武大郎 发表于 2011-12-18 15:02


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【原文标题】Leaders in Beijing Pledge to Ramp Up Spending



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Associated PressChinese leaders are pledging to seek stable and more balanced growth while fighting inflation, ending a top-level economic planning session without major shifts in policy. Above, a vegetable vender arranges her merchandise at a street stall in Shanghai Wednesday.美联社中国的领导人承诺在对抗通货膨胀的同时寻求更加稳定平衡的发展方式,并在高层经济计划会议上对经济政策作出了重大转变。上图为周三的上海,一位蔬菜商在街边小摊上收拾自己的摊位。BEIJING—Chinese leaders pledged to step up spending to maintain growth and social stability amid rising global risks.The statement on Wednesday comes as Chinese authorities have shifted their focus away from controlling inflation—their top priority over the past year—and toward insulating China from Europe's economic troubles, which have already hurt Chinese export growth.北京——在全球不景气的大环境下,中国的领导者承诺要加大投资,保持经济增长并维护社会稳定性。周三,中国领导者宣布将他们的工作重心从过去的控制通货膨胀转移到减少欧洲经济危机对中国的影响方面,因为欧洲经济危机已经影响到了中国对外出口量的增长。China will focus on expanding domestic demand to counter a slowing global economy, the government said in a statement released after a meeting of the central economic work conference, an annual gathering of top policy makers and political leaders during which economic policy is planned for the coming year.在刚结束的中央经济工作会议上,中国政府宣布要着力扩大内需,促进经济平稳较快发展。该会议每年举行一次,在会议上,高层政策决策者和政治领导者将会聚集在一起讨论下一年的经济政策。"This memo is definitely more pro-growth than the one issued a year ago," Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Lu Ting said in a note to clients."We believe that compared with 2011, fiscal policy in 2012 will be more proactive and monetary policy will be eased on the margin," he wrote.在给客户的一封短信中,美国美林银行经济学家陆挺提到,“今年中国的经济政策无疑要比去年的更能推动经济增长”。他还写道,“我认为,与2011年相比,中国在2012年的财政政策将更加积极主动,货币政策则会更加宽松”。China's leaders said in the statement that global economic risks "have clearly risen.""Over the past year, world economic growth has slowed, growth of international trade has moderated, there has been severe international financial volatility," the statement said.在政府声明中,中国领导人说道,全球经济风险“有了很明显的上升”。声明中还提到,“在过去的一年中,世界经济和国际贸易增长都在放缓,并出现了严重的国际金融动荡”。The global economic environment will remain "extremely severe and complicated" next year, and in response, Chinese policy makers will boost domestic demand and social spending that will increase the "inclusiveness" of economic development, the statement said."The focus on expanding domestic demand should be more on protecting and improving people's livelihoods," it said.在下一年中,全球经济环境仍会“十分严峻与复杂”,因此,中国的政策制定者们将会扩大内需,加大社会投入,增加经济发展的包容性。“扩大内需的重点应集中在保障和改善民生”。China will keep credit growth at reasonable levels and ensure sufficient funding for railway development, it said. China's railway build out has been tripped up by a deadly high-speed train accident in July and allegations of corruption within the Railway Ministry, drying up funding for some projects.中国将把信贷增长保持在合理的水平上并为铁路发展提供足够的资金。中国在今年七月发生了严重的高铁事故,并引出了铁道部内挪用项目资金的腐败事件,严重影响了铁路事业的发展。Also Wednesday, the People's Bank of China released data showing that lending fell slightly in November compared with October but remained elevated. Chinese financial institutions issued 562.2 billion yuan ($88.24 billion) of new yuan loans in November, the central bank said, down from 586.8 billion yuan in October but above economists' median forecast of 555 billion yuan.同样是在周三,中国人民银行发布最新数据,数据表明12月份的贷款量较11月份相比有所下降但仍维持在较高水平上。中国的金融机构12月份共发放5622亿元(882.4亿美元)贷款,比起11月份的5868亿贷款有所下降,但仍高于经济学家的预估中值5550亿元。Lending in both October and November was higher than the monthly average in the third quarter, which saw new yuan loans average around 500 billion yuan a month. This shows authorities have been encouraging lending as credit growth typically falls toward the end of the year, analysts said.同今年第三季度平均每月新增人民币贷款5000亿相比,11月份和12月份的新增贷款无疑要更多。有关分析指出,这种增长反映出由于今年年底信贷增长的下滑,政府开始鼓励借贷的措施。UBS economist Wang Tao said she expects full-year bank lending to be around 7.4 trillion yuan, in line with a 7 trillion yuan to 7.5 trillion yuan unofficial target that analysts believe the central bank has set. For next year, the new yuan loans will be around 8 trillion yuan, Ms. Wang added.瑞士联合银行(瑞银UBS)经济学家王涛说,她预期的全年银行借贷量在7.4万亿元左右,这与央行设定的7万到7.5万亿元的非官方借贷目标相一致.她还补充道,明年的新增人民币贷款将在8万亿元左右。China next year will also push forward with structural tax cuts, reform of business-income taxes and value-added taxes, and experimental property-tax reforms, the statement from Chinese leaders said, without elaborating.The statement repeated language on the yuan that has been used for years, saying it will keep the exchange rate basically stable while continuing exchange-rate reform.The country will also deepen market-oriented interest-rate reform, it said, without giving a specific timeline for the long-awaited liberalization of interest rates.政府声明中提到,中国在明年将推动结构性减税,进行企业所得税和增值税改革并试行财产税制改革,但并未给出具体内容。并且,声明中再次强调了多年来一贯的人民币政策,表示在继续推动汇率改革的同时保持人民币汇率基本不变。另外,声明中还提到,中国将会深化以市场为导向的利率改革,但不会对期待已久的利率自由化给出具体的时间表。

vtpnh 发表于 2011-12-19 19:57


vtpnh 发表于 2011-12-20 16:06

:'(:'( 中国的问题就是内需问题

xusun 发表于 2011-12-20 21:35

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查看完整版本: 【华尔街日报20121215】中国领导者承诺扩大内需