武大郎 发表于 2011-12-21 22:50


本帖最后由 武大郎 于 2011-12-21 23:12 编辑


【原文标题】China offers its condolences to North Korea



【译      者】武大郎


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【译    文】
China's President Hu Jintao visited the North Korean embassy in Beijing today   to offer his condolences on the death of Kim Jong-il, the official Xinhua news agency said.据新华社报道,今天国家主席胡锦涛赴朝鲜驻华大使馆吊唁金正日逝世。

Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to sign a deal to double the capacity of China’s oil pipeline from Kazakhstan中国主席胡锦涛有望签署一项协议,协议将使得中国和哈萨克斯坦间石油管道的运油量翻倍。

China is North Korea's closest ally, and just hours after the announcement of   Kim's death on Monday, Beijing threw its backing behind his third son   Jong-Un, urging North Koreans to "unite as one and turn their sorrow into   strength".中国是朝鲜的坚实盟友,金正日的死讯刚传来数小时,北京方面就对金正日的第三个儿子金正恩表示了支持,鼓励朝鲜“紧密团结,化悲痛为力量”。The Chinese government, fearful of instability on its border, also pledged to   work with the isolated, nuclear-armed state to ensure the "peace and   stability of the Korean Peninsula and the region".因为担心东北边境的稳定遭到破坏,中国政府承诺要与这个倍受孤立并拥有核武器的国家共同努力,维护“朝鲜半岛和本地区的和平与稳定”。"We believe that under the leadership of the Korean Workers Party and comrade   Kim Jong-un, the DPRK people will unite as one and turn their sorrow into   strength," said Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, using communist North Korea's   formal name.外交部长杨洁篪说,“我们相信在朝鲜劳动党和金正恩同志领导下,朝鲜人民一定会团结一心,化悲痛为力量”,值得一提的是他使用的是朝鲜的正式名称:朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。Analysts say China is likely to strengthen support for its impoverished   neighbour as it seeks to avoid a potentially destabilizingpower struggle in   the Stalinist regime.有分析说,中国很可能会加大对朝鲜的支持,以防止这个斯大林主义政权内部潜在的权利斗争破坏朝鲜的稳定。Little is known about Kim's successor, but there are fears he has not had   enough time to cement control over the country's government and military.对于金正日的这位接班人,外界知之甚少,但外界一直很担心他没有足够的时间来巩固其在国内的党政军大权。      Kim Jong-un, who is in his late 20s, was given senior ruling party posts and   made a four-star general in September 2010, despite his lack of any military   experience.快要三十岁的金正恩在2010年九月被提升为中央军事委员会副委员长,并在没有任何从军经历的情况下被授予四星上将的称号。Kim Jong-il was a regular visitor to China and his death was splashed across   the front pages of China's state-run newspapers on Tuesday. It was also the   most popular topic on the weibos - the Chinese version of Twitter.金正日是中国的常客,而他的死讯也占据了中国各大官方报纸的头条,同时也是微博上最热的话题。"Beijing and Pyongyang have enjoyed a long tradition of friendship, forged by   generations of leaders," said an editorial in the China Daily."It is hoped our neighbour will continue its endeavour to build an   economically stronger DPRK under a new leadership."The China Daily newspaper carried a photo of a smiling Kim under a headline   reading "A friend's departure".中国日报的一篇社论写道,“中朝两国历代领导者们缔造和培育的传统友谊源远流长”。“我们坚信,朝鲜将在新一代领导人的带领下,为建设一个更加富强的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国继续奋斗”。中国日报将一幅微笑着的金正日的照片放到了大标题“一位老朋友的离去”的下面。Streets outside the North Korean embassy were blocked to cars and bicycles on   Tuesday morning as Hu visited.The only pedestrians allowed inside the cordoned area were North Koreans   clutching bunches of white chrysanthemums - the traditional flower for   mourning - wrapped in clear plastic.在周二,胡锦涛访问朝鲜大使馆期间,使馆门前的街道被封锁,禁止所有车辆行人通行。被允许进入封锁区域的,只有那些手持白色菊花的朝鲜人,这种花是朝鲜人表示哀悼的传统花卉。Police told an AFP reporter at the scene that the embassy would remain off   limits to non-North Koreans for at least one day."You can't have a visa today," a policeman told AFP. "Their leader has died."现场的警察告诉法新社记者说,至少一天之内,非朝鲜的人不能进入大使馆。“你们今天不能办签证,因为他们的领袖去世了”,一位警察如是告诉记者。The Golden Garden Flower Shop across the street from the embassy - one of the   few florists in the area - was doing a roaring trade as dozens of North   Koreans flocked to the store to buy bunches of fresh flowers and wreaths.作为这个地区位数不多的花店,朝鲜大使馆对面的金园鲜花店今天格外忙碌,因为许多朝鲜人涌进这家店购买鲜花和花圈。The floor was covered with debris and piles of flowers were stacked on tables   in the cramped store as three people worked non-stop to make flower   arrangements for the mourners.Sombre-looking North Koreans waiting to buy flowers refused to speak to AFP.A florist said that business had been "very good" since Kim's death."Can't you see? It's busy," the woman told AFP as she frantically cut flower   stems. 狭窄的店内,地板上布满碎屑,桌上放满鲜花,三个人马不停蹄的在为送葬者插花。那些排队买花的朝鲜人表情沉郁,根本不搭理记者的采访。一位花匠告诉记者说,自从金正日去世后,店里生意一直很“不错”。一位妇女一边疯狂的切着花茎一边对记者说道,“没看见我们这么忙吗?”。

武大郎 发表于 2011-12-21 22:59


武大郎 发表于 2011-12-21 23:14


神鹰梦泽 发表于 2011-12-22 01:13

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武大郎 发表于 2011-12-22 15:14

神鹰梦泽 发表于 2011-12-22 01:13 static/image/common/back.gif

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