codewei 发表于 2011-12-19 10:08


美国每年生产数十亿美元的鸡肉,尤其是培养支撑起鸡肉的个大、丰满、多汁,有嚼劲的鸡脚。而且多年来,这些鸡脚作为多余的部分都是被考虑放入到宠物食品中。U.S., China embroiled in trade spat over chicken feet
The United States produces billions of broiler chickens each year, specially bred to be big and juicy, with plump, sturdy feet to hold them up. And for years, all those feet were considered excess parts that were mostly ground into pet food.
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查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报报111219】中美为鸡爪贸易吵架,宠物食品?