.尽管美国高级官员日益对陈的自由给予声援,在车中,贝尔仍然对美国大众对陈光诚事件知之甚少而感到遗憾。而美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿和美国驻中国大使加里洛克都已表示支持陈。
Bale appeared a little surprised to learn a studio that produced his Oscar-winning hit recently filmed in Linyi and was accused by activists of cozying up to the same officials who ordered Chen's detention and torture.当得知出品他奥斯卡获奖作品的制片厂正在临沂拍摄电影,并被运动人士指责巴结官员,(那些正是拘禁和歪曲陈的人),贝尔感到有些惊讶。
Although China's state media has largely ignored the story, Chen's plight has spread online and outraged a growing number of Chinese "netizens." Many have tried to visit Chen, and activists say nearly all would-be visitors have been turned back, often violently, by plainclothes police and local thugs.虽然中国的政府媒体很大程度上无视了此次事件,陈光诚的困境已在网上传播开,并激起了越来越多的中国“网络公民“的愤怒。许多人试图探访陈,但一些运动人士称那些欲要前来的探访者都被便衣警察和当地的暴徒(多以暴力手段)阻挠。
"I'm not brave doing this," Bale emphasized. "The local people who are standing up to the authorities, who are visiting Chen and his family and getting beaten or detained, I want to support them."“我这么做算不上是勇敢,”贝尔强调说“那些站出来反对当局者、来探访陈和他家人的以及被使用暴力、被拘留的当地人,我希望支持他们”
As our car sped toward Beijing in the dark, Bale wondered aloud if he would never be allowed back -- a prospect he is prepared to accept -- even as "The Flowers of War" became China's official entry into next year's Academy Awards.夜色中,我们的车向北京疾驶而去,贝尔道出了他内心的疑惑:他是否会永远不被允许入境——他已经准备好接受这样的前景——甚至是《金陵十三钗》已被中国官方送选角逐明年的奥斯卡奖。
"Really, what else can I do to help Chen?" he kept asking as the clock struck midnight, with his latest movie -- partially funded by the state -- about to open nationwide in China. “真的,我还能做些什么来帮助陈?”午夜的钟声响起,他一直在问这个问题,而他最新的电影——部分由中国出资拍摄——正在中国各地热映。 该贴已经同步到 beanteddy的微博

武大郎 发表于 2011-12-18 15:21


凤还巢 发表于 2011-12-18 18:07


vtpnh 发表于 2011-12-19 12:26


血气方刚的男子 发表于 2011-12-19 22:03


路过不留下 发表于 2011-12-20 16:27

为什么老是把人家符号化呢,人家bale除了是“蝙蝠侠” 也是“美国精神病患者”啊

jack_j11 发表于 2011-12-20 18:01

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